Closed Making Friends

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
Amodeus skipped down to the Great Hall. Teddy was still asleep, but that was alright, he would be down eventually. Amodeus wasn't going to make Teddy get up just because he was. He sat at the table, forgetting he was still in his pajamas. His mouth watered at all the food. He made a soft 'ooh' sound, before piling up his plate with food. He took a huge drink out of his goblet before he saw what it was- and almost moaned at the taste of chilled milk. He giggled, setting his goblet down and picking up his fork. He took a big bite, swinging his legs slightly and looking around with bright eyes. Seeing a boy across from him, he swallowed quickly and smiled brightly. "Hi!" He greeted with a wide smile. "I'm Amodeus!"
Santiago was tired. He always had trouble settling in and sleeping in the dorm for the first few weeks of school. He was also convinced his body wasn't meant to be awake this early and it was a sign he wasn't supposed to be in this time zone at all. But he yawned and made it down to breakfast, hoping it would wake him up a bit. It was early and still mostly quiet in the great hall. The rest of the school didn't seem fully awake yet either. He was silently chewing a piece of bacon when he heard a younger boy at his table speak up. It took him a moment to realize he was talking to him. "Uh, hi." he said dryly and raised an eyebrow when he noticed the boy was still in his pajamas. Santiago almost respected it but it mostly gave him some second hand embarrassment. "Nice to meet you?" he said, sounding unsure. He didn't know why this kid was trying to talk to him.
Amodeus smiled brightly, swinging his legs a little bit. "This castle is really big, huh?" He chattered, looking around a bit before taking in all the food. "Who do you think cooks all this?" He looked back to the older boy with a bright smile. "It looks absolutely yummy, do you have a favorite?" He grabbed a bit of chopped melon to put on his plate, with some strawberries and cream.
Santiago was about to get back to his breakfast when the kid asked him another question, and then another. Did his sarcastic answer somehow come off as friendly? He even glanced over his shoulder for good measure incase there was someone behind him this kid might be talking to. And what kind of name was Amodeus? "Yeah." he sighed in response to the castle comment. Of course it was big, it was a castle. "The house elves make the food. Which is kind of messed up if you ask me, but I don't make the rules." he shrugged and stabbed a piece of potato with his fork. "No." he said finally. He didn't have a favorite. He was always horrible at picking favorites and was constantly changing his mind.
Amodeus considered the answer, nibbling on his breakfast. "Do you think they get paid?" He asked, "I wonder how house elves live... do you know much about them?" He questioned, taking a sip of his drink. "I've heard they're way more powerful than wizards, I wonder why they would want to cook for all of us then... maybe they like it?" He mused, thinking perhaps too far into it now.

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