pink rose

  1. Hugo Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving My insides turn over when he looks at me that certain way.

    the morning had cone smoothly. Hugo had not managed to deliver any more roses since breakfast. he had been to busy caught in classes. he figured he would have some lunch and then go on the hunt. maybe checking out the library, or the grounds. Probably the library. asking as it would fit better...
  2. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving A Special One

    Landon had been having quite a fun time delivering roses to his students. The next student on his list was a Hufflepuff, and it was a pink rose, which meant it was special, and he was looking forward to delivering it and seeing the look on Callie's face when she received it. His basket of roses...
  3. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Oops, Missed One

    Pink Rose for @Charlie Helkovaara Anisha had thought she was done, but then realized she had another rose in her basket when she had almost made it back to the common room. It was a pink rose without a note for a guy named Charlie. Annoyed, Anisha had resorted to just yelling his name as she...
  4. Hugo Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving Penultimate Pink petals

    If Hugo had seen the name on his list at the start of the day he would have given the rose straight to Salem when he had picked it up. It would have been easy, though he had actually collected his roses from margo. salem had been right there. however he hadn't looked that far down the list. He...
  5. Sky Eriksen

    der-dum. der-dum. der-dum der-dum der-dum der-dum der-dummm deeeer dumdydum

    The next rose Sky had to deliver was for one of the Ravenclaws. she recognised his name Emmanuel Okoye a ravenclaw who had started a history club. She knew he was also delivering so it would be hard to find him but she thought she may as well give the library a try as it was as good of a place...
  6. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving How Horrible Can He Be?

    Pink Rose for @Horror Zhefarovich Anisha was absolutely fascinated by the next person on her list. Was there really someone named Horror at school? It was such a weird name, Anisha felt lucky to get to meet him. She wondered what kind of parents wanted to curse themselves with a name like...
  7. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink Petals in the Dark

    Pink Rose for @Astraea Vale Anisha didn't know the first girl on her list, but after some asking around figured out she was in Slytherin. She tapped a girl on the shoulder and asked her to get Astraea Vale, wondering if she pronounced the girl's name correctly. Anisha waited impatiently for...
  8. Hugo Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving lunch by the lake

    hugo made his way out into the grounds. it was a nice day and maybe just maybe one of his remaining deliveries would be outside at least he hoped so. it was getting really hard to track people down with everyone wandering the castle looking for one another. it made him think of what his mama...
  9. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving I'm As Confused As You

    Roo had no idea where to start with the next name on her list of rose recipients. She had already delivered the easy ones, and so now was left with the hardest. She did however discover that this particular person was a slytherin and that the common room would be somewhere in the dungeons. She...
  10. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving Another Rose For You

    It was getting towards the end of the day and Landon was starting to become a little bit worried that he wouldn't deliver all of his roses in time. This last rose to deliver was a little difficult, mostly because he wasn't sure where he could find Manaia. He had tried almost every room in the...
  11. Professor Landon Carter

    🌹 Rose Giving All in a hard day's work

    Landon didn't realise how hard this job was going to be until he started doing it. Delivering roses was definitely hard work, mostly because the castle was such a large place to go looking for one single person. He knew the next name on his list however, which definitely made the job a little...
  12. Sky Eriksen

    🌹 Rose Giving Shut my eyes and let the bass buzz into my brain

    Sky slipped out of the busy entrance hall, glad to be out of the chlostrophobic noise of the entrance hall. the sound still echoed out here a rumbling baseline, but it was less intense. she was tempted to to to the arts room to hide in one of the music rooms and drown it out with her viola. But...
  13. Margo Fox

    🌹 Rose Giving Not An Emergency

    Pink Rose for @Isabella Romanes Margo thankfully had never had a reason to end up in the hospital wing so it took her a while to fine her way there and she hoped that the next person on her list would actually be there. But even if she wasn't she had at least learned where to go if she ever...
  14. Margo Fox

    🌹 Rose Giving O Captain

    Pink Rose for @Xiuying Huang Margo didn't know much about the quidditch teams at school but she did know enough to recognize their captains at least. Once she had finished with her own lunch she headed over to the Ravenclaw table to see if she could find the next person on her list. She knew...
  15. Leah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving Messenger of Love

    Pink Rose for @Akihiro Chen Leah had been looking forward to Valentine's day ever since she heard about rose deliveries and she was able to sign up. She couldn't think of anything more fun or romantic than sending messages to friends or a special someone. The pink rose in her hand spoke of the...
  16. Louis Alcott

    🌹 Rose Giving A Final Pink Rose

    Pink for @Aika Chen Louis had no idea who Aika Chen was, but something about the name did seem familiar. He figured out the girl was in Slytherin and asked another Slytherin to ask around in the common room for him. He waited, hoping the girl would come out soon.
  17. Axel Zhefarovich II

    🌹 Rose Giving A rose for a Rosie

    Axel was really getting into the flow of all of this. He was about halfway done, and this was pretty fun. Entering the student lounge, Axel took a bite from the snack he'd taken from the professor's office. He went up to a small group. "Any of you know a...Rosie Archer?" he asked as he...
  18. Axel Zhefarovich II

    🌹 Rose Giving An awkward exchange

    Axel didn't know who Blair was but after asking around a bit, he was pointed in this direction and told to look for a Hufflepuff. That wasn't too helpful because not everyone had their uniforms on out here. How else was he supposed to identify a Hufflepuff? Spotting a group of teenage girls...
  19. Isadora Novak

    🌹 Rose Giving And... Done!

    Isadora's final rose was the only one left in her basket, and it was for some Ravenclaw boy she didn't really know. She decided to try her luck at the Ravenclaw table around dinner time, approaching the table and starting to ask around. "Hello? Anyone named Weston here?" @Weston Stirling
  20. Linden Kinnek

    🌹 Rose Giving Sweet Flower of mine

    Linden wandered though the grounds actually enjoying himself. he had made a good progress through his deliveries and even though he wasn't finished yet he felt more like he would get them all done before the dance. he walked along the paths in the garden as someone had said that he might find...