Open What The Future Holds

Professor Emmaline Hopkins

Potions Professor, Fashionista, Studious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Emmaline wondered about the castle. She wanted to practice for Divination, tarot card readings. She had a deck of her star themed tarot cards in her bag as well as the normal pack of playing cards. Personally Emmaline preferred the tarot cards. They were just so much prettier and easier to understand. Of course that was just her opinion. Plus she had also worked more with the tarot cards, becoming more comfortable with the designs and the meanings behind each. She did still need her textbook and sometimes the diagrams, but it was definitely progress.

Her professor had told her to practice reading someone else's cards. This was difficult since Emmaline did not quite know who to ask. It felt odd mentioning it to her friends. But if she had to she definitely would. The first try she wanted to do with someone else though. That way she would not be biased with the reading. For this to happen, Emmaline continued to wonder the castle, finally ending up in the Abandoned Classroom on the second floor. This seemed as good as a place as any.

Emmaline took a seat on a slightly dusty desk. She took out her tarot cards as she began to shuffle them. She would do a reading on herself first. It did not seem likely that anyone would be in this area, but there was a small chance. At least Emmaline would get some practice in either way. She began to lay the cards down in the third card design. She pulled her textbook out of her bag, setting it beside her as she began her own reading.
It was hard to find time to yourself, doubly so with these new targets of sociability Brooke had set for herself this year. She'd study in her dorm room, but with her roommates the chances of being disturbed was almost certain. The library was usually a good bet, and Brooke didn't mind a chance to show off her good work ethic publically if she could, but it got too rowdy this close to exams, so she'd quickly discarded that idea. The abandoned classroom had become a favourite spot of Brooke's, especially after she'd run a spin the bottle game there. A very successful one too. It could get a bit grubby and Brooke was always wary that pixies or something would move in between semesters, but it worked well enough.

Pushing open the door, she was surprised to see Emmaline seemed to have had the idea, blinking for a moment before continuing inside with a smile. "Great minds think alike, I guess," Brooke said, sitting down at one of the old desks and giving it a quick once over with a scourgify before setting her own books down. "Are you working on your div homework? I'm not sure what to think of it, it's a bit of a wishy washy subject. It's so easy just to see the results you want," she said, clicking her tongue and leaning in her chair to get a glance at what cards Emmaline had pulled.
Emmaline stared at the cards in front of her. She had done a simple reading, not quite sure what she was looking for. In her mind, she knew she should not expect certain things from her cards, but it was difficult not to do sometimes. The young Gryffindor girl was trying to find more of a balance this year and to even change a bit of her selfish behaviour. Both Divination and Arithmancy had claimed she needed to do both these things. It was something that Emmaline knew was try even without the calculations or a tea reading. She glanced over at her book to determine what the present card of The Emperor meant.

As she was gazing over the textbook, Emmaline heard a voice of a Slytherin girl. Apparently Brooke had had the same idea of Emmaline to practice a little away from the crowds. The Gryffindor girl looked up at the other fourth year. "Yeah. I have to get this down a little better. There are just so many meanings." Emmaline spoke as she pointed to the textbook full of meanings of each tarot card before directing her attention to the other girl. Emmaline could understand why Brooke felt that way about Divination. Sometimes Emmaline thought the same thing, although she was quite a fan of this class. It was in a way relieving to see things in the future that she hoped to see, especially as Emmaline was always so anxious. "It's kind of nice sometimes to hear the things you want." Emmaline said with a little smirk, It was definitely true.

"At least the cards look cool though" Emmaline said with a smile. She took out the rest of her deck to show Brooke the universe design that she had chosen. "We can practice together if you would like?" The brunette offered as she picked up the three cards on the desk to reshuffle them into her whole deck.
Estella was never really sure what to think of Divination, but after her last lesson she was feeling a little bit let down. She liked her tarot cards and thought that they were rather pretty, but now there was not really any use for them with the new idea of using playing cards instead. It all sounded like a joke to Estella and she wondered when the professor was going to tell them all that she was just playing them and start teaching them some real material.

With her backpack full of her textbooks, the teen had been looking for a place to write her History of Magic essay, quite bored of her Divination work. The dormitory was always busy with people constantly coming in and out, the library was full of many distractions too, and with Estella's short concentration span, she needed to find another place. She made her way to the abandoned classroom door, opening it to reveal some people already inside. She was about to apologise to them and leave to find somewhere else when she realised who they were. They were her classmates, and she noticed there were tarot cards on the table that they were about to use. "Oh, you guys are doing readings. You know, I feel like it's all hogwash. First she tells us we need to use our tarot cards, and now she's telling us we could use playing cards instead. Playing cards for Merlin's sake." She sighed, closing the door behind her and taking a seat at one of the desks. "But go on then, show me how you do it." she said, hoping she'd be able to get some tricks off her classmates.
Brooke hummed in agreement when Emmaline mentioned all the different card meanings. She admitted hadn't put as much work into memorizing them as she might of for potion ingredients, which was not very like her, but Brooke still struggled to believe it was super important. "I swear you could just make a meaning up and the professor would accept it. Not that I ever would. Of course," she said, giving Emmaline a quick smile. "Would be nicer if you could know they're true though. It's why I prefer Arithmancy," she added softly, propping her chin on her palm as Emmaline pulled out her deck to show the cards, nodding in agreement.

Estella joined them too and Brooke wondered what her first year self would have thought about the idea of everyone holing up in empty classrooms to study instead of normal useful places like the library. She kind of liked this better, it made her think of when she saw the other students hanging out with friends around the school, doing homework and chatting. Casual. "Well, at least the tarot are nicer to look at. But I agree it seems a bit pointless," she said, nodding to Emmaline's cards in front of her. "Why don't we all do a reading for each other? Emmaline, you read for me, I'll do hers, and she can do yours," Brooke said, drawing three cards from Emmaline's deck and spreading them out on the table.
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