Open Quietness Amongst The Roses

Abigail Payne

7th year | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (02/2044)
Abby was somewhat enjoying Hogwarts so far. It had been a little different to what she had been expecting. Classes hadn't started yet, which she was grateful for, as she needed some time to adjust to seeing where everything was. Since she had arrived, the girl had always found herself getting lost in this huge castle. There were so many things to remember, and it was a bit overwhelming for her. The new Gryffindor had decided to venture out towards outside the castle, seeing if there was anything interesting she could do. Abby had ended up in the rosebush. She thought the area was quite pretty and had imagined herself coming her quite often. The girl had sat amongst the rosebushes, noticing a few bugs crawling around the rosebush. She noticed a ladybug crawling around and decided to gently pick it up and place it against her hand. "Hello, pretty little ladybird. How are you doing?" Abby says quietly, as she spoke to the ladybird, as it crawled around her hand.
Cameron had spent so much time working up to finally getting to Hogwarts, but now that he was here he wasn't really sure what to do with himself. It was tempting to try out some magic, or look through his books, but even that had lost its appeal quick, especially when lessons were already on the horizon. Instead, Cameron had ended up wandering the grounds, not wanting to immediately getting lost going upstairs. At least from here it was easy to find the entrance hall and the way back to his dorms.

There was a bunch of roses near the lake that had caught Cameron's eye and he inspected them dubiously, wondering how sharp the thorns were when he heard someone speak up in the quiet. "Are you talking to a bug?" He said, scrunching up his nose when he spotted Abigail hiding out amongst the bushes. "What, your roommate's too scary or something to make friends with?" He said, moving around to see her better and frowning as a branch snagged his jacket.
Abigail wasn't sure how long she had been sitting amongst the roses when she heard a voice. The girl whipped her head around towards the voice quite quickly, with her eyes wide. Noticing it was Cameron. She blushed a little, her cheeks slightly rosy from embarrassment. "Oh... um... yeah," Abigail said shyly, as he had asked if she was talking to the bugs. Abby blushed deeper red when he had mentioned her roommates. "They're okay, I guess," Abby says quietly with a shrug. It was hard for Abby to make friends, as she was just a bit too shy and awkward to be around people. Her roommates were nice though She then noticed Cameron's jacket being caught. "You alright? Need help there?"
Cameron scoffed at Abigail's answer, not bothering to hide his amusement. "Most girls'd probably be more scared of the bug, aye," he said, swatting at the rose bush to try and untangle himself to join her. "It's fine, just a stupid branch or something," he said with a huff, hearing a satisfying snapping sound and choosing to ignore the spray of lingering rain water that had now soaked down his left sleeve for his troubles. "If they're okay why are you talking to bugs?" Cameron asked, finally settling himself down next to Abigail and looking at the ladybird on her hands and scrunching up his face. "If that flies at me I'm squishing it," he told her flatly.
Abby nodded in agreement at Cameron's comment. "Yeah... Not many do... They freak out a little when they see them" Abby says quietly, as she smiled shyly, as she continued to look at the ladybird that was crawling against her hand. She nodded when he had dismissed his jacket being caught, though she would've been happy to help if he needed it. A deep red colour appeared on her cheeks as Cameron had asked about her roommates. "Well... It's... A bit hard for me to make friends... I guess... Bugs and animals are just easier to talk to..." Abby says quietly and shyly. She wasn't that great at making friends, as she was worried that there were people who suddenly decided that they didn't want to be her friend anymore. And it was sometimes hard for her to interact with people in general. She giggled a little as Cameron spoke about the ladybird. "I'm sure it will be okay. But... If you need someone to save you from the ladybird, I'll be happy to save you..." Abby joked quietly. She lowkey had hoped that he wasn't going to hurt the precious bug, but you never knew.
"You'd probably make more friends if you hung out with less bugs," Cameron said matter-of-factly, glancing again at the bug on Abigail's hand and away, picking at the grass by his knee. "I think my friend's one of your roommates, she's alright, though she's pretty bossy and annoying," he said with a small grin. "Isadora? I can tell her to bother you if you want. Though you'll probably regret it," he said, resettling himself to fold his legs. "My dorm's kinda boring, there's not a lot of boys in our house I guess," he said with a shrug. Cameron didn't want to admit it, but he'd been looking forward to having more magical friends at school now. Back at primary he always felt like he was playing pretend with the muggle kids, knowing he just had to be magical himself. It made it hard to want to make friends with them, but now there should really be nothing stopping him. In theory. "What, you gonna ask it nicely to stop bugging me?" Cameron asked with a snort, raising an eyebrow at Abigail when she offered to save him from the little ladybird.
Abby shrugged at Cameron's comment. Maybe he was right. But the Gryffindor didn't want to bother anyone. Plus, it was a little hard for her to interact with people. She would always end up being too shy or quiet to interact with her, and they would somewhat eventually go away because they didn't like her shyness. "Hmm... Maybe, but bugs can also be nice... sometimes" Abby says with a giggle. Bugs and creatures weren't judgy, unlike humans.

The Gryffindor nodded as Cameron had explained about his friend. "Ohhh, yeah she's nice, I guess" Abby said with a nod. Even though Abby didn't really know Isadora, she had seen the girl out and about, especially in their dorm room. The Gryffindor chuckled a little. "I mean, sure if you want, but I don't want to be a bother," Abby says quietly. She frowned a little. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that I guess. I'm sure you'll be able to make heaps of friends with people from other houses" Abby says with a shrug. She guessed it would've been nice to have some more friends. She wanted to try and make more friends, but interacting with people for the first time was a bit hard for her. "What? No? I don't know what I'd do. But it won't be that" Abby says with a slight snort and shake of her head. Sure she may have asked the bug how it was doing, but she wasn't that lame.
Cameron snorted at Abigail's response, shaking his head. "Nice, yeah, sure," he said mildly, fiddling with a piece of grass in his hands. "What about spiders? Do you like spiders too then?" He probably should have guessed Abigail was kind of weird when he first met her, she had that vibe about her. Not that he minded too much.

He snorted again when Abigail called Isadora nice, tilting his head in a so-so way. Nice was one word for Isadora. Not wrong per se. But not the first one Cameron would pick. "I'm sure she'd be happy to have more people to boss around," he said with a shrug, dropping the handful of grass he'd accumulated and pulling his knees up under his chin, turning to look at Abigail. He still had a few blades of grass stuck to his palm and he tried to subtly wipe them off on his pantsleg as she spoke. "Yeah.. probably. Heaps," he muttered, shrugging again. Outside of Isadora and Margo, friends still weren't exactly coming easily so far and Cameron was trying not get frustrated. At least he wasn't hanging out with bugs. "Uh huh, yeah sure. My hero," he said with a small grin as Abgail tried to defend herself, rolling his eyes.
Abigail's face turned into disgust at the mention of spiders. "Ew, no, absolutely not. They're creepy" Abby says as she shudders a little. The thought of spiders had creeped the girl out. She didn't like the idea of spiders. "I'm guessing you don't like bugs then?" Abigail asked as she watched the ladybug slowly fly off from her hand and make its way towards the roses.

She paid full attention to the boy now and listened as he spoke about one of her roommates. Her face turned a bit weirdly when he had mentioned her being a bit bossy. Abby didn't really like the idea of being bossed around. "Oh? Really? Boss around?" Abby says a bit worriedly. She didn't want to say anything wrong or bad about her, especially since she didn't really know the girl, but bossy was something she didn't really like. "I'm sure they'll come around. You just have to wait. I could be a friend if you'd like, but I don't think you'd want to be friends with someone who speaks to bugs" Abigail says with a chuckle. The Gryffindor didn't really have many friends either. Again, she struggled a bit when interacting with people sometimes. She was a little shy and didn't really talk often during the first interaction. The girl blushed a little with embarrassment when he had said about being her hero. "Yeah, yeah," Abby said with a chuckle. She looked around her surroundings, before looking back at the boy. "Soo... How are you liking Hogwarts? Has it met up with your expectations?"
Cameron snorted at Abigail's face when he mentioned spiders, vindicated when she called them creepy. "At least you're not completely crazy," he said, still amused, though he shrugged when she asked if he liked bugs. "They're fine, but I don't go around touching them and stuff," he said, picking at the grass again. He flinched when the lady bird flew from her hand, scrunching up his nose in annoyance and hoping Abigail wouldn't mention it.

He nodded when she asked about Isadora being bossy, dropping his handful of grass. "Yeah, she likes telling everyone what to do. But she's still cool, I guess," he said, shrugging. Cameron liked Isadora, but she could be annoying when she thought she knew better all the time. He picked some grass off his palm when Abigail tried to reassure him about making friends, feeling defensive when he couldn't tell if she was making fun of him or not. "I don't care, I don't need a bunch of dumb friends, anyway," he said hotly, temper receding when she offered to be his friend, feeling wrong footed. "I'm sure. Whatever... As long as you're not talking to spiders, right?" He said sheepishly, glancing over at her, relieved when she changed the subject. "I dunno, it's fine I guess. Big. Classes kinda suck more than I'd thought," he said, shuffling a bit where he was sitting to pluck a leaf off one of the nearby bushes. "Is it what you expected?"

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