Third Years, Lesson One

Landon was very excited to be teaching his new batch of third years after a fun year last year looking after the Mandrakes. It was definitely a challenge for some of them, but they had done it, and Landon couldn't be more proud of them for learning such a new skill. The man confidently stood at the front of the Herbology greenhouse with a smile on his face, hoping that they would enjoy their lessons this semester.

Once all of the students had entered the classroom and taken a seat, Landon began to speak to the class. "Good afternoon class and welcome to your third year of Herbology!" Landon exclaimed, smiling at his students. “For those of you who don’t know me, I'm Professor Carter and I will be your permanent professor until the end of your fourth year. Today's lesson is going to be rather informative and I deeply apologise for how boring it's going to be. Lucky for you, next lesson will be much better. But for now please sit as I give you a lecture." Landon watched as a couple of the third years moaned and turned around to tap his wand on the chalkboard behind him which began to write dot points about different countries and famous herbologists.

* China is the most populated country in the world. They are most famous for Herbology.

* Chinese herbologist, Shennong wrote the first Chinese herbal medicine book which contains 365 herbs and their uses.

* Each country has their own philosophy and spiritual context regarding the way they do Herbology.

"Please copy down each of the dot points. They will all be useful for the exam at the end of the year and I've simplified them for you all." Landon paused and smiled at his class, preparing himself for what he was going to say next. "The main leading country in Herbology is China. Herbalism dates back to the Mesopotamia but China still uses herbal medicine till this day. There are also some countries that practice Herbalism but their muggle government doesn't really approve of the idea. Africa, the Americas, India and Indonesia are among other leading countries that still practice Herbalism. Though, in today's era, muggle Universities, and not just Wizarding schools, offer a course in Herbalism." Herbology linking to the muggle world was always what made the young man happy. He was always interested in the links between the muggle world and the wizarding world and was glad to teach his students what he knew.

When the lesson ended, Landon waved goodbye to his students as they packed up their belongings and exited the classroom. He wasn't too happy with how boring the lesson was for the students but he knew that if they listened to the content that they would all get good marks in the exam which was what he was hoping for. Next lesson they would be doing a lot more things which Landon was exceptionally excited for.


Assignment: An attendance post is all that is needed. Notes can be taken for extra credit. Please also take some time to check out the Herbology Classroom Policy.
As long as they weren't looking after a mandrake all semester, Audrey was looking forward to Herbology. She liked learning about what sort of plants were out there and how they might be used. Sure, she kind of preferred the putting them into use part than the growing them and the very basics of it all, but as she kept telling herself she needed the basics down. That would only help her with the more exciting part.

She took out her parchment and quill as Professor Carter started lecturing, that was never the most interesting part of Herbology classes but again, it was all about getting the formation down. Audrey had, of course, never actually been to China, so she listened and took notes as the professor talked. She was kind of curious about how muggle universities taught herbalism, it kind of seemed to be a little bit closer to magic than not and surely muggles didn't learn about the magical side of it? It would make life way more interesting if they did, though. Trying not to get too caught up in thinking about it, she packed up when she was finished taking notes and headed out with the rest of the class.
Marley was glad to be back at school. While she had enjoyed the company of her family as well as spending time with them, she had definitely missed her friends. She also had missed the learning aspect of school. She enjoyed learning magic. The Hufflepuff happily made her way to her herbology class, excited to see what they'd be learning this semester.

It wasn't long before the Hufflepuff had arrived in the greenhouses for herbology, before taking a spot where she usually was in the previous years. Marley took out the things she needed for the lesson, as she didn't want to miss out on anything important. She moved her full attention towards the professor as the professor got started with the lesson. Marley groaned a little along with the rest of the class as the professor had mentioned it was going to be a lecture sort of lesson, though she didn't really mind it either. Marley made sure to take some notes as the professor spoke, as well as making sure to write down the bullet points of what was written on the board.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley made sure to put her things away as well as tidying up her area. She then said a quick thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out the door with her friends and the rest of her classmates.
Teddy was sticking with Herbology even though his interest had waned last year after spending an entire term looking after mandrakes. He had enjoyed first year and hoped to get back on track with it. He listened to Professor Carter and took notes, finding the introduction lesson nice and easy to get into. Teddy felt happy at the end of the lesson and packed up his things looking forward to the better lesson that was promised next week.
Callie walked into the herbology classroom and took a spot in the room. She was eager for what they would be covering within this seemster. She took out her notes and books placing them down in front of her as the professor got started. She took out her quill and began writing down what the professor was saying. Making sure that she was getting the dots down and then getting down what th eprofessor then added about it. She was eager to learn about this. The lesson was eventually wrapped up and Callie packed up her things and then headed out of the room.
Enoch walked into the herbology greenhouse and took a spot at the back of the room. His gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room as the man got started. Enoch looked at the board and did copy them down, putting them into a little bit of shorthand just so that he would get it quickly. The professor continue to speak, but he didn’t really get much of that down, since to him it was just a repetition of what the professor was saying about it. Eventually the lesson was wrapped up and Enoch happily put his things away and then headed out of the room.
Friday walked into the herbology greenhouse and took a spot in the room. She rolled her eyes at the introduction and just settled her things as he spoke. She at least made it look like she took down what was on the board, though her actually not was pretty lacking about it. The professor continued and Friday was quickly bored. She was glad therefore when the professor wrapped the lesson, she quickly packed up her things and headed out of the room.

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