Old School Week Sleeping in Marmalade Toast

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha was tired, he had certainly never been a morning person, but even after years of teaching and early mornings he still wasn’t sold on the idea. He couldn’t always manage to get up in time and honestly, coffee only did so much. But the professor had been awoken too early in the morning, and was sat in the kitchens of the school with a large cup of coffee in hand and a glazed over look in his eyes as he attempted to stay awake. The elves had put a plate of toast in front of him, but he put the coffee down, lightly grasping it in one hand with his head in the crook of his arm on the table. He was asleep in moments.
Heath James was always up early, as it was apart of the job, and he did not want to get fired anytime soon. He walked into the Kitchens with the intentions of getting breakfast, but he saw Professor Haden fast asleep with his head laying on top of a piece of toast. He simply walked over and shook the man. "I wish I had a camera." he muttered to himself.
The professor snored softly, unaware of where his face was laying in. He shifted slightly when someone shook him, but he didn't wake up.
Heath was getting agitated now. Misha was not getting up. Heath loudly slammed his hand onto the table and yelled, "MISHA, IF YOUR DUMB *SS DOESN'T WAKE THE F*CK UP!"
Misha startled awake, causing most of the coffee to fall out of cup he'd been lightly grasping, "Sh1t," the man said as he realised he'd been asleep. He noticed the man, Heath or something, "Sorry, did you say something?" Misha hadn't noticed the stickiness of the marmalade on his face.
Heath nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "I told you to wake the f*ck up so you don't embarrass yourself."
Misha nodded a little sleepily but he mostly just started laugh, there was coffee all over the place, and his toast looked weird, "I think that ship has sailed Heath," the charms professor said, "But thanks for waking me,"
A house elf came up to Heath with a wet rag and he took the rag and offered it to Misha. Heath simply shrugged and sat across from the man. He asked one of the house elf's to make him eggs and whatever else they wanted to make. They were there to please so he was expecting them to give him a lot.
Misha looked at the house elf and then looked at Heath holding it, "Why are you holding that?" the man said, he took his wand and used it to clean up the spilled coffee, "See, clean?"
Heath rolled his eyes. "It is for your face. I'm sorry that I'm not a Charms professor." he said in an annoyed tone. The man simply dropped the rag in front to Misha, since he didn't seem to want to take it. A house elf brought over a large plate full of food and two forks. It set it in the middle of the table and placed a fork in front to each of them. Heath took a fork and stabbed a sausage.
"What?" the professor said with surprise, he reached up with his hand to his face and when he pulled it away he couldn't help but laugh hard, it explained a lot, "You could've said something," he took the cloth and began to wipe his face, "Is it all gone now?"
"It's not my fault that you cannot feel when there is something on your face, now eat before I eat it all." he told the professor sternly as he stuffed his face with eggs.
Misha shook his head at the man, "I'm tired," he said as an excuse as he put down the cloth, touch his face for any residual marmalade. He rolled his eyes a bit at the other man but did pick up the fork and take a little of the egg. "You didn't take a picture did you?"
Heath shook his head. "If you would have drank your coffee faster, you wouldn't have made a fool of yourself." he said and yawned a little bit. He shook his head again, sadly this time. "Digital cameras don't work here, and I don't own one of those ugly old school ones." he said. He took a bite of a sausage next.
"Speaking of actually" Misha said as he got an elf to bring him another, as he took small bites of the food heath had had the elves bring, "Magical life saves me again! Can you maybe not tell anyone?" he then asked, knowing it was a rather tall order to ask of someone.
Heath shrugged at Misha's question. He did not really benefit from telling anyone about this. Styx possibly would have been happy, but there was nothing that could make him talk to that man again.

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