🌹 Rose Giving Ordinary Rose for an Unusual Boy

Miranda Dawes

Bright Spark | Optimistic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
12 (28/05/2049)
yellow rose for @Emrys Connelly !

Some of the people on her list were a little harder to find than others. Not having been able to locate her next recipient in the hall, Miranda figured a good place to look would be the student lounge, as she probably had a good chance of finding him or someone who knew where to find him here. "Hello, is there an Emrys Connelly in here?" she called, careful not to be so loud as to frighten anyone but loud enough that she could be easily heard. "I have a rose for you, if you are here!"
Emrys had settled down in the student lounge to read, and he was surprised to hear his name. He looked up and sat his book down, shifting to straighten. "I'm here," He replied, hopefully loud enough, raising a hand to catch the girls attention.
Miranda was relieved that the boy she was looking for was, in fact, in the Student Lounge, and quickly walked over to him with a yellow rose in hand and a neatly folded note. She had kind of wanted to snoop but that wasn't appropriate or at all nice, so she had left it sealed. "Here you are! I hope it's a nice message!" She grinned. "What are you reading?"

Happy Valentine's day!
Emrys took the rose with a hint of shock on his face, though it smoothed out into a smile when he saw it was from Emmanuel. He looked back to the girl. "Thanks for the rose. It's just a horror novel," He offered, picking it up and holding it out to show her. "Do you like scary stories?"
Miranda peered at the boy curiously for a moment, he didn't seem to be expecting a rose. She relaxed, though, when she saw that it did seem to be a welcome rose. Surely nobody would send mean ones, would they? "You like horror novels? Wow, that's really cool!" she said, earnestly. "I do! I read them with my dad sometimes. Sometimes the words are still a bit complicated, though." Miranda was by no means a poor reader, but she was also only twelve. They were working through Frankenstein, though it wasn't easy. "You must be really clever!"
Emrys blushed a bit, not used to praise from people other than his mom. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Er- thanks," He offered, swallowing hard. "Are you having a good day?" He asked, at a loss for real words. He really needed to work on his social skills- it had been easy with Marnie, who spoke enough for both of them, and easy with Emmanuel just because the other boy did the talking for him.
Miranda nodded, if she noticed the older boy looking uncomfortable she certainly didn't say anything about it. "Yeah! It's really fun, everyone's in such a great mood. I can't wait to see how people get dressed up for the dance later." She stood up a little straighter, giving a small wave to Emrys. "I've gotta keep going though, and I won't hold you up from reading. I hope you enjoy your book!"

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