Open Sweet Blossom

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
(Yellow for Alice Holland, open after Daph)

Ainsley's final delivery of the day was to a fellow rose deliverer, and she had no idea where she was going to find the girl. Ainsley knew Alice from the Wild Patch, so she at least knew who she was looking for, but knowing where the girl would be was another matter. She had resorted to just wandering the school and hoping to bump into Alice. After looking around for a while, Ainsley spotted the other girl's unmistakable flower crown just down the hall. ”Alice!” Ainsley called out happily. “I have a delivery for you!”
Alice was delighted to deliver roses, and she just loved the general atmosphere on this day. No one could hate such a wonderful day full of flowers, and she saw a lot of smiles and happy people which seemed to confirm that. This was definitely the best event at Hogwarts, as far as she was concerned. Alice turned her head when she heard her name be called, and grinned brightly as she spotted the Queen of Flowers approaching. "Hi Ainsley!" She said happily. "Oh! Really?"
Ainsley nodded, smiling cheerfully. "Really really!" She said happily, selecting the correct rose from her basket. "Happy Valentines day!" She said with a bright smile as she handed it over.

To Alice,

Thanks for being a friend and for all your help! :)

"Yay!" Alice said happily as she took the rose from Ainsley. "Thank you!" She said as she unfolded the note. She beamed at the message, it was very sweet! Elliot was a nice kid, and a good friend. "Do you have many left to deliver?" She asked Ainsley.
Ainsley smiled as she watched Alice receive her rose, glad to have given the girl a nice message. She was getting ready to head off when Alice asked her a question and she paused, shaking her head. "This was my last one, actually." Ainsley said, then her smile fell a little as she realised what that meant. "My last one ever, technically. Wow." Ainsley couldn't help her heart sinking a little at the thought. Graduation had crept up onto the horizon, and it was starting to strike her that every school event she attended this year was her last ever.
Alice felt a little bad when she made Ainsley remember this was her last one, and she sighed softly. "Oh. I'm sorry." She said after a little while. "I didn't mean to make you think sad things... it must be strange to graduate soon." She hesitated. "But a little exciting too, right?" She asked carefully. She knew Rose was also nervous about graduation, and for Ainsley it was even closer.
As much as thinking of graduation pained her, Ainsley put on a quick smile, not wanting to upset Alice. She knew if she kept thinking about leaving school she would start to cry, and she didn't want to put that on the younger girl. "It's alright." She smiled, though even Ainsley could hear a bit of strain in her voice. "It's... hard to think about." Ainsley broadened her smile, and took another step back. "I should get going, I have to get ready for the dance. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Ainsley knew she was doing a horrible job of concealing the upset in her voice, but there was nothing she could do about that now.

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