Ruto Vernier-Raison

Ruto Vernier-Raison

'Roo' | carefree | enigmatic 🍃
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core

Ruto Amélie Vernier-Raison

[ R A V E N C L A W ]

NAME: Ruto Amélie Vernier-Raison
PRONUNCIATION: Roo-toe Ahm-eh-lee Ver-near Ray-zon
NICKNAMES: Roo, 'Tiny Toe'
NAME MEANING: Ruto; Creates a very passive, easy-going, friendly nature.. Amélie; French. From the Latin Aemilia meaning "strive" and the old German amal, meaning "to work". Vernier; Topographic name for someone who lived near an alder tree. Raison; Nickname for a man of reason good judgement or wise words from Old French raison 'reason; faculty to argue to judge well'
WHY: Ruto's first name was creatively given to her by her father. With not much of a meaning, Ruto doesn't really like her full name and often goes by 'Roo' instead. Her middle name, Amélie is after her late grandmother, whom she never met but her mother was very close to. She likes to think her grandmother was a very kind and loving person, and she hence carries these traits with her through the name.

DATE OF BIRTH: October 29, 2046
♏ Scorpio. Passionate and assertive people with determination and focus you rarely see in other zodiac signs. They will turn to in-depth research to reach the truth behind anything they find important. Great leaders and guides, Scorpios are resourceful, dedicated and fearless when there is challenge to be overcome. They will hold on to other people’s secrets, even when they aren’t very fond of them to begin with and do anything they can for those they tie themselves to.

🌊 Water. the three water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. They don't shy away from deep and heavy conversations and can typically suss out what someone's got going on beneath the surface. They see right through people and know their real intentions. Signs of this element are also very prone to be in relationships, as their need to merge with another means they function better when they feel safe and protected. Plus, the sensitivity that comes from the water element also translates into great creativity.

🦅 Ravenclaw Scorpio. Curiosity killed the cat; satisfaction brought it back. If ever a wizard exhibited a danger of self destruction from too much knowledge, surely it was a Ravenclaw Scorpio. It doesn't matter whether the pet obsession this week is botany, Muggle pop music, or the history of the Necronomicon, if a Ravenclaw Scorpio wants to know about it, then he will, and damn the consequences: full speed ahead. Indeed, just mention that a subject is "forbidden" and you'll see a peculiar light shine in their eyes. They sneak into locked rooms after dark, and forge passes to the restricted library sections. The lust for arcane knowledge is both the greatest strength of these wizards, and the Achilles heel. It's best to indulge them whenever possible and let the obsession burn itself out; and, when this is not possible, to explain in great detail and absolutely *no* patronizing why the subject must not be explored. These Ravenclaws are quiet and secretive, but don't be fooled by that calm and placid exterior; they have hidden depths.

INTERESTS: Ever since Ruto could, her mother taught her how to draw and paint when she noticed her daughter had a creative streak. It is the only time the pair really bond and the only time they are not arguing. They have similar imaginations and both love analysing artworks and thinking about things logically. Whenever Ruto has an unanswered question, she will not give up until it is answered, even if the question seems extremely irrelevant and unnecessary. Ruto loves collecting leaves of all different shapes, sizes and colours. She keeps them in a book along with all of her drawings, and each leaf has the exact place and time that she found it written underneath. She loves the autumn leaves the most and the sound of the leaves crunching under her sandals. The leaves with the small holes in it from the insects are also interesting to her, and she likes to guess which exact insect bit into it. Her favourite insect is the caterpillar as she believes they have rather unique appearances. The fluffy ones are the cutest in her opinion. Ruto has an interest in astrology and astronomy and feels that there is always an answer to everything, whether it is written in the stars or written down in a book somewhere. She’s always wanting to find an answer to it, and cares much more about what will happen in the future than looking back on the past.

WAND : Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Length - A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style - The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood - Ebony wands choose a wizard or witch who could easily be seen as an outsider, but continues to dare to be themselves. The owner of an ebony wand is not easily moved from their purpose: whether that be good, evil, or something perhaps a little more grey.
Core - Since so many wizards are afraid to go near Augureys due to their association as ‘omens of death,’ Augurey tail feathers are rare as wand cores. They are good for use in divination work.
Flexibility - A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.


PLAYBY: Kristine Froseth


PERSONALITY: When Ruto is out exploring alone, she also often finds herself daydreaming underneath the clouds. She likes spending time by herself and imagining scenarios in her head where life is perfect and there is nothing to worry about. She loves feeling the wind through her hair and so will never cut her hair short. She isn’t one for sports however as she hates the idea of following rules. She much prefers to make up her own games. Ruto is very much a leader rather than a follower. She always wants to help solve others' problems by any means necessary, and will always decide that she is the boss over everyone else, even when she has no reason to be, as she believes her ideas are always the best. She has trouble sorting out her own problems however, and is definitely a closed book when it comes to them. She doesn’t like talking about herself and so will often change the subject when she feels as though the conversation might be leaning that way. Despite Ruto’s care-free spirit, she is very much politically inclined and extremely opinionated and stubborn. She likes to be sustainable and is always coming up with ideas on how to make things better for the environment. She can be an inventor at times if she thinks it is for the greater good, and she is always showing off her ideas to anyone, regardless of whether or not they are listening. Ruto loves exploring and will do pretty much anything that she wants without anyone stopping her. The absence of her father has made her believe that she should just continue living, regardless of the consequences, because things could be very different tomorrow. Her ironic fear of change keeps her motivated and is one of the reasons why she always has to keep going. She is unpredictable, never wanting to stop, and that’s why she loves breaking the rules. Ruto can be very moody at times as well. Her mood can change quickly, especially if someone says something that she doesn’t agree with or just simply doesn’t like. She finds it hard to forgive others, so instantly holds a grudge against them and doesn’t want to be friends with them anymore, making it hard for her to have friends that stick around. She isn’t the most loyal friend either and is willing to make up lies if it will benefit her in any way. She likes shiny things, so will go out of her way to steal something that she thinks is pretty and add it to her collection. She doesn’t feel guilty about doing this as she’s all about finder’s keeper’s.

  • Leaves
  • Caterpillars
  • Crystal Balls

  • Rasists and homophobes
  • Eating animals
  • Lack of proper judgement
FIVE STRENGTHS: Adventurous; willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. Opinionated; characterized by conceited assertiveness and dogmatism. Outspoken; frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are shocking or controversial. Enigmatic; difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. Analytical; relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning.
FIVE WEAKNESSES: Reckless; heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous. Stubborn; having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Insecure; not firm or fixed; liable to give way or break. Insensitive; showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings. Impulsive; acting or done without forethought.

Quick-witted and audacious, Debaters aren’t afraid to disagree with the status quo. In fact, they’re not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light up people with this personality type more than a bit of verbal sparring – and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better.

It would be a mistake, though, to think of Debaters as disagreeable or mean-spirited. Instead, people with this personality type are knowledgeable and curious, with a playful sense of humor, and they can be incredibly entertaining. They simply have an offbeat, contrarian idea of fun – one that involves a healthy dose of spirited debate.

Debaters are known for their rebellious streak. For this personality type, no belief is too sacred to be questioned, no idea is too fundamental to be scrutinized, and no rule is too important to be broken, or at least thoroughly tested. Sometimes Debaters even rebel against their own beliefs by arguing the opposing viewpoint – just to see how the world looks from the other side.




EDUCATION: Hogwarts New Zealand
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Hogwarts Monthly, The Wild Patch Club

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