Open Pictures of Your Night

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Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; dejected
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (14)
Fraser was having a pretty great semester really, he had everything he could've possibly wanted. The position on the quidditch team, the role in accio and his grades were acceptable. He wished he could do better, but he was kept so busy with other things that just didn't feel that bothered. The biggest missing part of his life currently was a girlfriend, or a boyfriend. He just hadn't really found anyone he was interested in, he liked June, but he was pretty sure she didn't like him as more than a friend, and honestly, he was a little intimidated with even the thought of dating June. He was moving around the great hall, taking pictures as he went. Trying to not feel too jealous of all the couples.
This semester was the first semester that Hugo had felt like he was one of the older students. he had taken on some more responsibility. and while his grades weren't great he didnt mind. he was enjoying himself, he had somehow been chosen to be one of the co-editors of the yearbook, he had started tutoring one of the first years and had started to help out in the library even if it was an unofficial capacity. all in all, he surrounding himself with words. something that had always made him feel safe and secure.
tonight was the yule ball. he showered and out on the suit that his mama had taken him to get because apparently all young men should have a suit once they reached a certain age, especially if they had annual balls at school. he hadnt complained and as he got dressed he was glad that he had it. though he wondered if he should have through ahead and asked someone to go to the ball with him. not necessarily as a date, he didnt know any girls well enough to ask them as a date, but going with friends would be nice.
he entered the all and looked around enjoying the decorations which always managed to surprise him even though they were always just as spectacular. he entered the hall and wandered around looking for one of his few friends. well people who he thought of as friends but who probably just put up with him. he saw violet talking to another girl, but didnt even think to approach her, he knew he was too much of a nerd for her and would rather not associate with him. it was then he saw someone who he did recognise and who looked almost as alone as he was, he walked over to him. "Hello Fraiser, how's it going? happy yule" he said. smiling hoping that he was right to think that Fraser was a friend and it wasnt just a relationship that he made up in his head after a few conversations.
Fraser was kept busy with the picture taking, but smiled as a friend approached him. He hadn't spent nearly as much time with him as he wanted to. But they were both busy. That was what happened. "Happy Yule Hugo," he greeted warmly with a wide smile. "It's busy, you?" as he said it was busy, he held up the camera to show why he was busy.
Hugo smiled when Fraser greeted him. "thank you" he said. he nodded when Fraser said that he was busy. "Oh yes, is that photos for Accio? do you have some good ones. I should probably do something else and try and make noted for the monthly?" he asked. thinking that he probably should start [ayng attention as he may volunteer to do an extra article or two for the monthly next time after he had sort of left margo to do the last edition. though he hadnt really asked to be editor he still wanted to take it with a lot of responsibility. and be active doing it. something that he hadnt been particularly good at last semester. but he was going to get better at it. "are you looking forward to the holidays?" he asked
Fraser gave a shrug, since he wasn't entirely sure that his pictures were good, but he wasn't about to not do them. he wasn't about to stop. He was on the team for a reason and he knew he was good enough at it. "If I have good ones, I can pass them on, if you need them?" Fraser could admit he didn't spend a lot of time reading the monthly, he didn't know if they did or didn't have their own photographers.
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