Top 🔝 17s

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
We all have our favourites, though - which is why it's HNZ birthday tradition to compile a list (or lists!) of your favourite moments, RPs, characters, ships, emoticons, games... go wild!! You can make as many or few lists as you like on any subjects at all. As we're celebrating HNZ's 17th birthday, we're asking you to come up with your favourite 17 things from each of your chosen categories.

No matter how old HNZ gets, I always wish I could pick more :cry: but without further ado, here are my top 16s lists this year, in no particular order!!

  1. Forever Ouchie, the fun I had with the plots at school and the mess they would get into
  2. Onyx Derouin (and also then Onie)
  3. The 4th year hufflepuff boys, i dunno they're a good bunch, I love the RPs with them currently and watching them change and grow.
  4. Archie Renner
  5. The election cycle this year is a lot of fun, but has made me really excited to RP Yevheniy again when he gets out of azkaban soon.
  6. Nicole and Ajax they're just real sweet
  7. Chloe Thompson
  8. The Archer twins - its sometimes a lot of work to RP them both but I really enjoy it
  9. Eric and Minnie - we built this so much, it's so fun to read those RPs back
  10. Analei Lou
  11. Joshua Lynch - he's a newer character but I really like reading his RPs I'm so keen to see where he goes (tbh Maria, all of your characters are super fun to read, i thoroughly enjoy RPing with them/you)
  12. Any of the spin the bottle kissing games, those are so fun
  13. Vader Hume
  14. Charlie Helkovaara
  15. Professor Cyndi Kingsley
  16. Liusaidh and her successes (who'd have thought)
  17. the :emzies:
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Definitely in no particular order, but here are a few of my favorite things/memories -

1. Evolution of Jacob/Analei/Arvel relationship
2. Liusaidh's claiming victory for Styx being gone and getting a Slytherin trampoline
3. Gryffindor's house cup streak
4. Auror activity
5. Ouchie
6. The candidate debates
7. Reading the Charms lesson where people figure out their patronus
8. Open roleplays!
9. Unplanned roleplays!
10. Monty Pendleton
11. The roleplay where Nicolas King died (still gets me :( )
12. Kauri Tipene
13. Whenever the merpeople pop into RPs
14. The get to know you topic
15. Roleplaying with new people/someone I haven't roleplayed with in a while
16. The blood, sweat, and tears to set up permissions on the new site. I still occasionally have dreams about it, but it's also very satisfying to see folks enjoy it every day
17. The community signature every year!
In no particular order and I just know I'm missing things!!!
  • Definitely the Analei/Jacob/Arvel relationships (Just because it was so unplanned and unexpected and just worked so well)
  • Lizzie & Daisy
  • Monty Pendleton/Cyndi Kingsley/Ava King friendship!
  • Lovvved the whole Basilisk mishap and the trials!
  • The Auror Graduation Party
  • The Westwicks! (Their fight made me v sad!) But also Analei's and Edmunds (also unplanned) relationship <3
  • Tristan Collins and Vivian Brackenstall has made me feel a lot of emotions
  • Werewolf :linda:
  • Character Spotlights!!
  • Andi Hart breaking into a manor was so much fun (thnx for letting me do that claire hahaha)
  • Zurie pranks. Desislav and Finn were a lot of fun!
  • Honestly just everything Elliot Briar
  • The Rumor Has It magazine D:
  • Ouchie <3
  • Food fights in the Great Hall - Specifically when Aeon Summers and Kida Frost de-aged theirselves and pretended to be First Years :lol:
  • Avie giving Styx a hug
  • :donna:
I always want to make like a million lists and then never finish them so I'm going to post one before I overthink things this year :emzies:

Top 17 Chars (who aren't my own) in no particular order:
- Celia Vuong
- Minnie Calida
- Ngawaiata Martin
- Lucas Fletcher
- Lysander Summers
- Delilah Thorne
- Addison Beckett
- Aine Thompson
- Rupert Cresswell
- Elvera Le Fey
- Estella Fuentes
- Ana Sofia Burleigh
- Eoin Armati
- Gwen Goodwin
- Indira Khatri
- Sapphire Michaels
- Liusaidh Fergusson
Okay, I'll play along. It's been (almost) fifteen years since I joined the site. :o I have quite a few favorites. Just 17 of my favorite things over the year.

  1. Kiera Kingsley Potter Kaster- my first character and my favorite. I regret killing her off. The chaos that was her early years.....half of it would never be allowed now. If you know, you know. :D
  2. Lyra/James/Madeline/Felix threads
  3. The switch from Death Eaters to Scitorari. It was fun to be part of that transition and history.
  4. I'm with Donna-- Rumor Has It was pretty great.
  5. Ava and Nicolas King :wub:
  6. Bruin's kissing booth
  7. The Dark Presence in Borely Mansion
  8. Cyndi Weasley/Andromeda Fiorelli/Katalina Vanderhol/Kiera Kingsley (Dorm 4 Girls 4eva)
  9. Jacob Kingsley...especially as a first/second year
  10. Kalif Styx and his sassy comments
  11. Lyra Potter- especially when she was a mouthy first year...not that her mouthiness ever really got better. :r
  12. Old school week
  13. Spontaneous roleplays
  14. Being a GM- I remember when Nick and Cyndi asked me if I could chat with them both on Skype. I thought I was in BIG trouble, but then they asked me to be a GM, and it was such an honor.
  15. The (weird and kind of creepy dolls) we made prior to using playbys. They will forever live on in the HNZ yearbook.
  16. All of the Minister for Magic elections! I love reading the threads.
  17. The Tri-Wizard Tournament
I'm gonna do 17 of my top favourite characters to read over the last year, in no particular order!!!

1. Andi Hart
2. Mary-Lou Layton
3. Wendall Layton
4. Zennon Baros
5. James Cade
6. Lexy Fletcher
7. Aine Thompson
8. Celia Vuong
9. Rupert Cresswell
10. Axel Zhefarovich II
11. Lou Prindeou
12. Erik Drage
13. Estella Fuentes
14. Briar Rowan-Cullen
15. Mischa Falter-Butera
16. Pearl Parra
17. Louis Alcott

As always this was ridiculously hard!!!! I could list so many more!! :wub:

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