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  1. Callie Cardoso

    Open Filled With Love

    Callie was feeling pretty happy, despite the roses which hadn't gone the best in the delivery process, this had been just the best sort of day. She had thoroughly enjoyed herself, thoroughly loved being able to hand out people roses, to spread kindness in such a simple way. it was just the best...
  2. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Oxblood Red Rose

    Callie had one last rose to deliver, so of course this was turning out to be the most difficult rose person to pin down, but she did eventually at the lakefront, or she was sure that this was the right person. She didn't know for certain. "Morrie?" she called out to the girl.
  3. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Maize Yellow Rose

    Callie had been pointed in all sorts of directions as she looked for this girl. But finally she was sure she had her. In the duelling room. She waited for an opportunity to introduce her presence without getting a spell fired at her. "Anisha?" she asked, speaking clearly and ready to jump in...
  4. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Jasmine Yellow Rose

    Callie had just missed this girl, she had heard that the girl was on the second floor and had rushed to it. Just in time to watch the girl go into the prefect common room. Callie approached and known on the prefect common room door. Waiting for hopefully the girl she wanted to open the door.
  5. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Burnt Sienna Red Rose

    Callie had known the next name on her list, she didn't know much about the girl beyond her name really. But it was by chance, that after she'd been on the pitch she'd spotted the girl she needed walking the great lawn. "Summer Irvine!" she called out and ran over to her.
  6. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Carmine Red Rose

    Callie knew who Michael Watson was. He was a quidditch player on the ravenclaw team, and he was maybe a little bit cute. The girl had been directed to the quidditch pitch and was glad when she spotted that the boy wasn't yet in the air. "Michael!" she called out, rushing over to him. "Wait!"
  7. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving A Canary Yellow Rose

    Callie had successfully handed off the first rose from her list, but had immediately had to ask a few people for the next one. Holden Marshall. She was pointed in the direction of a gryffindor student at the gryffindor table, and quickly thanked them before dashing off to hand over the rose...
  8. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Apricot Yellow Rose

    Callie had her basket of roses, and her names that she needed to find, and had set off. Immediately though she knew why this was a bit of a challenge, some of the names on the list were familiar but not really all of them. She knew that the first name belonged to a ravenclaw, so she was starting...
  9. Callie Cardoso

    Open Only For Tonight

    Callie was feeling pretty good about the semester she'd just had. She had had a good semester really. Her classes had gone well, it was a lot of work, but it wasn't completely unmanageable. It was just manageable enough really. The teen was at the yuleball, she was wearing a little red dress...
  10. Callie Cardoso

    Open A Cozy Halloween

    Callie had had this big jumper in her wardrobe for a long while, so she had decided to make a bit of a costume out of it. She knew that going as the concept of coziness was a little out there as a halloween costume, but she had a cup of tea in her hand, make sure that her trousers were equally...
  11. Callie Cardoso

    Open A Wrong Turn

    Callie had taken a wrong turn somewhere, and had found herself in Bleak street, completely and utterly lost. She just didn't know which was was where she came. Callie was almost convinced that the streets were changing. She felt a little scared, but knew that it was unlikely that this place...
  12. Callie Cardoso

    Open Study Group For Second Years

    Callie had been studying for her exams mostly, in the dorm room. But she grew bored of the isolation of the common room or the dorm room. She knew that studying wasn't exactly a group activity, but it could certainly be something she did with others. It didn't have to be an activity done...
  13. Callie Cardoso

    Open Dancing Fun

    Callie couldn't help the excitement she felt over this dance, over all of the dances. She didn't ever had a date - so far - to them, and just liked the fun which could be had. She had put on a pretty though perhaps not too formal outfit and was absolutely ready for the dance. She had plans to...
  14. Callie Cardoso

    Open Sunshine Sitting

    Callie was enjoying being back at school after such a nice break. She had liked being home, but it was nice to just be back. She liked being able to do magic, and being amongst magic. Callie found when she was away from it that she missed it, that it felt like a little part of her was missing...
  15. Callie Cardoso

    Open Fuel Up

    Callie was really excited for the dance. She had enjoyed it in the year prior and given that she had managed to pass all her exams it was a good point to celebrate. She had put on a nice dress and had come to the dance filled with very genuine excitement. She made a beeline for the snacks...
  16. Callie Cardoso

    Closed You Win Some, You Lose Some

    Callie hadn't held out a lot of hope about her making the team, she hadn't done great at the try-out and they already had a keeper. So she hadn't been too surprised to be left off the team, she knew it just gave her more time to work on her skills and try to do and be better. But Marley had...
  17. Callie Cardoso

    Open A Muggle Icon

    Callie had seen the dress when she'd been home, and had managed to build a whole costume around it. It was just a pity that this was the magical world, and the person she was dressed as was old, very old. She had just thought the dress was perfect and paired with a hat, and some black heels. it...
  18. Callie Cardoso

    Closed Practising

    Callie hadn't obviously been able to practice magic while she was at home, being both under age and because her parents had very specifically asked her not to. But she was back at school, and one glance at her textbooks and she knew what she needed to do. She knew she needed to get her spells...
  19. Callie Cardoso

    Open Quidditch Pre-Try-outs

    Callie had a school broom in her hand and an eagerness to get to pitch. She wasn't sure what position she wanted, but Callie wanted to have a go at quidditch. The hufflepuff wanted to try to be good at the sport. She wanted to try her hand at it. Callie had done sports before, though, just none...
  20. Callie Cardoso

    Open This Herbology Book Can't Be Serious

    Callie was so happy to be back at school. She hadn't minded being home, but something had just been different. Callie couldn't put her finger on what it had been, but it had just been something. Her bedroom had had a layer of dust on it and her parents had spent a whole six months without her...