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  1. Penelope Marshall

    Open Repeated Steps

    Penelope was a little disappointed in herself. Once again, she was at a dance without a date. Not just without a date, without even trying to get a date. She had once again chickened out of asking Emmanuel, even though she really wanted to. It was starting to get a bit embarrassing. Penelope saw...
  2. Anisha Khatri

    Open Icy Adventures

    Anisha always liked the Hogwarts events, especially when she could hang out with her friends. But Dahlia had a date apparently, or at least she was going with a boy, which sounded like a date to Anisha. She expected to meet up with Raafe at least, and maybe she could spot Leah somewhere too. The...
  3. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Practice in the Heights

    Marley had been in Hogwarts for a bit now, and so far the new Hufflepuff was enjoying it so far. She was liking the classes she was taking so far and she was also enjoying her time with her friends and getting to know them. At the moment, one of her favourite classes at the moment had to be...
  4. Callie Cardoso

    Open Should I Miss Them?

    Callie had left the muggleborn support group feeling a little confused. She had admitted and come the realisation, she had been without her parents for a few months and while she wrote to them frequently enough she did not mis them. There was no part of her which longed for him, which longed for...
  5. Friday Weeks

    Open A Demon Child

    Friday had decided in the end that she was going to have a costume for her first Halloween celebration and she was going for it hard. The girl had just figured that this would be the occasion to try hard and then she could decide, depending on how this went, whether to do so again. She had fake...
  6. Fraser Fergusson

    Open Mirrors

    Fraser, as with the year before, was extremely excited by the fact he was at the ball. There was just so much for him to do at, and he was never sure what to go for first. This time around after grabbed a snack he headed towards the funhouse mirrors and decided this would be the thing he'd do...
  7. Gregory Friend

    Open Trying Once More

    Gregory had thought, give that things for him at school had been going better than he might actually benefit from going to the celebration, going without a fear that everything he could do or say would make him a target. He was wearing the same angel costume from his first year, figuring that no...
  8. Rosie Archer

    Open Things To Be Done

    Rosie was very eager to spend time at the halloween feast, but she was going to be busy. She was always busy at celebrations but this one more than most others. She wanted to just be sure that she was going everything that she could, making sure that she was not missing a single picture. Rosie...
  9. Seamus Reid

    I'll Keep Turning Up

    Seamus always came along to the halloween feast even if he didn't think he would have much fun at it. There was nothing else for him to do. He hadn't put on a costume, deciding to really not bother with anything like that, there was no need for him to. He grabbed a plate of snacks and then found...
  10. Savannah Walters

    Open A Corpse Bride

    Savannah had found this dress in the trash over the break. She'd managed to clean it up well. and the fact it was torn was pretty good. She had used make-up to make herself look a little more dead. She had really put in some effort and hoped that people would appreciate her costume. Savannah...
  11. Valeria Iglesias

    Open A Fighting Goddess

    Valeria had decided to really go for it with her costume. She had made pieces for it, and bought other pieces. It hadn't been that difficult to put together really, but she had really tried. She liked it, she felt powerful and felt like others would enjoy her costume as much as her as they saw...
  12. Eugene Nestor

    Open Ho Ho Boo?

    Eugene had certainly decided to go for an interesting halloween costume. He had just wanted to at least once had a costume that he had really tried with, that was a proper costume. Being Santa though was a little interesting. he had a few presents in his pockets to hand out to people as and when...
  13. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Cupid's Bow

    Emmanuel had been pondering over what to wear for this halloween, having nothing particular that he wanted to go as, and then deciding that he would use his pink shirt and waistcoat, and then made everything else pink. He had a fake bow and a toy arrow and really this was the wrong event for...
  14. Aurora Archer

    Open Have You Seen An Apple

    Aurora hadn't been sure what to go as to for Halloween, but in her reading about the different muggle things that existed, she had found out about the existence of the phones and computers and about some of the figures within that space, and decided that she would go as one of those people...
  15. Louis Alcott

    Open Not a New Costume

    Louis could admit it. He was lazy and had settled on the same costume he had worn last Halloween. He wasn't looking to win any prizes, but he did think it was a pretty cool costume. He was a prince, it felt like it suited him. The boy adjusted his crown, looking around urgently for someone to...
  16. Celia Vuong

    Open I Am Not Your Queen, I'm Your Dictator

    ((Open after Marijke posts with Ivelisse. Anyone is welcome to join, but Slytherin first years and prefects are especially encouraged to hop in!)) For all the perks prefectdom came with, there were quite a few downsides. One of them was the annual responsibility of leading first years to the...
  17. Rosie Archer

    Open Cleaning Up the Winter Mess

    It was lightly raining, just a little drizzle, but that wasn't about to stop Rosie. Rosie had come outside to the gardens and was taking the time to tidy up. She was mostly sticking close to the areas of the garden being used by the wild patch. Rosie was tidying up, gather the leaves which had...
  18. Enoch Goldewyn

    Open Some Privacy Please

    Enoch had been at school all of about ten minutes (a day) when he had found the arts room. His parents had assured him that the school would have a piano, all schools had one, and if they didn't then he would just write and they would get one for him. But there was one, in a room adjacent to the...
  19. Eugene Nestor

    Open Quite the Surprise

    Eugene had certainly not expected the badge in the post. He hadn't expected it at all, thinking that Louis or Nolan might be the one to get it. but he was head boy. It was nice, he felt proud to have achieved it. Eugene was however disappointed, he'd come back to the school, ready to show...
  20. Gwen Goodwin

    Open We Will Be Remembered

    Being in her sixth year was strange. Only two years left at Hogwarts, two years to make something of herself. With Jenna gone and Celia thoroughly cast down from her pedestal, Gwen knew the spot at the top of the social ladder was ripe for the taking. But what then? What after she graduated...