Closed Having A Ball

Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Valerius had invited Aika with him to a charity gala his father was hosting. He walked with her into the ballroom, enjoying the soft music drifting through the room, from the orchestra playing. He let his eyes look over the room, over all the nicely dressed men and women in the room. "Would you like to get some drinks?" He asked, eyeing up the beverage and snack tables. It surprised him a bit how similar this felt to a dance at the school- though it was very elegant, high end, it all boiled down to the same thing in the end. Food, drinks, couples dancing to music.
Aika since her dad had gotten quite famous had attended quite a few formal balls and the least she could say is admit that she really enjoyed them. With her dad being a public figure, she got quite used to being in a spotlight as well and when Valerius invited her along to a charity gala, Aika just knew that she had to go. She found a really cute, little black dress and quite high heels not to look so small next to her boyfriend. "Yeah, definitely. I'm curious what they have to offer," she agreed with his idea in a gentle voice. In school she would put out an arm for him but since it was an absolutely different occasion, she let him do the first move. "I really enjoy the atmosphere at such events," Aika easily admitted.
Valerius straightened his suit jacket and held out his arm, offering it to Aika so he could escort her properly. "Does your father cater?" He questioned, curious. "I bet he'd be the highlight of any party." He complimented her lightly. He'd had Jai's cooking, and it was absolutely amazing. "My father's often gone on about wanting to try and make your father his personal chef. Or to buy him his own restaurant." He chuckled.

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