🌹 Rose Giving Do Yellow And Teal Even Match?

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow for @Soren Gates

Getting caught up in the festivities was fun, thought Dahlia, managing to push aside as many resentments as she could and focusing on bringing cheer around the school. Even her Quidditch resentments were mostly pushed to a side. Mostly. She tried not to have her eye twitch as she noticed Soren's distinctive hair, instead whipping the rose behind her back and putting on her best cupid smile. "Hey, Soren? I've got a rose for you, can you guess what colour it is?"
Soren was just wandering, enjoying his day, when he heard someone say his name. He turned, seeing a younger girl, and smiled easily. "Hmm..." He mused, playing along. "Is it... yellow from one of my buddies?" He asked her with an easy smile.
Dahlia grinned. Yellow was probably an easy guess to make, considering a lot of people wanted to show their friends appreciation. She'd amassed a couple of extras to give to her classmates when she had the chance. "We haaaaave a winner!" she announced, pretending she was on a game show and handing over the rose with mock gravitas. "Your prize, sir, and your choice of chocolate for good measure." Dahlia held out the box of muggle chocolates, plain heart-shaped chocolates wrapped in pink and red foil. She'd saved the really good ones with the raspberry centres for herself, naturally.

Must you be so annoying? ~Xinyi
Soren smiled, chuckling as the girl held out the rose. He took it, and a pink chocolate with an easy smile. He looked at the note and burst out laughing, before offering it out to his new friend. "It's from one of my buddies," He chuckled. "I love it."
Dahlia raised an eyebrow, practically snorting with laughter as she read it. "Oh em gee, that's sooo rude." She smirked. "But I guess they sent you a rose, so maybe they like how annoying you are?" she added, teasingly.
Soren chuckled. "Yeah, he's one of my best buds, he means well," He offered easily. "It's my job to annoy him. Glad to know it's working," He teased with a playful wink.
Dahlia giggled, shaking her head a little. "Well, you have fun with that plan," she joked, adjusting herself and double checking her list. "These roses won't deliver themselves, though, so I'll see ya around!"
Soren chuckled, saluting the girl before continuing on his way.

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