House Points Board

Ravenclaw: Hufflepuff: Gryffindor: Slytherin:

Closed Don't Leave Me

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
Feb 24, 2018
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Onyx was sleepy. Sapphire and Uncle James had gone to get her head checked again- one last checkup before she was released. They wanted to keep him here for a few days for observation. He sighed, running a hand through his hair again before stopping. Right, his hair. His beautiful hair. He pouted. They’d shave part of the back of his head to get to the wound, he’d needed ten stitches in the end, and he’d been told he’d always have a jagged scar there. He pouted, settling down in his bed. It had taken a lot to convince his uncle and sister to go home for the night, but honestly, there was no point in a crowded room when all he wanted to do was sleep. He needed time to process this entire mess, anyway. He didn’t want to see people he couldn’t remember being so upset tonight.

He knew he loved them, he did, but he just… felt so guilty for not remembering anything. He hadn’t even known his name until they had told him. He lay back on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling as he searched his mind for anything to cling to. Some memory. Something. There were flashes, little pieces. Sapphire- his sister- liked sweets. His uncle liked to drum out a rhythm on the counters with cooking utensils while he made dinner. And something else. A girl… a face. Nothing else. Just… her? Who was she? He sighed, laying back and rubbing his head. This whole thing was making his head hurt.
In all honesty, Isla hadn't expected to become so attached to Onyx so quickly, but during her last year at the school she'd appreciated his company more than she cared to admit out loud. She'd never really had a friend who had noticed her before, looked past her flaws and still seemed to think she was more than just someone who fell in the background. The last few months had been fun, knowing that she could talk to Onyx and help him through his own issues, all while feeling like for once she was being spoken to for her own opinions, rather than because of who she knew. Isla had stayed in touch with the Gryffindor over the holidays, not that her parents noticed a change in her attitude. Elly didn't either, although he seemed to have something going on in his life that pulled him away to America anyway, leaving Isla or more or less do whatever she pleased while she was at home.
Recieving a message from Sapphire however had been the last thing she thought would flash up on her phone. It was through Onyx's phone of course, she'd never actually spoken to the Slytherin before now, but she'd been told of what had happened and given that even Onyx's sister seemed to know that Isla was his friend, she felt more compelled than ever to go to them. She hadn't been given too many details, only that Onyx was in the hospital and that it was unlikely he would even remember her. The Hufflepuff had flown out as fast as soon as she could, a daunting prospect for any fifteen year old but she was determined to figure out what had happened to her friend. She got there eventually, hunting through the hospital and asking anyone she could find for a Michaels. She was jogging up and down the corridor looking for the Gryffindor already. Why were there so many rooms?! She had to do a double take when she peered into one, realising that it was who she was looking for, and pushed open the door, breathless and standing there almost in shock that what Sapphire had said was true. "You're.. here.." she said, as though stating the obvious. Isla gingerly took a few steps towards him, as though trying to figure out if there was more to it than she'd been told. Would he know who she was?
Onyx had just shut his eyes when he heard a voice. He sighed. "Thats what they tell me," he joked dryly, wincing in pain as he slowly sat up. When he focused again, he smiled widely for a brief second before it faded. Wait, why was he so happy? "You're.... Important, aren't you? I know your face." He reached a hand out for a moment, before dropping his hand down again. He looked away, guilt and confusion clear on his face. "I... Im really sorry, I don't remember anything else."
Isla had already been aware that she was going to need to get the details from Sapphire, but seeing Onyx up close not able to remember anything was still hard to take. Was she really about to lose the only friend she'd ever made? Onyx couldn't even remember her, and her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the words to say. He called her important, which put a small smile on her face as she closed the gap between them, and stood at the side of his bed, her hand found his. "You don't know who I am." She said the words aloud, trying to think about what that would mean for them. All the chats they'd had, the time spend watching Quidditch games or even just eating meals together would mean nothing. She'd told him things that she hadn't told anyone else before, but now he couldn't recall it. Isla was angry, angry that it had come to this and that he'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time, Onyx deserved so much more than this. Isla had never been close enough to someone to lose them before, and while her rested on the boy beside her she still felt like she'd lost him too. She swallowed nervously, everything she'd been planning to say went out of her head now that she was here. "I'm Isla. I'm.." who was she to him? His friend? Best friend? Onyx had spent the last few months so torn up over Chrys, unable to get him out of his mind, talking to her about the things they used to do and that he hadn't known what he was supposed to do to feel better. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. A way to start fresh. Onyx didn't need to be hurting from that anymore, and besides, she knew that she was a better person to fill that role. She'd never explicitly told Onyx that she saw him as more than a friend before, she'd not really had the chance and she hadn't wanted to make things complicated after his feelings towards Chrys. Maybe this was her chance to fix things, to show Onyx that he could be happy. "I'm your girlfriend honey."
Onyx watched as she got closer, feeling awful again for not knowing anything. "Izzy," he corrected softly. That was right, wasn't it? Izzy felt better. His eyes widened when she said she was his girlfriend. His girlfriend? It sounded... Odd, but... He knew she was important. He trusted her. "I'm sorry," his voice cracked and he scooted away, readjusting and opening his arms. "I'm sorry I forgot. Please stay," he bit his lip, his eyes watering. He had a girlfriend he didn't know anything about and it was his fault. He just wanted to curl up and cuddle and think maybe everything would be okay. "Don't leave me," he pleaded softly. "I'll try to remember. If I cant I'll just- just- learn everything over again. Please?"
A wave of panic rushed over Isla when Onyx called her by his nickname for her. If he ended up discovering the truth about what she'd just said too early then her cover would be completely blown. "Onyx you don't have to be sorry for any of this," she smiled, although her eyes told another story that seeing him in this position was still heartbreaking. "I'm not going anywhere, okay," whatever had happened, he was still her best friend too and she wasn't just going to leave at the drop of the hat, and she'd come into this semi prepared thanks to his sister. For the most part Isla agreed, he would learn everything agian, except this time maybe he could learn it better. If he'd lost his memories then maybe he'd lost his feelings too, and as long as they were kept buried for long enough for them pass completely then he would be spared of the hurt. She needed him to trust her, not even thinking about the consequences down the line so much as right now. Onyx looked so sad, curled up his bed and she couldn't imagine how isolating it must have been to not know his own history. Isla pulled her hand away for a moment, only to shrug off her jacket and put down her things, before leaning across the Gryffindor and wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly. "I don't know what you did," she began, knowing she still needed to get the story from Sapphire, "but you're the bravest most loyal person I've ever known." She spoke into his ear, at least something she'd said in the last few minutes wasn't a lie.
Onyx breathed a sigh of relief, thankful she wasn't leaving. He whined softly when she pulled away, missing her touch. He sighed softly when she hugged him, trying to pull her into the bed with him to cuddle. "I don't really know what happened," he murmured. "They said my aunt? Tried to attack my sister and I pushed her out of the way. Got blasted back and bashed my head pretty good," he tried to smile weakly. "Izzy?" He asked. "What have I forgotten? About us?" He asked, blue eyes searching her face as he pulled back.
"You're so stupid!" Isla said, but while nestled into his neck it was a bit hard to hear what she'd said. On the one hand she knew why he'd done it, to protect his sister, but on the other hand being loyal was going to get himself killed one day. She kissed his cheek hard, both out of frustration at the situation but also because she was so grateful that he'd done that and both twins were alright. It would take time of course for Onyx to have his memory restored, and it could have been so much worse. She could have been like Elly right now and she hugged Onyx even tighter at the thought. Isla was fuming that anyone would have wanted to attack Sapphire in the first place too, although that was something for when she wasn't at Onyx's side. Onyx was practically pulling her onto the bed beside him, and eventually the Hufflepuff caved, hoping up to lie on her side on the edge of the bed, peering up into his face and moving to take his hands in hers. What had he missed in their "relationship"? Well, there was a question. She supposed it would have been best to start from the beginning, adding in a few important factors that would hopefully solidify his belief in them. "We only met this year at school," did Onyx remember Hogwarts? She wasn't really sure on the extent of his memory loss, "You're a beautiful muscian. You play the drums and the guitar, and I sing," she smiled, recalling their first encounter and how easy it had been to talk to him from the get go. "We've pretty much been inseperable since then, although it's hard because, well we're not in the same year. You'd be in your seventh year in September, but I would only be fifth so we have to meet outside of classes," she didn't want to lie to him if she didn't have to. "But really that just means that we get to hang out together and do the fun things together." she smiled. Isla spent the next portion of their time relaying how he'd taken her to Quidditch games, something she'd never had an interest in before he'd introduced her properly, and how they would cheer on Slytherin because Sapphire played for them. She even threw in the mention of Jacob on the Gryffindor team in an effort to jog his memory about his own house. She told him about how they would spend their afternoons just talking, about their pasts and their fears and their passions, and that she'd never found anyone quite on the same page as him before. Isla left her brother out of the conversation, another strain that was better left unsaid, "Oh and your make up skills are stunning," she said, lightly flicking his nose. "Not at all jealous." Isla squeezed his hand, eyes still looking up into his. "We've only been dating a few weeks," she knew she needed to lay a little ground work if this was going to be plausable. "No one really knows yet."
Onyx felt bashful as Izzy reprimanded him. "Sorry," he murmured, blushing as she kissed him. He settled in, running his fingers through her hair. He listened intently to everything she said. A lot of it sounded really familiar. He smiled as she flicked his nose. The smile faded as she said no one knew. "No one knows?" He asked softly. "Why not? I wanna tell people. It sounds like we're really good together." He hesitated before leaning in and kissing her softly. "I'm still really confused about a lot of things," he murmured, laying his head on his shoulder. "I don't really remember a lot, but... I feel safe with you. And warm? You... Feel like home." He hesitated. "Um... If I ask my dad- um, my uncle, would... You stay with us for the holidays? They said I probably can't go back to school..." He told her. "I'm going to miss you, Izzy."
"I've told you so many times not to apologise," Isla smiled, meaning it but she didn't say it with any frustration. As Onyx told her he wanted people to know about them, she knew she was going to have to come up with something on the spot that would mean it wasn't revealed. It would be too easy for someone else to tell him she was lying, that he wasn't even attracted to her, break the illusion that they were a couple and then she'd lose her chance to show him he could be happy. Before she could reply though he'd leant forward to kiss her, and she immediately froze. She'd never kissed anyone before, although she wouldn't deny she'd played out this moment in her head a number of times, she would never have expected it to happen like this. Gradually she began to kiss him back, still gently but enjoying the moment as well as making the most of a few second of precious thinking time to figure out how she was going to answer him. "We can't tell anyone. Not yet," she said once they'd pulled away, looking up into his eyes almost pleadingly. "We're too new, we agreed that we'd leave it at least a few months, please," Isla lifted one of her hands to brush some of his hair away from his forehead, knowing perfectly well that he liked the affection. Suddenly, Isla paused and her face was replaced with a look of almost dread, although this was purely for theatrical effect. "Oh my god. What if people don't believe us. I mean, I know I can be hard to get on with, it's not like I have a lot of friends either and with nobody knowing before this, what if people don't trust us. No one will believe that someone like you was ever with someone like me," Isla almost looked scared, but she knew that she would have to get Onyx to hook onto the idea that this was his partly his choice if the secret was going to last as long as it needed to, especially if people came asking the obvious. It would have been a lie to say Isla didn't know what she was doing, but she honestly believed it was for the greater good, and if she could get Onyx out on the other side of this with as little heartbreak as possible then she would. She turned to look at him again when he asked if she wanted to stay with him over the holidays, "Of course I would. I told you I'm not leaving," she said, nestling against his neck for a moment although secretly glad he'd offered, or she would have had to return home regardless of what she'd said. Hearing that Onyx wouldn't be back to school was another hit for the Hufflepuff, who in that moment realised that she would return to being all by herself again once she started the next semester.
Kissing Isla was... Odd. Warm. It was... Kinda nice. His heart was still in his chest, but maybe that was his fault. He just needed the chance to fall for her again, he was sure of it. He was glad to keep her close, shutting his eyes and leaning into her touch. But his eyes widened as she reacted to him wanting to tell people. "Hey hey hey, shhh," he brushed his fingers over her cheek. "We'll keep it between us. You and me, I promise." He smiled warmly at her.

He hummed softly as she cuddled into him, wrapping his arms around her. He shut his eyes again, glad to have her close. "My Izzy," he breathed softly, and without thinking he started to purr quietly.

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