Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S2

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
The second semester had come all too soon, and with it Gryffindor's final match of the year loomed. Rāwhiti had to bite back disappointment every time he thought about it, doing his best not to think about how thoroughly he had failed his team, losing their first match with him as captain. What mattered now was putting up the best showing they could in their final match. So, he had called the team to the pitch, speaking to them quickly. "Alright everyone, just because we aren't up for the cup, doesn't mean we shouldn't put in our best effort, and show the other teams they should be scared of us next year. I want everyone sharp for the match, so stay focused today. Chasers, a full lap of the pitch between attempts at the goal. Practice both passes and steals. Beaters, focused on the Seekers. Evie, you've got this." He gave the best encouraging smile he could, before mounting his broom. "Alright, let's go!"

((No arrivals, straight into practice!!))

Santiago had felt suffocated all holiday with his family spending it in New Zealand. So for once he was eager to get back to school and most importantly quiddtich. He took to the air quickly and searched for a bludger to hit.
Aurora got on her broom and shot up into the air.
Rāwhiti tried to ignore the anxiety rushing in his chest as he took off, trying to focus on the task at hand as he searched for the snitch. He would practice, and he would be better next time.
Teddy didn't dwell on missing out on the cup, after all, he hadn't been playing to contribute. Secretly, he harboured a small sense of relief, believing that perhaps the outcome might have been different had he played. Keeping these musings to himself, he leaped onto his broom, spotting the snitch almost instantly. With determination, he zoomed off in pursuit, finally wrapping his hand around the golden ball and erupted in triumphant cheers. "Got it!" he exclaimed joyfully.
Rāwhiti had barely begun his search when he heard Teddy's voice, looking around in disbelief. His heart dropped into his stomach like a ball of lead. "Oh! Well done!" He called out and gave a thumbs up, hoping nothing showed on his face. Just another piece of proof he was a failure.
"Cheers, mate!" Teddy replied, flashing a grin at Rāwhiti's acknowledgment and feeling relieved for the lack of discontent over his success. Releasing the snitch, it swiftly zipped away, vanishing before Teddy could track its direction.
Teddy started a circle of the pitch, dodging a bludger that whizzed past him.
Milo was certain if anyone else but Rāwhiti was in charge, maybe they’d be having a better season. Especially when they’d barely got underway and Teddy was already catching the snitch. Rāwhiti wasn’t a bad captain entirely. His lineups could just use a few tweaks since some of them clearly needed to be off the bench, Milo figured, taking a pointed swing at a bludger.
Teddy may have gotten lucky early because he hadn't seen the snitch since his first catch.
Rāwhiti was so caught up in his own inadequacy that he didn't see Aurora's bludger coming until it was too late, trying and failing to dodge out of the way. He winced as he took the hit in the thigh, blinking past the pain to give her a thumbs up. "Ka pai!"
It felt good to have a bat back in his hands and Santiago swung it confidently. He had been aiming for Milo but it went off and hit one of the chasers instead. @Soren Gates
Teddy realised in an actual game, catching the snitch just once was all that mattered, not the number of times during training sessions. The realisation relieved some pressure he felt for a second catch, and he circled the pitch with newfound ease.
Rāwhiti was pleased to see Santiago having some luck, trying to pick his spirits up as he searched for the snitch.
Santiago didn't waste any time and saw another bludger coming towards him. He swung once again and hoped to it one of the seekers but his aim was off and hit their keeper instead. He ducked his head apologetically before flying away. @Genevieve Fuentes
Milo grit his teeth seeing Aurora and Santiago already landing hits. He was rusty, he just needed to warm himself up a bit, he assured himself. Though he definitely had to duck a bit when Santiago's bludger hit Soren, which had him squinting suspiciously at his fellow beater.
Santiago sighed as he looked for another bludger. Hopefully he'd hit what he was aiming for sometime today.
While Milo was still definitely warming up and not having trouble getting in any hits, he decided to try and enjoy himself a bit as he flew (though he still kept an eye on Santiago and the bludgers. Just in case.).
Santiago swung his bat but he missed completely this time.
Teddy spotted the snitch at the opposite end of the pitch and went in pursuit.
Milo turned quickly as a bludger shot past, swinging hard. It was a solid hit, flying straight into @Aurora Archer and he was pleased even if it had been an accident.

Still feeling pretty smug, Milo turned his broom to Santiago, having a sudden idea. "Hey! I bet you a galleon I can hit the next bludger before you can!" He said, raising his bat in challenge. Hopefully Raawhiti would be watching this too, it'd be good food for thought for the next lineup, surely.
While he wasn't having any luck himself, Rāwhiti kept one eye on the rest of the team, seeing how they were playing. It was a good thing he did, as he quickly spotted Teddy accelerating and shot after him. He barely heard Milo's voice as he shot past, because of course Milo was already bothering people. "FOCUS ON YOUR OWN GAME!" He yelled out to the younger boy as he rocketed towards Teddy.
Aurora missed the next bludger she'd been going for.
Teddy's focus wavered as Rāwhiti's voice pierced through, urging them to concentrate on their own game. Momentarily distracted, Teddy glanced back, only to realise that the snitch had vanished in that fleeting moment. Frantically scanning the surroundings he spotted a glint of gold to the left. He flew in that direction, stretching his hand out and seized the snitch. It was Teddy's second catch in this training session and the huge grin on his face was enough to know that he was very happy about that.

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