🌹 Rose Giving Best Of The Best

Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
red for @Penelope Marshall

Summer had one single rose left to deliver, but one that perhaps might just be the most interesting one. She was a little disappointed there hadn't been any pink ones in her basket but delivering a red one could perhaps be just as much fun. "Penelope?" She called out when she spotted the girl she was looking for, glad she at least recognized her from quidditch.
Penelope felt a little bad about not delivering roses, she felt like she should be helping Marnie out, but she had really just felt too busy to commit. She hoped her friend didn't mind. She was heading to the common room when she heard her name. Penelope stopped and looked over at a young girl delivering roses, she recognized her from Heta Omega. "Oh, hi! Yes, that's me." She said, though the girl clearly knew that.
Summer took a few quick steps in Penelope's way when she had managed to get her attention. She liked delivering roses, but was also starting to be a little done with having to search high and low for some people. If there was one thing she had learned today it was that she'd much rather be receiving roses than delivering them. "Got this one for you." She smiled sweetly at the older girl, holding out the rose.

Penny!!! You are the best friend a girl could ask for my real best friend forever and ever and ever I'd send you 20 roses if they'd let me which I'm in charge so I could but I promised I wouldn't abuse my power but know this rose counts for 20 in spirit plus whatever I have left over is YOURS. All the love in the world, Marnie

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