Closed Informing Of A Dire Situation

Helios Obasi

kid brother | scaredy cat
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Helios was worried about his safety at this school, there were just not the necessary protections in place for him to actually be safe. The school certainly thought it was and the other students thought so, but Helios. Helios knew differently. He had been putting all of his thoughts together and was sending them in a long list to his sister so that she could maybe go to the ministry or the minister to get them to solve it. Helios had been avoid sending too many letters, the owlery was was gross. It was never clean enough and he just thought it was too high in the building and too risky. But he needed to send this. He had put on some gloves and was intending to be as quick as possible in and out of there. He stepped in and froze immediately as an owl raced past his face at top speed. God this place was just awful.
Zacharias was, once again, finding new places to explore inside and outside of the castle. He didn't really like to go outside as much as he liked to be inside, but today he found his curiosity had gotten the better of him and he was standing outside of the Owlery. He wasn't entirely comfortable being here, but he had decided before coming to this school that staying within his comfort zone wasn't always going to be a valid strategy. He sighed to himself before proceeding through the door and immediately being surprised by the presence of somebody else, and if he was correct, they were even more uncomfortable than he was being here. He wasn't sure why, or what come over him, but he felt a deep-seated need to protect this person. Maybe because he hadn't been protected himself when he was younger? Who knows. He shrugged to himself, and then approached the other boy. "Are you okay?" He asked, a look of concern on his face.
Helios for once, as a boy approached him in the owlery where he had frozen, nodded and wasn't entirely lying about it. He got freaked out, owls were..a lot, but he could deal with this, deal with it all. "Owls freak me out," he said, which was the easiest way to explain how he was feeling and why he had frozen. He hadn't yet moved again, but he was just trying to calm down, he could deal with this. Owls were gross and this room was not safe, but he could manage it, getting the letter to his sister was more important than how he currently felt. "Just go around me, I'll be okay," He assured the boy.

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