Open The Badge of Responsibility

Abigail Payne

7th year | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (02/2044)
Getting the prefect badge during the break was definitely not on Abigail's bingo card. While she was honoured to have the badge, she was also highly confused as to why she had received it. Her parents were proud of her for sure. Abigail was in the student lounge, sitting in one of the comfy couches that were by the window. Abigail held onto the badge, the light sweeping through the window glinting the badge a little as she was staring at it in confusion. She had so many questions in her head, and she was sure that the girls in her dorm had been better picks than her.
Rosie had been getting settled back into the semester, just doing her best to not let things get too out of control. she was a fifth year, doing OWLs and generally not a very studious person. Rosie knew that she was going to need to balance everything well. She had opted to do all the classes, so that plus her accio duties and her wild patch duties, Rosie was just busy. But the weather was bad and so she had grabbed her book on yearbook production - the how to and how to nots and was heading to the student lounge. Aurora was off doing something and she was content to go to this. As she stepped into the student lounge, Rosie immediately spotted her best friend and immediately plans to read were thrown out. Instead she approached her excitedly. "Hey Abby!" she greeted and then spotted the badge in her hands. "Oh! Congratulations! I was wondering who else had gotten it,"
Abby waved happily when Rosie greeted her. "Hey Rosie," Abby says with a smile and wave. She then looked down at the badge as it was mentioned. "Thank you!" Abby says appreciatively. "I'm a bit shocked if I'm honest. I thought maybe you or one of the others would've gotten it for sure" Abby says with a smile. While she was proud that she made such an achievement by getting the badge, she was still in confusion as to why she had received one.
Rosie sat down in front of her and smiled at her. "No, you deserved it, clearly," she said sincerely, with not one shadow of a doubt in her tone that Abby didn't deserve what she had gotten. "Who are you patrolling with?" she knew who her sister was patrolling with but obviously didn't know who anyone else was patrolling with. Rosie was just keen to catch up with her friend, knowing it was way more interesting to catch up than to do any reading.
Abby smiled brightly at her friend's reassurance. "Thank you. I appreciate it" Abby says with a nod. Even though she was confused as to why she had received the badge, the reassurance of her what her friend said calmed her down a little bit. "Oh! I'm patrolling with Kiara" Abby says with a smile. Abby was honestly glad that she was paired with a friend and someone she knew, She wasn't sure what she was going to do if she was paired with someone she particularly didn't know. "I noticed Aurora is the other prefect chosen. She deserves it for sure"
Rosie was glad that Abby seemed reassured by her. She didn't want her to think that the badge was not something she had absolutely deserved to get. "Ooooh Kiara, that'll be fun," Rosie said. She liked Kiara a lot, they were good friends and now leading a club too. "Oh yeah, she's got the grades and the quidditch," Rosie agreed fondly, she was proud of Aurora, and knew it was well deserved for her sister. In the same way it was for Abby. "Have you taken any points yet?"
Abby nodded happily in agreement. "Oh it will definitely be fun for sure" Abby says happily. She was glad that she had been paired with someone she knew, especially a friend. Otherwise, Abby would be socially awkward and would've nothing to say to her patrol partner. But she guessed that may change next year, which Abby didn't mind. "The prefect badge is well deserved for her. She deserves it for sure" Abby said with a smile. She didn't know Aurora as much as she knew Rosie, but she was happy for the girl nevertheless. Abby shook her head at Rosie's question. "Nope. I don't think I'd have the guts to do that, to be honest" Abby says with a chuckle. "I wonder if it would have to be something super serious if we had to take points away though"
Rosie gave a smile, she was pleased for her friends, and her sister who had all gotten this. She giggled a little at the statement, knowing that if she was in that position she would also lack the guts to take points. "well, maybe it's general rule breaking, like the forest, or curfew..," she said, though she wasn't sure what the rules were for prefects and the forest, if it was more important to just tell a professor or if they could go in and get people who'd got into the forest. "You can only take them from Gryfindors right?"
Abby nodded a little. "Yeah I guess so, that makes sense," Abby says with a nod and smile. Even though if a student were breaking those sorts of rules, Abby wasn't sure if she would have the guts to do it. She would feel super bad if she did that, even if she knew it was what she was supposed to do. Abby nodded. "Yeah. I think the head people can take points from different houses though" Abby explained with a small shrug. "I patrols seem like they take forever," Abby says with a chuckle. She was glad that she was doing it with a friend. But she knew it was going to be a commitment for staying up a little when doing patroling.
Rosie wasn't sure she could take points but she was sure that her sister would likely manage it and even if Abby was unsure, then maybe someone else could. Rosie hadn't considered that the head people would be able to do more than one house given the nature of their position. "How much do you have to patrol?" Rosie asked, knowing that this was a question her sister could answer but she was talking to Abby and was curious about it too. She knew this would be as good a place as any.
"Not too long, though it feels like it takes forever. Maybe a couple of hours, depending on when you start patrolling. You swap with the other prefects halfway through so you don't get too tired and you can still manage to get some sleep" Abby says, as she tried to explain. Though she did miss her sleep for sure.

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