Open What a mess

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
It was the first morning back and Teddy sat at breakfast, his gaze fixed on the mess that was his timetable. Against better advice, he had signed up for every class available. He hadn't meant to sign up for every class, but they all interested him that he couldn't choose which to not take. He was interested in the new subjects, and the core subjects were non-negotiable for his future career prospects.

So there it was, Teddy was taking all the classes and looking at his rather full timetable, wondering whether he was going to ever find time to practice Quidditch with Audrey, be silly with Amodeus, or annoy Friday. Actually scrap that last one, he'd always find time to annoy Friday. Either way, he really hoped this term wasn't going to suck.
Aroha entered the great hall with a yawn, tired from the previous day's travel. She was officially no longer a first year, but a second year. That felt good. With curiosity she sat beside someone she didn't really know, peering over at what he was looking at. "Whoa, is that your timetable?" she said in an extremely surprised tone. "What the heck, that's so much! Is that normal for, uh, what year you are?" she asked, wondering if maybe that was what was in store for her once she reached the higher years. She hoped not, classes were already pretty full on as far as she could tell.
Teddy glanced up from his timetable, his eyes meeting the girl as she expressed her surprise. "Yeah, it's a bit ridiculous," he admitted with a chuckle, shaking his head at the sheer number of classes listed. "I'm a third year, but I've signed up for all the classes," he explained, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I just couldn't decide which ones to skip."
"Oh wow," Aroha said, amazed someone would do that. "That's so many. " She didn't want to outright call him a nerd, but she sure was thinking it. Only people who were crazy about school would take all those subjects. Aroha didn't want to be rude though; the older student seemed nice enough. "I'm just in my second year, but I guess I've got to start thinking about what subjects to take next year too," Aroha remarked, haven't had thought about it at all. "Hey, you're on the quidditch team, right?" she then said, suddenly changing the subject. "Do you have any tips and tricks on getting in? I'm looking to join. Tried out last year, but didn't make it. I'm a second year, Aroha, by the way."
Teddy definitely did not identify as a nerd thank you very much. This was a byproduct of his indecisiveness when it came to dropping classes. "Make your decisions, otherwise you end up like this." He said, imparting his advice before the girl asked if he was on the Quidditch team. He folded his timetable in half and nodded at her, adding a shrug "Yeah, well alt seeker, so sort of." Teddy did not play a game last year, personally he believed that's why Gryffindor were bottom of the leaderboard.

He smirked at her asking for advice, he wasn't going to give her double good advice in one go. What did she think he was, a mentor or something? He looked over his shoulder then spoke quietly to her, "Well Aroha, have you bribed the captain? You won't get in without a bribe." He probably wasn't the best person to ask, but she didn't know that.
Aroha nodded, thinking. She definitely wouldn't end up taking every class - some were kind of hard already, like astronomy. But she got the appeal because there were new classes and that was exciting to think about what they'd be like. But that was way in the future as far as Aroha was concerned. She was more interested in quidditch. "Hey, alt counts. You still get to practice and if someone's out, hey, you're in," she pointed out. When he suggested to bribe the captain, Aroha laughed out loud. "Yeah? That how you got in?" she joked, not taking him seriously.
Teddy laughed along with her, he liked this girl already, she was fun and had an infectious laugh. He shook his head and sighed, "My bribe wasn't big enough, that's why I only made alternative." He explained, sounding disappointed, "Trust me, if it was on talent alone - I'd be the main Seeker." As they exchanged banter, he kind of hoped that Aroha made the team now.
"Aww, sad," Aroha said, though she was still smiling - a bright, welcoming but slightly coy smile. She liked this boy's sense of humour. "Maybe one day you'll be the main seeker, aye. Is that your preferred position in quidditch?" she asked curiously. She was a bit uncertain what position exactly she'd try out for; both beater and seeker appealed to her in different ways. She just wanted to at least make alternate - practicing in a team was much better than practicing with just one other person, or by yourself.
Quidditch was an easy to topic for him to talk about. He shook his head in response to the question, "I love seeking but I'm thinking about trying out for Keeper this year." He told her, knowing ahead of tryouts that the position would be open. "How about you er, what was your name again? Aroha was it?" He checked, "I'm Teddy."
"Oh, keeper. That's a challenging role. I think people underestimate it's importance sometimes," Aroha commented, her eyes lighting up as they discussed quidditch. "I hope you get it. I'm thinking of trying out as seeker then, or maybe beater for alternate. I'm pretty flexible," Aroha half-boasted. She tried not to appear arrogant but it slipped through sometimes; Aroha liked to be confident about her self-worth. "And ae*, it's Aroha. Nice to meet you, Teddy." She smiled in a friendly manner.

*yes in te reo Māori

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