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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
okay so the thread title is a bit of a pun. But i have all of my assignments in for the semester so that means i can focus on plots (well other than trying to catch my two main students up with classes and my professor up with marking :shy: I know i have promiced a lot of people plots and if i have but hacent followed through with them please let me know.

I am mainly after things for people with blurbs. but any other sugestions wou,d be great.


Prfessor Elvera Le Fey
Divination professor third and fourth years.
Elvera Really cares about her students. if she takes one under her wing she will likely look ouf for them for their entire school time. she is the kind pf professor students have come to when they have problems as she is a good listener, always has a hot cup of tea and sweet snack in her office. and seer abilities make her extra good at giving advice (it is also a fun way to catalyse some plots) she also runs the inner eye and has a similar approach to there.
What she needs: Friends, students who have problems. any suggestions
What she doesn't need: Romance. she fell in love once and she swore never again.


Briar Rowan-Cullen
Head of the department of magical creatures, Wisengamot member, Mother, werewolf, werewolf rights activist
After an unusual upbringing briar is well and truly settled in the world. She has a family who she loves dearly. a job where she can influence positive change in the world. (even if it really is far too much paperwork for her liking). soes something sound a little too settled?
What she needs: Friends (maybe other mothers, her youngest is one and a half). any werewolf that needs a hand


Rhiannon McGown
Healer, Doctor
Rhi is almost a fully qualified healer (final exams this month and will get instated in January). her specialities are going to be obstetrics and paediatrics. she did qualify as a doctor in the muggle world before moving back to the magical community so she could also fill the role of doctor for any muggles who may end up needing magical treatment and give it with a veneer of muggle care. She has recently got engaged to her best friend and they are looking forward to getting married.
What she needs: Friends, patients. as you can guess she doesn't need any more romance (unless you are emzies posting about ty)


Leigh West
manage of a
One of the west family though she doesnt know about the rest of them (not even her twin sister who her wife is having an affair with). Leigh is the manager of a bookshop/caffe in a muggle area near to where she and her wife live with their two adopted children. she is fairly quiet. loves histroy and a good coffee.
What she needs: anything. I dont use her much as she is one of my more secondary charictors. but if you have an idea let me know.

Others: chayton Ateara, Alyce Brown.


Willow Cullen
Seventh year lion.
most people have probably seen willow around somewhere. She is a prefect, the gryffindor seeker, co-leader of the SDA. besides her bright blue hair is not easy to miss. I would class her as a sort of offortlessly cool person. the sort of falling into the loverable jock trope. with NEWTS this year she is studying more than she used to as she hopes to become an auror. (I really need to get my classes done)
What she needs: Friends, younger students to look up to her, people she can look up to. any suggestions welcome.


Selene Le Fey
Ravenclaw fifth year
Daughter of professor Le Fey, and twin of heliana. Selene is more of an observer of the goings on of the school than a participant in the gossip. She is a prefect and that combined with her OWL study, and Seeing c lasses keeps her busy. she used to hve a weird sleep wake xycle and suffer from nightmares most nights. she still does but not to the same extent thanks to technices taught to her in seer classes.
looking for: Friends, enimies. younger students she can bea big sister to. any sugestions really
She has a girlfriend and a final so romance is off the table


Linden Cullen
Hufflepuff second year
I ahvent developed him as much as i could have. he is a rel animal lover. taking injured animals in to help nurse them back to health. he wants to be a magizologist when he grows up. I haven't really developed him much past that. he gets on well with his dorm mates and his cousin. and is starting to realise that he has a crush on one of his best friends.
What i am after: up to you.

non humans
Aspen: centur in the hogwarts forest
Gemny: young Hogwarts house-elf.
Hi Mia! Tilly's a first year Hufflepuff. Also loves magical creatures. She's super bummed she doesn't get to take the COMC class until third year. Could see her getting along with Linden, especially since they're in the same house? :)

I'll have to get back to you on the adults :)

Linden and casper, lol.

Hmmmm selene and kira maybe

Any thoughts?
Just a suggestion, Linden and Blake?
He seems a more simple guy and Blake is definitely someone from an extremely wealthy family and used to a lot of spoiling, so maybe this divergence of origins could be an interesting thing for them to bond over.

Hmu if you are interested in this suggestion:D
@Tilly Drage Hey Amanda, that sounds good. maybe they can meet somewhere in the grounds. maybe lin can be walking one of his aunt's creatures on the lawn. did you want me to start something?

@Sapphire Michaels. They both sound good. maybe we should give Selene and Sapphire a spin first before starting something with the boys. what did you want them to be doing?

@Blake Lodge I like this idea. however, I am not sure linden would be the one to do that with. they are different houses and different years. they probably won't really interact much. what is her personality like? I feel like maybe Willow would be a better person to try that plot with if she is the kind of person who would act up or flaunt her money in the common room.
@Willow Cullen , Blake isn't really the flaunting type. She tries to keep a low profile even thought it's a bit impossible, as she wears some accessories and clothes that are hard not to notice and that are noticeably expensive. She is more the type of person who prefers not to talk about it or be judged by that, yet, if there's something she can solve with money she will have no hesitation on solving that.
@Tilly Drage Aweosme. i will start something tomorrow.

@Blake Lodge. if that is the case. it is up to you which cullen we try. i cpuld see willow still making more sense. however i you would rather Lin we could give him a go.
Perhaps a Willow x Noelle drama? I miss these two.
I was
Perhaps a Willow x Noelle drama? I miss these two.
I was wondering if you were going to suggest that. Willow is going to the ball alone. maybe they could start talking at the ball.
Linden and Emerson Griffith should hang out :p they are dormmates after all and I haven't done much with Emerson either so benefit for both of us :p
I was

I was wondering if you were going to suggest that. Willow is going to the ball alone. maybe they could start talking at the ball.
Noelle will be going with @Sapphire Michaels but sure we can let them talk at the ball. It will be a good drama.
@Hayzel West in that case maybe something set after the holidays. If he has gone to the back with sapphire (after she previously denied they were dating semi ic?) she would guess he had moved on enough to try at at least be on speaking terms again.
@Hayzel West in that case maybe something set after the holidays. If he has gone to the back with sapphire (after she previously denied they were dating semi ic?) she would guess he had moved on enough to try at at least be on speaking terms again.
That would also work. Still, Noelle would see Willow at the ball or she sees him right? And yes, they are not dating. More like a steady friendship.
So, randomly, but if you'd like to RP Linden Cullen and Leia Hume again I'd be game for it!

Also, Selene and Aonghas? They've met on a few occasions but never really become friends so I'd be happy to explore that a little more?
Sorry, it seems that he notifications were not working or i kept missing them.

@Blake Lodge: we can give them a go and see what happens. did you want to start a thread and i will join?

@Noelle Maxwell: we love a bit of relationship drama. well as willow is now not actuvly avoiding him they could run into each other and talk. should i start a thread? would the library be okay?

@Emerson Griffith: did you have anyhitng in mind? did you want to do a general thread in the common room? maybe over a game of exploding snap. or chess. or we could do it on the lawn and @Leia Hume could also join them?

@Leia Hume: when was it that leia and Lin met I forgot. both catch-ups would be good. which one would you rather we try first.
@Leia Hume of course they did. Sorry. i can start something. where does he hang out?
Aonghas can be anywhere. He floats about and walks around a lot. So he can be anywhere.
Garden works!
did you want me to start?
I got a little confused
@Blake Lodge: we can give them a go and see what happens. did you want to start a thread and i will join?

Between who? Willow or Lin? I'm down for both
@Blake Lodge which ever one you fancy. or i can jump in with whever fits the opening better if you would rather.
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