🌹 Rose Giving Honey-Sweet Roses

Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Bright | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (12)
Yellow rose for @Thomas Fitzgerald

Hazel had found the first name on her list she truly didn't know, she had asked some younger students and they told her the boy was in Hufflepuff, so Hazel made her way over to the Hufflepuff table during mealtime. It would be more efficient than roaming the halls for someone she didn't know. She cupped her hands around her mouth. "Anyone know a Thomas Fitzgerald?" She called.
After the first rose delivery he had received, it wasn't long before he had heard his name being called out yet again, and his face turned bright pink. He shyly put his hand up to show the girl where he was. "That's me" Thomas called out softly, hoping that the girl had heard him.
Hazel was glad she heard a voice, though she almost missed it because it was so quiet. Thankfully, the boy also raised his hand. She headed over to him and smiled as she handed him his rose. "Here you go!" She said cheerfully.

Dear Thomas,

I liked meeting you and hopefully you too. We can spend some time with both our cats outside.


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