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  1. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Bored

    There was nothing to do in this town. Nothing for him to do. He had a managed to get a couple of prank like items, and was doing his best to not use all of them all at once. But there really wasn't anything for him to do, this place was boring and terrible. He huffed a little, and kicked some...
  2. Leonardo Orr

    Open Coffee Before Work

    Leo had taken all the shifts at work that he could. he was working every day that he could, needing the money to be able to move out. There was no requirement for him to move out, but Leo didn't think he should stick around too long. He was sure that now he was of age, freshly 18, it was more...
  3. Apolline Fontaine

    Open Getting A Head Start

    Apolline had been disappointed that there had been no duelling in the semester, but she had also known that it wouldn't really matter since for her, she wouldn't have been allowed to participate. Now though, as a second year, now she was allowed to do so, and intended to do so. She wanted to be...
  4. Callie Cardoso

    Open A Wrong Turn

    Callie had taken a wrong turn somewhere, and had found herself in Bleak street, completely and utterly lost. She just didn't know which was was where she came. Callie was almost convinced that the streets were changing. She felt a little scared, but knew that it was unlikely that this place...
  5. Fraser Fergusson

    Open Ready To Try Again

    Fraser knew that he needed to practice, the try-outs were once again coming up and he just needed to make sure that he could actually be good at it. Fraser had his broom in hand and was about to kick off into the air. There was a lot riding on him, to finally now make the team. He had been...
  6. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Too Old For This

    Emmanuel had a couple of spare hours and had decided that he'd go to the park. He was sixteen now and too old for the park, especially as there were a lot of little kids in the park currently, but he welcomed the opportunity to do something childish. His life was all about exams, classes, his...
  7. Seamus Reid

    Open Finally Finished

    Seamus was so glad that he was finished with school. He was so eager over the years to be done, but it felt final now. He was out of school, he had no period in which he needed to get back to the school, he was just finished. He had a few try-outs coming up and was more than certain he'd make...
  8. Gregory Friend

    Open Tiredly Tired

    Gregory hadn't been sleeping well the last couple of months. Some nights it would be fine and then others it wouldn't be and sleep would be elusive. He just didn't really know how to deal with it. It all came back to the fact that the girl he had maybe liked, or thought he'd liked, and the guy...
  9. Savannah Walters

    Open Re-Making the Rune Bag

    Savannah had last been in this room, not too long before. She was pretty happy with what she had made at the time, but as it turned out the bag which she had made to carry her runes, had needed to be used to even get the wood for the runes. Savannah didn't exactly have a lot of things to give...
  10. Miroslav Petrov

    Open Causing Trouble

    Miroslav was bored. This tended to not be a good thing, since he was just the sort of person who when bored just got into trouble. His parents were frustrated to no end at his antics, but busy with his siblings were unwilling to really do anything bar ground him and occasionally tell him to...
  11. Apolline Fontaine

    Open Great Nights

    Apolline was excited for this. Very excited. As she tended to be with the other dances so far. Apolline had worn a dress the same as the one before. Her mother had offered a new dress for her, but she had opted for the same one as before. She liked it and it made her feel pretty, so of course it...
  12. Callie Cardoso

    Open Dancing Fun

    Callie couldn't help the excitement she felt over this dance, over all of the dances. She didn't ever had a date - so far - to them, and just liked the fun which could be had. She had put on a pretty though perhaps not too formal outfit and was absolutely ready for the dance. She had plans to...
  13. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open One Lap and I'm Out

    Enoch had been unsure as to if he should come, as he always tended to come for all of about ten minutes and then he'd leave. Enoch was just someone who came alone to say he had before leaving. His parents couldn't complain that he wasn't taking part and thus didn't need to get involved if he was...
  14. Friday Weeks

    Open Twirl the Night Away

    Friday had wanted this dress for one reason and one reason alone. She had wanted to twirl and the skirt of the dress was the one that would allow her to do so the best. Friday had come to the dance a little later, knowing that she would be able to dance well like this, when others were already...
  15. Fraser Fergusson

    Open Valuable Skill

    Fraser had really enjoyed taking pictures at the yuleball, it had been to him a really valuable way of spending his time. It was just nice to have captured the memories of others and know they'd smile fondly upon them when they were older. He knew his dad looked somewhat fondly on the old...
  16. Savannah Walters

    Open Figuring Out This Love Thing

    Savannah had been reading, this wasn't exactly new, but the things she had been reading were. Savannah had been watching the people in her year begin to really pair up, had watched people be asked out and she was trying to figure out why she didn't feel that way. Savannah had just better things...
  17. Gregory Friend

    Open Refusing To Go To The Dance

    After the absolute disaster of the yuleball, Gregory had firmly decided he would never go to another dance again. He'd wavered a little over the past week, but seeing people get ready, seeing couples get excited for it, he knew it wasn't going to be for him anymore. It was also, exactly what he...
  18. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Newly Single, Ready to Mingle

    Breaking up with Penny had been for the best. He liked her, she was sweet and kind but he knew that he didn't like her like that. He had quickly realised it and had dragged it on too long. It was unfair of him to have done so for so long, so it was for the best that they had now broken up. He...
  19. Seamus Reid

    Open One Final Time

    Seamus was pretty pleased he was almost at the end of his school career, he had had a good time, in some respects but was looking forward to the moment of being done. Being finally able to leave this place forever. Seamus had been looking forward to this dance, knowing it would be the final one...
  20. Leonardo Orr

    Open The End of an Era of Not Dancing

    Leo knew that after this the only Hogwarts celebration he would have was graduation. It did absolutely make this moment a little bittersweet. Hogwarts dances had never been wholy simple for him. But he had always enjoyed the idea of them, and there was something freeing to being at one solo, to...