Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Harper Alston


we'll be falling, we'll be falling like an avalanche


-- i think that you can love me forever --

{ Eileen Alston }

Harper has always had a positive relationship with her mum though
she sometimes feels like the forgotten child among her siblings, who
often require more attention. Harper knows her mum loves them
equally, but that doesn't stop the occasional inklings of resentment.
Her mum is her biggest cheerleader, never missing one of her games.

{ Bryson Alston }

Due to her dad's work, Harper sees him less than she does her mum.
But she would consider herself closer to her dad. The two are similar
in personality, and he is the one who gave Harper her love of football.
Similar to her relationship with her mum, Harper sometimes feels as if
she must compete with her siblings for her dad's time and attention.

{ Everett Alston }
oldest brother

When she was younger, Harper and Everett fought constantly though
they were just as quick to make up. She often felt as if she lived in his
shadow both at school and at home. Their relationship improved
immensely after Harper left for Hogwarts. Over letters, the two have
gotten closer, and Harper has become a confidante of sorts for Everett.

{ Fletcher Alston }
older brother

For much of Harper's life, Fletcher was her best friend. They did
everything together, and she was always following him into trouble.
When she started Hogwarts, Harper often found herself instinctively
looking around for him. Her magical abilities have introduced a wedge
into their relationship that neither of them is willing to acknowledge.

{ Lila Alston }
younger sister

If Harper was the thorn in Everett's side, Lila was the thorn in Harper's.
When Lila was born, Harper tried to turn her sister into a mini-her, but
the two turned out to have opposing interests and personalities. They
share a room, and Lila enjoys testing Harper's patience. Their relationship
soured when Lila didn't get into Hogwarts after Harper got her hopes up.

{ Ryland Alston }
younger brother

To Harper, Ryland has always been "the baby." She spent a lot of time
babysitting him (and Lila) and helping her mother care for him. Harper
started Hogwarts when he was five, and she sometimes feels like a
stranger when she comes home and sees how much he's grown. Lately
she's tried to spend more time with Ryland, watching for signs of magic.

i'll walk with you on the edge -- *

{ Skylar Anderson }
best friend, confidante, squad member

Harper and Skylar met on the train to Hogwarts, and they've
been inseparable ever since. Both adventurous, muggleborn
Gryffindors, the two have a lot in common. They even get
mistaken for one another, which Harper finds quite amusing.
If Harper had a long-lost twin, she assumes it would be Sky.
Harper finds that Sky just gets her and that navigating the
magical world is less daunting with the other girl by her side.

{ Hunter Robinson }
best friend, friendly rival, workout partner

In some ways, Harper has replaced her brothers with Hunter.
The two have a very sibling-like relationship. Though she enjoys
mercilessly teasing Hunter, she'll always be there to support
him, and their conversations can swing from serious to playful in
a matter of seconds. Harper also enjoys the little athletic rivalry
they have, each pushing the other to their physical limits. She
always looks forward to their early morning workout sessions.

{ Lillith Montgomery }
best friend, hype woman, partner in chaos

Harper and Lillith met during a broom race in flying class, and
they've been challenging each other to crazier and crazier stunts
ever since. She admires Lillith's relentless cheerfulness and
inexhaustible energy, and she knows she can always count on the
other girl to join her for an adventure. An accident during an upside-
down flying race led to a rare moment of seriousness that brought
them closer together and cemented Lillith as one of her best friends.

-- let your walls down, i swear you won't regret it --

{ Hildegard de Valeriane }
friend, mischievous influence, squad member

Being friends with Hildegard, Harper has found, is just easy. And
that's what she likes most about their friendship. Hanging out with
Hilda is a surefire way for Harper to take her mind off of whatever is
worrying her. She also sees Hilda as a trusted source for information
about the magical world who she knows won't judge her ignorance.

{ Blake Lodge }
friend, partner in crime (fighting), squad member

Harper didn't quite know what to make of Blake at first. They had
vastly different interests, backgrounds, and outlooks in life. But a
potions accident in first year brought them closer together, and a
dorm room fight between Blake and one of their roommates in
second year led to Harper essentially declaring her loyalty to Blake.

{ Nikko Blackwood }
friend, teammate in spirit, housemate

Harper and Nikko met when she accidentally hit him in the head
with a soccer ball. Thankfully he took it well enough, and they've
been playing pick-up games ever since. Harper appreciates his laid-
back demeanor and enjoys joking around with him. In her fourth year,
she developed a crush on him that she is currently trying to get over.

{ Emmaline Hopkins-Vance }
friend, positive influence, squad member

As the fifth member of the "Gryffindor Girls Squad," Emmaline has
been one of Harper's friends since first year. Harper views her as a
calm, steady presence in her life, and she admires Em's work ethic
and kindness. Em inspires Harper to be a better student and friend.
Harper greatly respects Em and is always cheering for her success.

{ Chloë Thompson }
friend, honorary big sister, housemate

Chloë is the big sister Harper never had. She enjoys hanging out with
the older girl and often turns to Chloë for advice on everything from
academics to the magical world. A talented athlete and student, Chloë
represents a lot of what Harper aspires to be. She sees the older girl
as an example of what success in the magical world could look like.

* -- don't like the feeling when your arms unfold

{ Flynn North }
dislike, avoidance, housemate

Harper has never understood Flynn, and she's not interested in trying.
She finds him overly grumpy and antagonistic for seemingly no reason.
Despite this, she didn't really mind his presence until fourth year when
they were assigned detention together. Flynn left her to serve it alone,
and that's when her attitude towards him tipped towards active dislike.

{ Ivy Ashworth }
dislike, enemy of a friend, roommate

A dorm room fight between Ivy and one of Harper's friends marked the
start of Harper's dislike of the girl. Part of her dislike is out of loyalty to
her friend. Part of it is a genuine distaste for the judgement and self-
righteousness Ivy displayed during that fight. Though the two share a
dorm and many classes together, Harper does her best to ignore Ivy.


lyrics from "avalanche" by fletcher
list is incomplete and a work-in-progress
all relationships are from harper's perspective
pm me if you want to plot!

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