Haven't seen you in a while

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
It was a few weeks after arriving at school and Hugo was enjoying being at Hogwarts. it was everything his mama had told him it would be. the old castle, the library, he had made it into Ravenclaw. the house that he had wanted to be in he had made friends in his dorm and in the rest of the house. even some friends in other houses. but there was one person he had not really seen since arriving at school. back at home, he had had one best friend at school. the only other wizard in his class Conan. he had been a bit disappointed that they had been sorted into different houses. they had promised that they would still be friends, but he hadn't really seen his friend outside of class for a while. which is why today when he entered the great hall for lunch he didn't head to the Ravenclaw table instead he scanned the Gryffindor one. he didn't see Conan there but he took a seat near the end so he could keep an eye on the door and wave to him when he entered.
Conan was still buzzing about being at Hogwarts, so much so that the slight homesickness he had been feeling had more or less melted away at this point. He was just excited to finally learn magic and fully explore the castle he had been told about as a kid. And sure, for years he thought he would be attending Hogwarts Scotland, he supposed the New Zealand branch was just as cool. But if there was one thing he was slightly disappointed about was the fact he had been sorted into a different house than one of his old school friends. Not that it been all too surprising, but it still sucked. He hadn't really had the chance to catch up with Hugo since the sorting, so he was rather pleased to see the boy sitting at the Gryffindor table that morning. "Hiya!" He greeted cheerily, slipping into the empty space the other side of Hugo, "You roleplaying as a Gryffindor or something?"
Hugo had picked a sandwich off one of the platters, a bread roll filled with ham and cheese and salad and started to eat by the time Conan had arrived, he smiled as he chewed and Conan sat down. 'hey Conan" he said swallowing as his friend asked if he was roleplaying as a Gryffindor. "oh come on Conan, you know I don't Roleplay. I might be a nerd but I'm not THAT much of a nerd" he said. though they both knew full well that the reason he didn't roleplay was mostly because he didn't have anyone he could convince to roleplay with him. "I was thinking i would have lunch with my best friend as we are in different houses and hardly see each other any more" he said.
Conan couldn't help but grin just a little as he settled into his seat, leaning across the table to grab some food for himself. He was hungry, after all, and he wanted to make sure he had enough time to eat before afternoon classes. "Hey, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to pretend to be in the cool house," he teased, unable to stop himself from sticking his tongue out at the other boy for a moment. And besides, he knew that what Hugo was saying wasn't exactly true. But he wasn't going to press the matter, pretending to look surprised for a moment before looking around. "Oh, you have another best friend? Are they here yet?" He, of course, knew full well that Hugo was talking about him, but he wanted to have a bit of fun.
Hugo chuckled as his frend said that he didn't blame him for wanting to be in the cool house. "well i guess there are some cool gryffindors like fraser, and Santiago and Eliza, but there will be cool people in all of the houses" he said. this is the way they had always gotten on. always teasing each other about the little things. but he knew when his mums were fighting and he wanted to get out he could go to conan's and play video games. and if conan had forgotten his homework he would let him copy.
he shrugged when conan asked if he had another best friend. "Yeah. skinny guy, dark curly hair. he said. as he looked up and down the table taking a moment to really pretend to look. before looking back at conan "Oh, there he is. come on sit down and have lunch" he said. before taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"I'm not on that list? I'm the coolest of them all." He was still playing around, but he did think he was pretty cool. "But Gryffindor obviously have the coolest people in all of Hogwarts. It's part of the Gryffindor reputation." Probably. Gryffindor's were supposed to be the brave ones, which sort of meant they must be automatically cool as well. And he did continue to grin when Hugo pretended to play along, looking around for this supposed best friend. "Can't believe you've already replaced me with a new best friend. But they do sound pretty cool." No harm in hyping himself up a little. Though he did snigger when hugo finally faced him again. "Course I'm gonna eat. I'm starving."
Hugo couldnt keep his straight face any longer. "Yes Conan. you are obviously the coolest of the lot" he said. "hmm. that is something we will have to disagree with. Ravenclaw is obviously better" he said. before looking around at the older student sitting next to him hoping he would not get in trouble with the older guy for saying such a thing at the Gryffindor table. luckily they didn't seem to hear or at least they didn't notice. "Of course not. i was talking about you dufus. now eat" he said "how are you finding school?" he said. it was certainly bigger than their last school. both the building and the size and number of students. he finished his sandwich and picked up another chicken and stuffing one. and took a bite of it.
Conan simply grinned, nodding his head rather firmly. "Of course I'm the coolest." He didn't actually think he was the coolest person around or anything. That was pretty big-headed and stupid of him. But he did think he was relatively cool. At least he wasn't lame or anything. "Dunno about that," he did have to offer with a shrug, "Ravenclaw's are all just a bunch of nerds." But he wasn't saying that to be mean, even if it was kind of true. He simply sniggered when Hugo finally admitted he was just talking about him, turning his attention to the question as he hummed. "It's just school," maybe not the best answer he could give, but he thought it summed it up about right. "It's alright," he decided to add after a moment, "Classes are kind of cool, but I was looking forward to learning some cool spells by now."
Hugo chuckled at Conan's claim. They both knew that they were first years. and there were some probably genuinely cool older students around. But that Conan had far more potential to be a cool kid in the future than he did. he rolled his eyes as Conan called Ravenclaw a bunch of nerds "thanks. will you be saying the same thing when we beat you at the house cup?" he said though he was fairly sure he would know what the answer would be.
he shook his head when his friend said that he was hoping to learn some cool spells "there were some cool spells in transfiguration. But i am rather glad we didn't learn too many. I don't think i will be good at wand work. i made a mess in the wand shop, and the man was annoyed at me" he said. For this reason he was nervous about wand work and wanted to hold off on it for as long as he could
Conan just continued to nod his head, making his face at the rather stupid question. "Duh," he drawled with a roll of his eyes, "Getting house points mean you're a nerd for answering all the questions in class and stuff. Like a nerdy Ravenclaw." It would be pretty cool for Gryffindor to win the cup, especially with the bragging rights, but he didn't think he was doing all too much to help that push. Not that he was losing loads of points or anything, but he wanted earning lots of them, either. "What kind of stuff did you learn?" He did have to wonder when Hugo started talking about Transfiguration. That was one lesson Conan was quite interested in learning more about. "And that's dumb. Why would they get mad at you for something you can't control?"

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