Closed Distasteful Bites with Catch Ups

Joshua Lynch

kiwi 🥝 | sports crazy ⚽️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Too Young to Care
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
16 (02/2045)
Josh was glad to be back at school. He was definitely excited to see his friends again. He noticed over break that his friendships with his non-magical friends were a lot different than the last time he saw them. It had seemed like they were distancing themselves away from them and they weren't the same people he knew a break or two prior. It sucked if he was being honest. Other than that, Josh was pretty much practising as often as he could for quidditch.

It was dinner time. Classes were practically over for the day which Josh was pretty much grateful for. The Gryffindor boy had almost finished everything that he ate but one thing, and that was the mushrooms. He hadn't touched those and was glaring at them for god knows how long. If his mother was with him right now, he would be forced to eat them no matter what. "Do you think I'll get caught if I hid these in a nearby plant or something?" Josh grumbled as he turned to Senna.
After feeling like she was falling a little out of place with her friends back at home Senna was glad to be back at school, see her magical friends again. The ones she didn't have to keep life changing secrets from. The ones she was sharing this absurd experience with. As they often did, Sen had headed down to the great hall to get some dinner with Josh. They were in the same year, same house, had all the same classes. It was easy to do things like that together. Something she hoped would stick if even if they ended up picking different electives. "Hmm, probably not. Alhough it'd be funny to see someone find them." She replied with a shrug, sticking some of the mushrooms on her own plate into her mouth. "But you could also just leave them on your plate. Surely you wouldn't be the only kid ever to not finish his food." She added with a grin, now poking at the mushrooms on Josh's plate. "Or you could just, y'know, eat them."

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