Seventh Years: Lesson One

Angel lounged back in his chair, waiting for the class to arrive, swinging his feet from a nearby bench once enough of the class had entered the greenhouse. It was always interesting to note who had made it through the gauntlet of their upper year classes to survive to NEWT levels.

Hey guys, welcome to your first NEWT level herbology class,” he said, rubbing his hands together to get started. Hopefully no one got maimed this year. “By this point I doubt you need to me to impress how important your NEWTs are, or how much work it’ll require, you managed your OWLs and survived last year, so I figure you’re well and truly aware what you’re getting into this year.” Angel could barely remember his own final school year himself, it seemingly having passed in a haze of caffeine and poor life choices, but most of the kids here so far seemed to be the responsible type by the time they hit his classes, thank Merlin, he'd already dealt with enough trouble from younger students in Slytherin to last him a lifetime.

This year’s module is Dangerous Plants II, just like Dangerous Plants I, but twice the danger. It will mostly be a review year, but I’ve still got a few fun surprises for you guys. Most of which are going to require gloves, so don’t get too comfortable,” he said with a sly grin. Hopefully they wouldn’t be seeing any serious maiming this year.

For those of you who might like a chance to read ahead a little, we’ll be covering most of the plants you’ve covered from the previous years, 3 points to any student who can name one?” He said quickly, picking a few student he saw raise a hand at random to answer. “Perfect we'll be covering some of those, along with some new faces like the lovely Mimbulus Mimbletonia and Venomous Tentacula.” Angel checked his pocket watch before snapping it closed, deciding to wrap it up there. “That’ll be all for now, welcome back, I’ll see you guys next class,” he said, flicking the greenhouse door open with a lazy wave of his wand and bidding the students goodbye.

RP an attendance post and check out the Class Policy if you haven't already. Feel free to name any plant you’ve covered Years 1-6 for some house points.
Aurora couldn’t believe she was in her final semester of school. So much had happened between when she’d first arrived and now, now it was almost over. That felt too unreal for her. Too unreal. In her mind she did still feel like the 11 year old who’d arrived, but she really wasn’t. The teen was now already considering pre-filling out the job application to be a healer. She knew that she had to manage this semester to get it, but Aurora felt pretty optimistic about her chances with it. The teen was getting herself together, gathering up books and notes, making sure she had everything she would need before she headed out of the room.

Aurora walked into the herbology greenhouse, dragging her sister with her for once. Aurora knew her sister’s love of Herbology, and didn’t want her to miss it. The teen took her spot in the room, and took out her notes and books, placing them down in front of her. She nodded as it appeared that they would be covering more dangerous plants, which Aurora was quite eager to do. She had enjoyed learning about those in the last occasion where they had done so, but was also thankful they’d be doing revision. Herbology was going to be so vitally important for her to pass. She listened as others answered the question and then packed up and left the room.
Rosie missed Xinyi like he was a missing limb. Just apart from him. It was just six months though, so she knew she’d be able to get through it and then she’d spend all of her time as close to him at she could. THis was her last semester and she was looking forward to graduating and being able to move forward with her life. She wasn’t quite sure what she wanted but she had no doubt about her ability to get it. The teen was gathering her things up, she was a little a little unwell, just more vomit-y that general, but she was sure it was nothing and headed out of the dorm at the same time as Aurora.

Rosie walked into the herbology greenhouse, needing to be dragged a little by Aurora because she really hadn’t been feeling good that morning. She glanced up at the professor as the man got started on what they would be covering within the semester and Rosie began writing down a little about it. She was looking forward to doing more about dangerous plants even if she knew she wasn’t ever going to work with them. She raised her hand at the question, asking them to list plants that they had covered. ”Mandrakes,” Rosie replied when called upon. Others went and eventually the lesson was wrapped up and Rosie packed up her things and left the room.
Demetrius was stumped as to how the year had gone by so fast. He was in his last semester now, and that was intimidating. Soon he'd be let loose into the 'real' world. He honestly looked forward to it, but the comfort and familiarity of Hogwarts was something he'd miss.

He settled in to class, waiting for the professor to speak. Demetrius liked herbology well enough; it was kind of like care of magical creatures lite in a way. He wasn't particularly excited about it, and he really hoped the plants were dangerous enough to do Demetrius any real harm, but it was a welcome enough experience. Demetrius raised his hand to name a plant. "Gillyweed," he said, remembering his experience swimming in the great lake. When class was over, he went on his way.

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