Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S1

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
The brisk wind in Rāwhiti's hair felt good as he waited for his team to assemble on the pitch. It was breezy but not gusting, chilly but not frigid; good weather for a practice. He greeted his teammates as they arrived, grinning with pride in his newfound position. Once the team was assembled, he cleared his throat and spoke. "Alright! Welcome and welcome back, everyone. We've got a new year, a few new faces in the team, and a new chance to walk away with that cup. We're going to prioritise putting in the work to take the other teams out, and that means hard work from everyone." Rāwhiti looked around at his teammates seriously. For as laid back as he was about other things, Rāwhiti knew all too well that he had to take this seriously. "Chasers, focus on passing and stealing. Fly a full lap of the pitch between each attempt at goal." He said, before looking to Genevieve. "Evie, you know what you're doing, just stay on them. Beaters, show us what you can do. Focus more on accuracy than power - we don't need to knock them out, just knock them out of the game. Teddy, you and I will be competing for the snitch." He nodded, looking around the team once more. "Alright, into the air - we've got a cup to win!" He said, mounting his own broom and taking off.

((No arrivals, straight into practice!))

Santiago shivered as he walked to the pitch. After spending the holiday with his mom in the summer heat, coming back to the New Zealand winter was a shock. He bounced on the balls of his feat to get warm as Rāwhiti gave them instructions. He barely listened. He knew what to do and was eager to get into the air even if it would be colder, at least he'd have a distraction. Finally they were off and he started looking for bludgers.
Basquiat was embarrassed being alternate chaser compared to kids being the full chasers. He knew that it was because they were younger and had more years to play not because they were more skilled. It had to be the case. Still he showed up to practice, mounted the broom and kicked off. He quickly went into play and caught the quaffle and began flying towards the goal posts, soon he'd want to try to score.

((OOC: Y'all i hope i did this right, the new quidditch system is new to me))
If Milo had been excited seeing his name on the Quidditch line up, it was nothing on being on the pitch for their first practice. Alternate or not, he was going to make himself indispensable and then Rāwhiti would have to put him in on their next game. Plus, with him and Teddy being the youngest on the team there was no way Milo was going to let him roommate show him up.

He shot into the air, almost too quickly as he hurriedly grabbed hold of his broom to keep his balance, immediately trying to track down the closest bludger.
Josh was excited to be officially on the team! He had been an alternate for a while, so he was feeling good about this. Josh listened to his roommate and gave him a nod that he was understanding what to do. It wasn’t long before they were in the air, quickly following the alternate chaser who had possession of the quaffle.
Santiago saw a bludger coming right to him and swung his bat. It felt good to be in the air again. And it felt even better to land a hit on their captain.

@Raawhiti Te Rangi
Milo was still getting his bearings in the air when Santiago had already landed a hit on not just their seeker but their captain too. Santiago wasn't that much older than him, Milo thought, gripping his bat. He could do that too, easy. He just needed to catch a bludger first.
Santiago was feeling good but when he swung again he missed and cursed under his breath.
Aha! Santiago had missed! And sure, maybe Milo was spending more time watching the other beater than hitting bludgers himself, but he still felt marginally more confident as he circled the pitch.
Rāwhiti watched with a new eye as his team took to the pitch and began their practice, unable to keep a proud smile off his face. He had always paid attention to positions other than his own, wanting to keep a broad understanding of the game, but now he had all the more reason to. It didn't pay off too well for him though, as he was busy keeping an eye on the chasers as Santiago hit him with a bludger from a different direction. He tried to roll out of the way but didn't manage it, giving an 'OOF' as it hit him in the thigh. He turned to congratulate the beater and stopped mid-word as he spotted something. No time to explain, Rāwhiti flattened himself to his broom and flew directly towards Santiago at top speed. He veered at the last second, hand reaching out to snatch the snitch that had been fluttering directly behind his head. "Sorry!" Rāwhiti puffed, waggling the snitch at Santiago in explanation before letting it go, giving it a head start before he resumed the search.
For a moment, Milo actually thought Rāwhiti was about to do something crazy like tackle Santiago for hitting him. When their captain held up the snitch though Milo's mouth just fell open. "Why didn't you do that last year," he called, raising his hands in exasperated distress. Maybe just by being here he was helping the team get its act together.
Aurora did not manage to hit a bludger.
Rāwhiti was still glowing with his success when he heard a comment from one of the new team members, giving Milo a look. "It's not always that easy." He said firmly, giving a small shrug. "Just got lucky that time."
rule 2a

joshua decided to give a shot at stealing the quaffle from his teammate, it took a bit, but josh had managed to get possession of the quaffle. the chaser did a wee lap around the pitch before heading towards the hoops.
Aurora was pretty pleased when she actually managed to hit a bludger, and had been aiming for the captain, but it went off course and instead hit the chaser. Joshua or something.

@Joshua Lynch

bludger count said:
Joshua - 1
Soren was excited to be with the others, slipping in with Aurora down to the pitch. They just took off right into the air and right into practice. He held back at first, letting the others get into the swing of things and personally just working on his broom work, flying around at various speeds and just getting back into the swing of being on his broom again.
Milo rolled his eyes at Rāwhiti's response. "Luck yeah sure, hopefully you keep getting lucky-" He started, cut off as Aurora hit a bludger past them and into Joshua Lynch. Milo really needed to get his head in the game, he couldn't be the only beater without any hits on the board, new player or not.
Nothing could wipe the grin off Teddy's face since he saw his name on the Quidditch team lineup. He was brimming with enthusiasm and eager to put in his best effort during training. With a determined nod in response to the instructions, he embarked on the hunt for the snitch. There was a momentary twinge of annoyance when Rāwhiti snagged the snitch before him, but Teddy attributed it to experience. Undeterred, he maintained his focus, eyes scanning the sky, determined to catch the snitch at least once before the training session ended.
Rāwhiti ignored Milo's comments and turned his attention back to the game. He kept one eye on Joshua as the boy took a hit, making sure he seemed okay before resuming the hunt for the snitch properly, hoping to snag another catch quickly.
Evie was more than ready for a good practice session. She headed up to the skies when instructed, taking her position in front of the hoops. As Joshua began flying towards her, she kept a close eye on him, slightly relieved as Aurora managed to hit him with a bludger.
Just as Josh was close to the hoops and threw the quaffle, he was suddenly whacked with a bludger. However, his score failed and it didn't make it though. Josh gave a thumbs-up to show he was okay while waiting for the next chaser to grab the quaffle.
Aurora continued to look for bludgers to hit.
Feeling ready, Soren flew back in and snatched up the quaffle, smiling at the others and starting back around again.
Teddy's eyes locked onto the snitch, and with a burst of speed, he shot off towards it. Just as he was about to seize it, the snitch evaded him, flying out of reach above his head. Teddy lost sight of it and searched the sky for any sign of its whereabouts.
Rāwhiti saw Teddy pick up speed and shot after him, but he never caught sight of the snitch himself, and before long it was clear that the younger seeker had lost it too. Giving him an encouraging smile, Rāwhiti returned to the search.

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