🌹 Rose Giving Wild Roses

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
[Yellow rose for @Annabeth Easterling ]

Rose giving was always something that kept Elliot busy, but it seemed even more so this year with him helping run the Wild Patch. He was relieved when he spotted one of the students on his list as he made his way down the corridor, detouring so he could catch up with her. "Annabeth right?" He said with a smile, recognizing the younger girl from Wild Patch meetings.
Anna was just on her way back to dorm, she forgot her parchament, it was one of the most important things in school but still she managed to forget about it. She wasn't in run, she was just taking walk in normal speed, she actually didn't even expect any rose or anything. Anna just wanted to have fun without thinking about flowers if she won't get any. "Huh? Uh yes, I am Annabeth!" she just didn't expect not only flowers but even talking with Elliot, he was one of the main leaders in Wild Patch so she felt like she is talking with someone really, really important in school. And she felt amazing because older boy even remembered her name but actually she always felt special if, someone older than she, talked with her.
Elliot was relieved he'd remembered Annabeth's name right, always still a little worried with younger students, or especially club members, that he'd screw it up and call someone the wrong name. "Great! Here, this is for you, Happy Valentine's," He said, handing over the yellow rose and note to her.


Happy valentines day!

Your big sister,

Anna reached out to Elliott to get her rose and a note. Suddenly, it was awkward that she didn't send to anyone, there were so many cool people she'd send to, but she didn't, but it was too late now. “Thank you. You too!" She picked up her rose and then began to read the note, and she smiled very happily. She would certainly have to thank the great sister.

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