rose delivery

  1. June Davenport

    🌹 Rose Giving Loser Rose

    June was finally almost done with her rose deliveries and the last person was funny to her. It was for Vanity, so she made her way to the dungeons. It was hilarious to June how jealous Vanity was on her. For June it was entertaining to mess with the girl. Nobody could hurt her more than she had...
  2. June Davenport

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendship Rose

    The first Ravenclaw on her list was now arrived and June moved on to the Ravenclaw table, she could be done quickly if everyone happend to be around here. It was good that some people just knew a lot of names so June was pointed at the Ravenclaw table by someone. It was another strange name to...
  3. June Davenport

    🌹 Rose Giving Red For a Gryffindor

    The next rose June was gonna deliver was gladly someone she knew, so it wasn't hard to find him she hoped. From the Hufflepuff table she moved over to the Gryffindor and was glad to see Fraser sitting there. The blonde than tapped him on the shoulder and smiled. '' Hi Fraser.'' The blonde said...
  4. Vader Hume

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Portfolio

    After handing out his first rose, Vader had instantly recognised the next name on his list. So, he made his way across to the hufflepuff table and luckily spotted exactly who he needed immediately. He walked over to him, "Abian! I've got a rose for you!" he said as he approached him.
  5. Apollo Bixby

    Flower Delivery & Sign Up (Y36)

    Greetings and salutations everyone! With IC Valentine's day almost upon us, it's also almost time again for the school to send out roses to one another! So without further ado, here's everything you need to know for the Flower Delivery Service for Y36! INTRODUCTION First organised by Alexis...
  6. Chloe Thompson

    Open Curious Rose

    Yellow rose for @Luna Urquhart-Cade The next name on Chloë's name was a long one, and it made her curious about how to actually pronounce it. Being quite succesfull in finding the people she had to deliver roses to at the lower levels of the castle the gryffindor continued her search and her...
  7. Chloe Thompson

    Open Know Any Songs About Roses?

    Yellow rose for @Andrea Turner Chloë's excitement about these roses continued to grow when she noticed the next person on her list was actually one of her friends. Figuring the best place to start looking for Andy would be the conglomerated arts room the gryffindor quickly made her way towards...
  8. Chloe Thompson

    Open Important Jobs

    Yellow rose for @Leda Layton The next name on her list was thankfully one Chloë recognized, which she probably should seeing as the girl she had deliver her next rose to was the head girl. Still roaming the lower levels of the castle the gryffindor made her way into the great hall, looking...
  9. Chloe Thompson

    Open Yellow Down Below

    Yellow rose for @Leia Hume So far Chloë had been enjoying the rose deliveries, even if she ended up roaming around the school calling out random names. Right now she had made her way to dungeons, wondering if some of the people she had to deliver roses to were slytherins. There probably were...
  10. Chloe Thompson

    Open Do You Like Pink?

    Pink rose for @Lauden Zhefarovich Chloë noticed that even though it was fun to deliver roses to students she had never met before, finding could be quite the challenge. So she just went around the castle casually calling out names of the people she had roses for every now and then. "Lauden...
  11. Stan Beckett

    Open Final Rose, Thank Merlin

    FINALLY! Ugh, there was so much the two of them could have been doing instead of delivering these stupid, time-consuming roses. Approaching the Ravenclaw table, the Gryffindor shouted a name out for the last time that day. ''JOSHUA TOUBIA!? IF YOU ARE HERE, PLEASE COME AND COLLECT YOUR ROSE!''
  12. Stan Beckett

    Open Your Work Is Appreciated, Three

    Only two more roses. Just two more. Munching on the chips still, Stanislaw stopped a random Hufflepuff to ask for another Hufflepuff somewhere in the common room. It was a good thing that the others could be found inside, it saved him and his friend a lot of time.
  13. Stan Beckett

    Open Two of Three

    Honestly, these rose deliveries were getting pretty boring. Thankfully, Stanislaw had his best friend there with him to keep him company. Asking yet another random person to see if yet another Hufflepuff dude was in the common room, they waited again. Taking a handful of chips Allie offered him...
  14. Stan Beckett

    Open First of Three

    After both of them delivered his roses upstairs, they made their way down to the fourth floor corridor together. There were a couple of Hufflepuffs on his list next, so he hoped that he would be able to find them all around their common room. Asking a random person if they could see if Clifton...
  15. Paige Thompson

    Open Yellowboo

    Yellow, open after Sapphire Michaels Tired and unable to move her legs, she let herself fall onto the bench. If only the next person on her list would walk into the courtyard. While she did know this one, she practically adored the girl as she was one of the Slytherin's Beaters, she really...
  16. Paige Thompson

    Open Sorry Rose

    Yellow rose, open after Lars van Houten She was getting tired of walking so much at this point. Luckily there were only two more roses on her list. Walking around the corridor in search of someone named Lars with a very weird surname, Paige was asking people if they could point her in the right...
  17. Paige Thompson

    Open Your Work Is Appreciated, Too

    Yellow, open after Aisa Hunter Not wanting to walk into her cousin here, the Slytherin handled quickly. Asking a student to check if a girl named Aisa was in the common room, she waited out in the corridor.
  18. Paige Thompson

    Open Good to Know

    Yellow, open after Augustus Westwick Great, the next person on her list was those creepy spider twin's little brother or cousin or whatever. She'd rather stay clear of him too but unfortunately there was no way for her to do so and deliver his rose still. ''Hey, are you Augustus? I've got a...
  19. Paige Thompson

    Open You Deserve the World

    Yellow, open after Alice Holland She actually knew this one! Who didn't know the Minister's daughter, well, one of them anyway. That and the fact that she was one of the organisers of this event. After being told that she was last seen on the third floor, Paige hurried in the hope to catch her...
  20. Paige Thompson

    Open Friends Forever

    one pink and one yellow, open after Joshua Toubia At least walking up and down the grand staircase was doing wonders for her condition. Paige was looking for the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain next, and while she did not really know what he looked liked, hoped that other people would be able to...