Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y44 S1

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

During her time at Hogwarts, Celia had accomplished a lot — dueling championships, Quidditch championships, leadership positions — but one goal remained elusive: She still hadn't forced a team to forfeit by bludgering them into submission. That, she decided, would be her main priority this year. While it would be nice to win another Quidditch cup, the last year had taught her that she couldn't rely on her seekers. No, the only thing she could trust was her own skill, and Celia knew she was the best beater at the school. Besides, winning the cup wouldn't really provide her any personal benefit since she was graduating soon. But seeing the fear and dismay on her opponents' faces as she took them out one by one? Now, that would be priceless.

That didn't mean Celia planned on letting up during practices, however. She might be a little less concerned with winning the cup, but she still wanted to see the other teams lose (or at least suffer). Plus she'd admittedly grown invested in the Slytherin team's legacy of success. It was why she'd taken on an additional seeker. In two years, Slytherin would lose its best players, and Celia was hoping to ease the transition by getting a headstart on training the next generation of players. (And if Ivelisse took Toby's addition to the team as some kind of message about her own skills, well, that was just a bonus.)

As always, Celia had gotten to the pitch early. The rain she had hoped for during tryouts was finally here, albeit in the form of a pathetic drizzle. At least it wasn't as cold, and there was no wind. "Hurry up and gather around," she called, frowning at the last person to arrive. "We have three new members this year: Horror, our new keeper; Terror, our new chaser; and Toby, our new seeker." She gave them the briefest of smiles before her expression turned serious. "As a reminder, no one's spot on the starting lineup is guaranteed. You have to earn it by doing well during practices. 'Alternates' have just as much of a shot at starting in games as other team members," she said, giving Ivelisse and Atlas a significant look. The team might not have a dedicated alternate chaser, but she was perfectly willing to find a replacement if the other chasers did poorly.

"Our first match is against Hufflepuff. They might have won the cup last year, but I think anyone who has paid attention to their team's overall performance would agree that it was a fluke, and we'll be proving that this year. They do have a decent chaser, so Lennox, Atlas, Terror — I want you practicing steals and interceptions. As for everyone else, you should know what you're doing by now." After all, they'd already had a mock practice during tryouts. "Now get in the air." Celia blew her whistle and released the Quidditch balls before taking off herself.

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals, just get started! Practice will close two weeks from now when the June 23 match begins.
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It was a good day for a Quidditch practice, Avery noted as he looked at the sky. A balance between clear skies and torrential rain. Flecks of water bounced off the imperviused goggles on his head. He had to wonder if Celia had bought one of those weather orbs from Bleak Street specifically for practices, or if she was waiting for a day of poor weather in particular. He took a moment to look over the new additions to the team - he'd never considered there being another alternate seeker, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it, but it made sense. He supposed he didn't have to worry. He gave Ivelisse a brief glance as Celia reiterated once again that no spot on the team was permanent, before lowering his goggles over his eyes and taking to the sky once the whistle was blown, eager to track down the snitch.
Another quidditch year another year as an alternate. But Mish didn't mind, he knew his time was coming. He also didn't kind the weather much, lazily slinging his bat over his shoulder as he looked at the three new additions to the team. And he did have to make a note about why two people were literally called Horror and Terror. Though he pushed the thought from his head for now, hopping on his broom and taking to the sky. And it didn't take him long to get into the flow, quickly finding a bludger and giving it a good smack. And while he had been aiming for Ive, it swerved and started heading for @Avery Lancaster instead. Oh well, at least it was still one of the three seekers so good enough.

bludger hits said:
Avery - 1
Celia was pleased to see Mischa immediately land a hit against one of the seekers. Between him and Lennox, she really had chosen well last year, and she hoped this year's new members would also live up to her expectations. Celia darted forward after the bludger and smacked it towards @Ivelisse Burleigh, smiling as the bludger made contact.

Avery - 1
Ivelisse - 1
Avery had not anticipated a bludger so early, but he knew he should have known better. He placed a hand over the spot where it had struck him in order to dull to pain a bit, and continued to search, keeping his eyes a little more peeled for more oncoming bludgers.
Mischa flew around a bit, already looking for a second bludger to try and hit.
Toby was absolutely buzzing to be on the team, unable to stop himself from grinning as he stood there rather proudly. Honestly, the whole thing was rather unexpected, but now he was on the team he absolutely was going to prove he deserved to be there. He listened to the Captain, nodding his head before swinging a leg over his broom and pushing off from the ground. Toby was only in the air for the briefest second before he saw something flash out of the corner of his eye, quickly turning on his broom and rushing after the snitch. And the smugness only grew as he wrapped his hand around the snitch, holding it up so everyone could look. Beating the starting seeker and the other alternate, both of whom were much older than him had to count for something.
Horror mounted his broom and headed up to the goals.
Terror had no idea why Horror joined the team, or tried out to begin with, but he didn't care since he made the team. He took to the air and snatched the quaffle. He headed toward the goals.
Celia was just about to welcome Toby to the team with a bludger when he rushed off and caught the snitch. She froze, more than a little surprised. When she'd added him to the team, she hadn't really expected to ever have him play a game as seeker — not unless Ivelisse and Avery both got knocked out. In fact, she'd been a little worried about taking on such a young player. But maybe she'd been too quick to judge. Celia knew better than to put too much weight on this one catch — it could've been a simple bout of beginner's luck, and Toby hadn't yet taken a bludger while the other two had — but there was no denying that this was a very, very promising start. She gave the young seeker a nod of approval and instead decided to hit a bludger towards @Atlas James-Cade, for allowing one of the other newbies to take the quaffle first.

Atlas - 1
Avery - 1
Ivelisse - 1
Mischa - 1
Mischa was focusing on another bludger so he almost missed the one Celia suddenly smacked at him. Thankfully, he noticed just in time to get a bat on it, huffing as he managed to smack it away. It ended up going towards @Seamus Reid, not that Mischa had been aiming for the boy in particular.

Atlas - 1
Avery - 1
Ivelisse - 1
Mischa - 1
Seamus - 1
Lennox wasn't surprised at all that she made the team. Being an alternative last year was just a sad excuse to hide her greatness. Now she would prove herself. She entered onto the Quidditch Pitch, annoyed by the weather. Her hair would not do well in this. She spent a few minutes braiding her hair up to attempt to save it as the captain gave them the same speech as always. Lennox wasn't going to lose her position to anyone. She didn't lose. She mounted her broom and kicked off into the air.

Lennox followed Terror as he grabbed the quaffle, just in case she had a chance to steal.
Seamus was hit with a bludger before he could hit anything himself.
In an attempt to even things out, Celia aimed a bludger towards Toby, but it spun off and hit @Lennox Addison instead, causing her to frown. Her aim needed to be perfect if she was going to accomplish her goal this year.

Atlas - 1
Avery - 1
Ivelisse - 1
Lennox - 1
Mischa - 1
Seamus - 1
Mischa looked for another bludger to hit.
Atlas felt the stink of the bludger as it hit her but kept her eyes forward as she followed Terror who has taken possession of the quaffle.
Terror went to the goals and threw it toward the left, but it was intercepted. Figured. He just needed to get warmed up.
Horror caught his brother's attempt and tossed the quaffle back out to play. Maybe his twin should have passed it first.
Celia hit a bludger at @Terror Zhefarovich for failing to score. She glanced between him and his twin, wondering how they'd ended up in different years. Had one of them been held back? That would almost be impressive considering how low the educational standards were at this place.

Atlas - 1
Avery - 1
Ivelisse - 1
Lennox - 1
Mischa - 1
Seamus - 1
Terror - 1
Still feeling quite smug, Toby let the snitch go after a moment of holding onto it before he set off once again to see if he could catch it again before anyone else did.
Mischa flew after a bludger, eager to try and get in some more hits.

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