
Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
So! I have some news.

I just started work at this hotel early december. It started out great. But it's slowly gotten worse and worse and after switching to the morning shifts its gotten so bad I just can't handle it here anymore. The boss is super toxic and abusive and so I'm on my last few days here.

I've taken a new job at a new hotel, working overnights unfortunately, but I'm willing to go back to get away from this place. I also have an interview on Thursday for an assistant manager position at a movie theater in town.

This week, my schedule is: today, monday, 7 am to 4 pm at the current hotel, before going to the new hotel tonight at 11. I'll stay there until seven and then walk back to the current hotel for another 7 am to 4 pm shift. I'll go back to the new hotel for another 11-7, and back here for one final 7-4 before going to the new hotel for an 8 pm to 2 am shift. And Thursday I have that interview.

I don't know what my schedule is going to be going forward, and I might be a touch busy. I'll try to stay up to date on everything here, but just in case I thought I'd post here so you all knew what was up.
well the other manager just texted and i had the schedule mixed up so i might need to update that actual schedule once i sort it out :lol:
Sorry work's been so rough for you lately, I hope the new job stuff works out 🫂
Sounds hectic but good on you for looking out for yourself and hopefully getting yourself into a better situation. Best of luck managing everything!
Take your time settling in your new job Jess, good luck!

I quit the one hotel job. The boss was an absolute jerk most of the time.

I've worked the last of my shifts there.

I'm training at a new hotel, which is an immediate job with a two dollar pay raise where I've worked four shifts already and I'm garunteed four nights a week.

Though, a few days ago I had an interview for an assistant manager at a movie theater. It would pay another dollar more for a total of $18 an hour and I'd be working days like I wanted. But there were still a dozen or so more interviews for that job and I won't hear back for another week at least if I got the gig. If I did, I'll quit the new hotel and work there instead.
Good luck, Jess, you got this :wub:

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