Closed Helping out and Spending Time

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie loved being able to watch the gardens, there was nothing better in her mind than just being able to spend a bit of time just in amongst the flowers and the trees. It was of course coming up to winter so it wasn't the nicest of weather and the garden wasn't at its best but it was still a nice enough day by her book and she enjoyed a lot the ability to just be outside when she was feeling a little stressed about the upcoming exams. Rosie had invited Xinyi to come help her out, though it was always an open invitation she didn't often expect him to do so, given how the weather was, and regardless she would be content to just tidy up alone. It would help that she was singing softly, as she always did and that always let her feel less alone. Though Rosie was hoping she'd see him.
Xinyi was never really going to tell Rosie no to anything, he was sure of that much. He stretched as he walked down from the castle, sketchbook in one hand and a paper flower he'd made in the other. He spotted Rosie quickly and he couldn't help but smile warmly. "Hey, Ro," He called, moving over to where she was and offering out the pink paper flower he'd made. "Having fun?"
Rosie smiled easily as she spotted her boyfriend. She waved to him as he approached and took the pink paper flower he had made. "Mostly," she said, "It always makes me sad to see the plants die away," she admitted with a little smile, before looking back up at him. "Better now that you're here,"
Xinyi smiled softly and offered out his arm, wanting to pull her in to a light hug. "I'm sure they appreciate you keeping them company," He reassured her gently. "Do you want to cuddle for a little bit?" He offered, looking up to the sky. "Maybe we could do some cloud gazing for a bit? Take a break and let your heart rest," He suggested, looking back to her with a fond smile.
Rosie immediately went to accept his hug. It was hard at time to be in amongst the flowers when this was happening. It was meant to, that was the cycle of time, but it didn't make it any easier. She nodded easily. "I'd like that," she said with a little smile. It would be nice to just cuddle with him, and then watch the clouds above them. It would help give her a little break, and hugging Xinyi always healed her heart.
Xinyi smiled, hugging Rosie gently and rubbing her back. "Well, then, come here," He stepped away and moved over, conjuring up a blanket and several pillows, laying it out. He settled in, comfy, and layed his arm out for her to settle in on.
Rosie watched as he conjured up the pillows and blankets and moved to settle in next to him, laying out on it and just looking up at the sky. She wiped her eyes a little and just kept in close to him. "Thanks, Xinyi," she said quietly, "I really needed this,"
Xinyi smiled, rubbing his hand gently over her shoulder and keeping her close. "Of course," He murmured gently, leaning his cheek against her hair. "I wouldn't leave you out here by yourself," He reassured her gently. "I know how this hurts your heart. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just left you alone with it?"
Rosie smiled as she kept in close, looking up at the clouds as they lay there. She gave a little warm expression. "I know that it's silly," Rosie gave a little smile, she knew getting upset over such things was just a little silly, that others would think her silly for it. "They're just plants," she said, but she knew it didn't stop her getting upset either.
Xinyi shook his head, squeezing his arm around Rosie. "Shhh," He soothed her. "Don't be ridiculous. It isn't silly. You have an amazing, caring heart. Don't ever apologize for your feelings," He tried to reassure her, leaning in to press a kiss to her temple. "Your heart is one of the most amazing things about you, Rosie. Trust it a little more, hm?"
Rosie smiled at his words, feeling so loved by him. This was so easy between them, so easy to be able to just be herself. Rosie leaned into the kiss he gave her temple. "Thanks Xinyi," she said warmly. She didn't say anything else, just leaned into him.
Xinyi smiled, just enjoying her warmth and the quiet, leaning against her and just running a hand through her hair. This was nice, he thought, it just needed... he conjured up a little blanket and laid it over them, blocking out the slight chill in the air. He sighed happily. This was perfect.

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