Closed Catching Up

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
After her talk with Professor Castillo, June walked the halls with an big smile. She had impressed him for sure. And the man was the best head of house they could have. June was glad with that. If there was an idiot who runned it, they would be doomed. But they were not. But as she made her way to Misha's office she had to focus on the next thing. And it would be good to chat with him, drink some tea and speak. She just started the second semester and also Charms would be there. So she wanted to be prepared really well. And try to find out if some professors had spoken well of her like Professor Castillo had mentioned a bit. When she made her way to his office she noticed an closed door. So knocked on it. '' Hi Misha. It's me June.'' The blonde than replied. She could open the door and walk in, but with the information she had she hoped to not see something she didn't want to see. But she would find out soon, if it was right.

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