Open Seeing New Things

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah had needed to stretch and move after an almost full day spent in front of her books. Savannah had been balancing her work with school and her quidditch, but the last couple of days she had mostly been focused on trying to complete a bit of a study guide for History. It had just taken longer than Savannah had thought it would and had then decided to spend a bit of time just outside. It was a cold morning, but the air was nicely crisp. She wandered around the grounds and she stumbled upon a rosebush. She had always seen it, but today took the time to look at it. Savannah had never realised what it was.
Ruto had missed exploring during the break and so was excited to back so she could tick some more things off her list. One place that she really wanted to explore was the Rosebush. She had known about it but had never actually visited it. There were rumours that it was actually dedicated to a first year Ravenclaw that had died, and so it made Ruto even more curious and willing to see what it was like. With some free time, the teen made her way there, smiling at the roses that were all different colours. She was tempted to pick them all and make a flower crown, but knew that the flowers would soon die not long after that and was wondering whether or not it would then be worth it to waste such a life. She was lost in thought for a little until she saw a familiar person out of the corner of her eye. "Savannah!" she exclaimed, recognising her roommate. "What brings you here?"
Savannah did not mind Ruto, though really, Savannah did not know her that well at all. They were in the same house and year, and yet, Savannah didn't know much about her at all. "The lack of anything else to do," she replied, perhaps a tad too honestly, with a bit of a sharp tone, though really she didn't mean to do either. "You?" she asked, as if the first part of what she'd said, might not have indicated any great interest in the answer.

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