Old School Week Up in the Sky

Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Elise had become well acquainted with the park in Brightstone. She had come to the conclusion a while ago that her family wasn't sure what to do with her and that it was simply easier to leave her to her own devices. Not that she was complaining. She didn't mind and it gave her the freedom to live in a world of her own. Today she was laying in the grass, the sun beating down on her as she stared up at the clouds looking for shapes she could recognize.
Ivy loved the park. sometimes it was even more fun than the padocks back in Australia. today she had a bouncing ball that she had to try and catch as it bounced off surfaces she ran after it as it bounced away changing direction every now and then when she got close. "sorry" she called as it bounced off the grass vety close to a girl who was lying looking at the sun
Elise heard someone call out an apology but didn't move. She braced herself momentarily just incase she was in danger but when an impact never came she relaxed, and in her own time she sat up slowly. She wondered if she looked like a zombie rising from the grave. She looked around and saw a girl with bright red hair and a ball. "What are you sorry for?" she asked before rubbing her eyes as they adjusted from looking at the sky for so long.
ivy conitnued to run after the ball. and she almost managed to catch it. "my ball almost hit you" she said pausing for a second near the girl as she sat up before chasing after it.
"Oh that." Elise said realizing that was probably a reasonable thing to apologize for even though nothing had actually happened. "Are you playing by yourself?" she asked wondering if the other girl too had been left to her own devices.
Ivy nodded. "yes. my mum is at a werewolf meeting in the village. And I didn't want to sit in the cafe so she let me play out here" she said. She probably didn't need to clarify what the meeting was. But it was sometimes fun to see peoples reaction.
Elise sat up a bit straighter when the other girl mentioned werewolves. "Is you mom a werewolf? Or is she just friends with them?" she asked curiously. She knew that there were perfectly normal people who were werewolves and it was hard to shake her more fantastical conclusions she wanted to jump to.

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