Hufflepuff Quidditch Tryouts Y46

Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (15)
Chase hadn't even been sure if he wanted the captain position when Felix had reached out to him, but he had eventually decided saying no would've been a stupid idea. Did he think he had any chances of hoping to be a solid captain like their previous captains had been? Not in the slightest. But he actually liked quidditch, had grown to care about the faith of the team, so he might as well try. Even if accepting the position meant he'd have to be way more involved with people than he normally liked to be. Perhaps it would be good for him, or maybe he'd end up failing miserably. Either way, it allowed him to spend more time on something he didn't completely hate.

He watched as students started arriving, trying not to show he was a little uneasy in suddenly having to address a group of people when he usually tried to avoid most people around him. The plus side was he had been given a whistle and he was definitely going to use it. Chase blew the whistle to gain everyone's attention and get them to quiet down, far preferring it over having to shout. "What's up, I'm Chase and I'm your new captain." He simply stated without as much of a greeting. "I'm also not one for long talks so here's what's going to happen: anyone trying out just step forward one by one and tell me your name and the position you're going for. Same goes if you were an alternate last year. Returning members, I trust you know what to do." Chase explained in as little words as he could. "It's as simple as that. Just get up there and give it your best effort."

Beater + CaptainChase Campbell
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee
ChaserArtemis Vasilikis

OOCOut of Character:
Returning members should post attendance to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again. First years can only try out if there's still spots to fill. Please PM me if you have a first year willing to try out, thanks!
Marley had enjoyed being part of the quidditch team this year, and she couldn't wait to continue to do it this year. She had fun. The Hufflepuff girl made her way down to the quidditch pitch and stood with the rest of the team and those who were trying out this year. She listened as the new captain of the team spoke as well as instructed what they were going to be doing. Once Chase had finished speaking, Marley went up in the air to practice as well as help out those who were trying out.
Callie had been really really eager for the quidditch try-outs. She wanted to be good at the sport and be involved. She'd tried out int he previous year, though hadn't been surprised to not be selected, but this, this was going to be the year she made the team. Callie was very confident about it. There had to be an alternate slot available to her. The hufflepuff walked onto the pitch and grinned eagerly at her housemate. She nodded to what the captain said and then stepped forward. "Callie Cardoso, for keeper," she said.

Callie got on her broom and flew up into the air. She was immediately at the hoops and watching the chasers as they approached. She did well enough, her skills needing some refinement and really the more senior the chaser the less well she did with blocking their goals, but she was doing her best and managing somewhat. Callie continued to do as well as she could in the try-out until it was over. Being in goals was perhaps less exciting that other positions, but Callie flew well, guarded as well she could and was really trying her best to be good.
Noah was so psyched to be trying out for the Quidditch team this year. He'd been wanting to do so since he stepped foot in the castle last year, but unfortunately, that hadn't been possible, as it was rare that first years were allowed on the team. But he knew how to fly, as he'd been doing so since he was much younger, and he loved every second of it. If he got to be part of the team it would be so cool. Plus, he had to keep active with all the extra energy he had. When Noah heard Hufflepuff needed players this year he jumped at the opportunity. He knew his friend Helios didn't agree with any of this, but he didn't have to know unless Noah actually got chosen, right? There was absolutely no need for him to make his friend worry about his safety. With that thought in mind, the second year arrived to the pitch and joined the rest of the group who were already there. He listened to the captain, a man of little words, exactly what Noah preferred. People who got to the point. When he was done speaking, the boy lined up with everyone else and when it was his turn, he gave the captain a smile. "I'm Noah Cosgrove and I'm trying out for seeker," he stated, realising how ambitious that sounded. Well, he had faith, and he was confident he could do this and measure up to the standards they were expecting. With so many spots open, surely he had a chance.

Noah got on his broom and kicked off the ground, soon in the air. Without wasting any time, he started searching for the snitch. He was solely focused on that, while attempting to avoid any bludgers coming his way, or potentially bumping into other players. Thankfully, he seemed to be doing a fine job of that, thanks to his quick reflexes. It turned out to be a little challenging, and as the time passed he was getting a little worried that he wouldn't find the small golden ball, but to his luck, he saw a glint of something very shiny out of the corner of his eye. Hoping it wasn't the sun's reflection again, Noah took the chance to dive down and chase it, increasing his speed just a tad so he could get close enough to grab the tiny object. The second year let out a cheer as his fingers just managed to wrap around the snitch, just in time for the whistle to be blown which signalled the end of the tryouts. He hoped his best efforts there had been enough to have earned a spot on the team.
Oz hadn't really bothered to try out for Quidditch before, though of course he knew how to fly. His aunt and uncle insisted on it. Mostly, he'd been a bit anxious that he might get laughed at for his size, or treated with an abundance of caution and not taken seriously. And Hufflepuff's team had been fairly set for a while. He was a fourth year, but easily mistaken for a first year for people who didn't know him - sure, he was getting taller, but taller for him was relative, he knew he'd never really be that tall. He figured, though, he had to put in an effort, he might actually enjoy playing for one of the school teams after all.

"...hey," Oz greeted, clinging to his broom in one hand and giving a small wave with the other. "Oz Brambleheart. Uh...chaser." He probably had the speed for seeker but not the reach, and definitely wasn't suited for beater or keeper. But he thought he could be okay as a chaser. He took to the skies with the rest of the hopefuls, using his size to his advantage to duck a couple of bludger hits that may well have hit a taller player. He was able to catch the quaffle fairly well, and he took a few shots on goal as the tryout went on. Some were blocked and he outright missed a few shots, but he was pleased to see that he could actually make a few goals. His speed, again, definitely came to his advantage, while he may not have had the power and presence of others, he had enough strength to throw the quaffle properly and he could get around the keeper and the other chasers well. He knew he could have been more accurate and played better, but at least he'd tried and if the opportunity came up, maybe he'd get to play and have a good time doing something a little different.
Bailey was decided to make the team so it was a no-brainer to tryout again after not making the team the year before. She then found herself on the pitch, broom in hand waiting her turn to show what she had, if she had anything at all to show.

"Bailey Walden-Cade, trying out for seeker," She announced before she climbed on her broom and took off in search of the snitch. She knew the position she was trying out for was difficult, her dad had told her all about it as she grew up so she felt like she knew all she needed to play seeker. He had to be observant and patient, two words never used to describe her father and yet he had been an excellent seeker. Bailey flew around the pitch keeping her eyes peeled for the slightest hint of gold when she eventually saw the flutter of wings and dived after it. She was finally able to catch it after chasing after it for a while and returned to the ground snitch in hand.
Penelope was here, trying out again, which she had done many times before. She had been the alternate seeker for a few years now and was hoping to get the actual seeker spot now that Felix had graduated. She smiled at Chase as he spoke and inroduced himself as their new captain, the role did seem to suit him. Penny introduced herself. "Penelope, trying out for seeker." Then she took to the air and starte dlooking around for the snitch. She had done this many times by now, so she wasn't even that nervous. She flew around, finally getting the snitch and holding it into the air. Right before her turn ended, she managed to catch it a second time. Penny was pretty happy with what she had accomplished.
Dominic was excited for quidditch tryouts. He hoped that this time he would actually make it, as he had practiced a little and wanted to show the captain what skills he had. He thought about trying to stick to only one position this time, however felt that impossible as every position was fun and he didn't know how to narrow it down for himself. He would just try again in hopes that he would impress the captain. The boy gathered around as the captain introduced himself. He was only a couple of years older than Dominic. "Hi, my name is Dominic, and I'm trying out for everything!" he said when they were told they could start their tryouts. Dominic then didn't waste any time heading into the skies. He forgot to bring a beater's bat with him, so he opted to only try out for the other three positions instead.

Firstly, Dominic headed over to the keeper's hoops, positioning himself in the centre so that he could keep guard. Quaffles started flying towards him, and Dominic leaped out to block them. He admittedly missed a couple, but had done pretty well overall, almost falling off his broom at one stage to knock one out of the way.

After he felt he saved enough shots, Dominic then began trying to chase after the snitch. He had practiced his speed a lot and felt he could really do it. It didn't take him long before he saw a glimmer of gold, and he immediately raced after it. He pushed on as hard as he could, feeling the wind fly through his hair. He jumped forward, tumbling a little, but beamed as he managed to catch the snitch. He held it up as if he were playing a real game and he had just won it for his team, but then he realised how silly he must have looked, so quickly let it go before joining in with the chasers.

Dominic kept close to the other people trying out for chaser, catching the quaffle cleanly as it was thrown to him. He was a little tired from chasing after the snitch, but he pushed on as hard as he could towards the hoops. He didn't think too much about it and just threw the quaffle towards the furthest one to the left, watching as it sailed through the hoop. He beamed, but knew he would need to be successful with more shots if he really wanted the position. He was determined, and so he continued trying to make shots, even confusing the keeper at one stage so that he could make the shot without any trouble. He managed to get the hang of this quite quickly and was confident that if he would make the team, it would definitely be as a chaser.

Happy with his efforts and just trying to be positive, Dominic thanked the captain before he headed back up to the castle at the conclusion of the tryouts.
Artemis Vasilakis had her mind made up. She was still a little small, and her body was just not built enough to send bludgers in someone's way. So, she decided that even though she was guaranteed her chaser spot, she might go for something a little faster, and hopefully bring glory to the team. She grabbed her broom that her dear big brother gifted her, and practically skipped out of the Hufflepuff dorm. She wondered if Friday was around to cheer her on for try outs. She doubted it. She might even be trying out for Gryffindor for all she knew. She walked up to the captain, once she got to the pitch, and smiled, "I know I am a chaser, but I would like to try out for seeker."

Artie was not opposed to staying a chaser, so she added, "But if we are still lacking for chasers, I can stick to it too!" Artie mounted her broom and took to the air, looking all around for that snitch. She made sure her hair was tied back for the flight, and it would not get in her way at all. She looked and looked for it, and after flying around a few times. a glimmer of gold caught her eye. She leaned forward and shot toward the snitch. Within fifteen seconds of heart pounding seeking, she managed to catch it. She giggled and let it go, before she would try it again. After a few times, she switched to help the chasers out as well. She even made a couple of goals, showcasing her skills there (which helped since her beater skills lacked). She landed and wondered what the captain would do with her.
Marcellus Vetrov knew that this was his chance. He could get on the Hufflepuff quidditch team. He wanted a shot and he practically breathed Quidditch. It was in his blood. His father was a professional player and he was a keeper. His mother played for the school and she was a chaser. One of those two positions would be his, and he wanted to make either of them proud. They would be no matter he did honestly. But he was too proud and determined to think otherwise. He grabbed a broom his mother got for him. Not top of the line, but not the worst either. A good starter broom. He headed out to the pitch and saw the captain. Not a prefect, but Marcel still knew who everyone was that played. He followed the sport closely.

"I'm Marcel Vetrov, and I am trying out for keeper," Marcel assumed that there would be more than just him going for it, and likely someone older, but he could try. He mounted his broom and headed to one of the goal posts. He did try to defend it, but it was clear that he needed way more practice. He was still young after all. But he gave it his best shot, and blocked less than he let in. At least he could throw the quaffle back to the players well enough. He landed, not feeling as confident as he did starting out.
OOCOut of Character:
Forgot to post this yesterday but try outs will close in about 7 hours :r
Tryout are now closed! Thanks everyone.

SeekerPenelope Marshall
BeaterChase Campbell
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee
ChaserArtemis Vasilakis
ChaserOswald Brambleheart
ChaserDominic Owens-Lee
KeeperCallie Cardoso
Alt. SeekerBailey Walden-Cade
Alt. BeaterNoah Cosgrove
Alt. KeeperMarcellus Vetrov

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