Gryffindor Half-Practice Y38 S2

As usual, the points were starting to come in from the chasers. They always seemed to perform well. The same could not really be said for himself right then as there was still no sign of the snitch.
Lysander hovered on the spot, keeping an eye out for another bludger.
Sully knew Chloe could take a hit, but he still hovered nervously after she took the bludger. Clearly it didn't matter though, since she continued on like a tank, scoring another goal. Sully beamed, figuring he should have known she'd be. With Lysander knocking more bludgers about, he hung back, wondering if they could nab the quaffle again before Knox or Noel.
Lysander knocked more bludgers about, though they didn't manage to go anywhere he intended in particular.
As he followed he noticed Sully scoring and after that Chloe also. But she got hit, that didn't seemed like the idea but when he didn't paid attention he saw an bludger coming and hit him in the side. He made an painfull face and tried to hang on to the broom and get an good grib as he catched the quaffle to try and score. So he moved towards the other side of the pitch.
Chloë hovered in place for a second after she had scored, rubbing her side in an attempt to make the pain go away. She hadn't expected Ronald to throw the quaffle back out so fast though, having to quickly turn around to chase after Noel as he made off with it.
He flew a little higher as he kept up the search
Noel grabbed the quaffle despite the bludger hit and Sully grinned. He also should have known Noel wouldn't let a bludger slow him down. Catching up with Chloë, Sully joined her in tailing Noel, hoping to catch up to him before he got to Nikko.
Emma attempted to hit another bludger, but she missed it. She sighed and kept on flying after it.
Still no sign of anything and he was starting to feel a little annoyed.
Nikko perked up now that Noel had the quaffle and he got ready to block the shot when ever the other boy got close enough.
Lysander flew up alongside a bludger, frowning when it changed direction as he tried to strike it.
Flynn kept circling around as he continued to look
Lysander kept an eye out for Flynn, who hadn't called out for a catch yet. That didn't feel great, but they were playing on a shorter time limit than usual, so he carried on finding another bludger.
Spying an opportunity, Sully slipped past Noel, managed to wrest the quaffle from his grip with a quick "Yoink!" before turning to fly back towards Ronald.
Lysander hit @Noel Waldgrave with another bludger for letting Sully steal from him.
As Noel tried to make his way he got hit by an bludger again. '' Auch!'' He than said since it hit him in the side again. It was an painfull spot now. He saw Sully getting away with the quaffle. '' It's clear you are warmed up Lysander.'' He than said as he flew closer with an half grin hoping the boy was gonna pick another target now. He followed Sully and than saw an chance to steal it away. '' Got it back thanks.'' He than said with an grin and flew off to the other side again.
@Solomon Mordaunt @Lysander Summers
Not been 4 hours but I'll allow it :r

Sully was too busy laughing at Noel taking another bludger that he wasn't able to stop Noel from grabbing the quaffle. Nikko probably needed the practice anyway.
yeah jamie :r
Who knew all it took to motivate the team was a bludger to the side? Tough love really was the way to go. Lysander chuckled and gave him a thumbs up, before moving on to hunt down another bludger, and another target.
OOCOut of Character:
whahah oops sorry I thought it was. Thanks your too kind Kris!! <3 LET ME HAVE AN CHANCE now i'm not working, sorry sorry!

As Noel made it's way to the other side of the pitch he felt his side hurting but he took an chance and threw the quaffle hard into the left hoop and cheered as he saw it going through. Even an bludgers was not gonna stop him. '' Yes!'' He than said happy, glad it was succesfull.
Nikko sighed as Sully stole the quaffle from Noel but his moment of peace didn't last long as Noel stole it right back. But he wasn't quick enough and Noel managed to score on him. He smiled but felt a little defeated as he tossed the ball back into play.
He was trying not to get too frustrated as the snitch continued to elude him.
Noel managed to score, which was pretty impressive after two bludger hits. But Sully figured he could probably do that too, so no big deal. He grabbed the quaffle from Nikko, turning to head back down the pitch, keeping an eye open for Chloë and the other chasers.
Ronald so happy cause our team got a score thanks to Noel, and then Chloe and Sully are gaming back to Ronald side so he prepared himself that block their attempt to score in their group.
Chloë watched as Sully stole the quaffle and Noel stole it back, suppressing a chuckle at the situation. It was good to see him score even after two bludger hits though and she turned to follow Sully when he made off with the quaffle again.

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