Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley couldn't believe how deep they were into the semester. Time had flown by. She'd been lost in school essays and lesson planning. It hadnt been unpleasant in the slightest, just very busy.

She'd called a meeting as she did every now and again, posted a sign on the board in the common room and on each dorm room floor for good measure. Professor Kingsley liked the opportunity to sit with the students , and she often suspected she liked it more than most of them did. Sipping on some tea, the professor waited for the students to come up from their last meal and final classes. She knew it would be a little while, but she didn't mind. It wasn't often the common room was this quiet, and in a few more moments it wouldn't be.
Knox was trying to be better with his punctuality, and couldn’t have avoided the notification of the upcoming house meeting on the notice board and near his dorm, and the time of the meeting if he tried. Thus when it was time for the meeting he promptly headed to the common room, wanting to find a good seat so he could listen to whatever Professor Kingsley had to say about the semester. He paused when he walked in the room to realize he was not just on time to the meeting, but seemingly a bit early, having a choice of a bunch of chairs and an experience of what he assumed would be a short but awkward silence with Professor Kingsley before other students arrived. “Oh, hey Professor.” Knox greeted politely, before moving to sit in one of the more comfortable arm chairs and twiddling his thumbs as he waited for the meeting to begin.​
Jarica finaly take out from her room and she hand have a book. She was happy that she soon be her birthday and she hoped spend time with friend. Jarica say hello to proffessor and walked closer to @Knox Ivers. She put her hand his sholders and say hello. ''Hi, Knox!'' She smiled him.
Hester always enjoyed house meetings, so it was with cheer that she entered the common room, giving Professor Kingsley a nervous grin in greeting. Though she had been lucky so far, Hester had no doubt that trouble was going to find her at some point, so the more she could be on the woman's good side, the better. She didn't know any of the other students around so she just found a seat and settled Big Douglas in her lap, gently petting the toad as she waited for her housemates to arrive.
Maggi never knew what to expect at house meetings, but they were a nice excuse to spend time with her housemates. She was a little disappointed not to see anyone she knew yet, but she figured the room would fill up quickly. She found a seat near an older girl with the biggest frog she had ever seen, hoping the thing wouldn't start hopping around the room and cause a fuss.
Chloë always quite enjoyed their house meetings, even if having all the gryffindors together could sometimes turn out to be a little bit chaotic. She had quickly made her way up to the common room after dinner, figuring she'd be a bad example if she turned up late to a meeting like this. As she entered the room she was glad to see she was pretty early though. She shot the professor a smile and gave Knox a little wave hello before dropping down onto of the sofas as she waited for others to arrive.
Isaiah didn't think house meetings were particularly interesting and he wasn't especially keen to get to it on time. He had planned on heading up to his dorm for a little while after dinner before coming down for the house meeting, but when he noticed the professor already there as he entered the common room he figured it'd be bad style to just walk past and disappear into his dorm. Instead, he just accepted the fact that he was now one of the first kids there and plopped down on a chair, crossing his arms as he waited for the whole thing to start.
Noel had been holding back his anger and emotions towards Eric after learning he was dating Minnie, but the fact that he closed things off and had an good talk after all made him feel better. So he would not feel the hesitation to punch Eric anymore, since he didn't deserved that attention and he was only throwing his own windows if Kingsley would find out. And he didn't want to dissapoint her. As Noel made it's way to the common room he spotted many familliar faces and smiled. Gryffindor always felt like home. She noticed Chloe and Kingsley. As he went standing next to Chloe he looked at Kingsley. '' Hello Professor.'' He than greeted her with an smile and than turned to Chloe. '' Chloee!'' He than said with an grin and hugged his friend. He felt more happy than ever now he was trying to live his own life again. It was an way an relief that the conversation with Minnie had been there and he finally knew an answer to his questions. Nodding to Knox as he saw him, fellow chaser and prefect.
@Professor Cyndi Kingsley @Chloe Thompson
Nikko had almost missed the notice on the bulletin board for the house meeting, he hadn't been checking it as much now that the quidditch season for Gryffindor was effectively over. The loss still weighted on him and he was feeling all around a little defeated. With a heavy sigh he ungracefully plopped him down on one of the chairs and waited for the meeting to actually start.
Knox was thankful when the other Gryffindors began to arrive, so he didn’t have to sit awkwardly and in silence by himself. He smiled when Jarica approached, and sat up in his chair slightly. “Oh hey.” He greeted, happy that one of the first people to arrive was a friend so he could spend the time before the meeting talking to someone he knew. “How have you been?” Knox asked, smiling back at Jarica. He felt guilty for not talking to his friends as often that semester, but it had been difficult for him to socialize recently. Ever since his break up with Clifton he had been in his own mind most of the time, unable to act like his usual self and only really focusing on classes and homework because he knew he couldn’t avoid it. He knew if he talked to his friends it would show and he really didn’t want to burden anyone else with his problems, so it was easier not to talk to anyone. He hoped Jarica wouldn’t notice and he tried his best to smile genuinely as he spoke to her. “How was your valentine’s day?” Knox then asked, trying his best to make small talk.

@Jarica Ashley
Cyzarine promised herself she wouldn't cry but coming to her last house meeting was definitely making her want to. She just loved Gryffindor so much and these meetings had been things she'd been doing since she was 11 and soon it would just like....end...she didn't know how to feel about that in the slightest. She walked into the common room and looked over the younger students, students she knew and didn't know. It was a lot. She had never gotten emotional during these but she felt like she might now. Really she was trying to not but Cyzarine was an emotional person. The teen took a spot in the room and just watched everything before her.
Lumio walked into the common room knowing they had a meeting today. He didn't know what exactly it would be about but he was keen and knew it was important to attend. He didn't immediately spot his boyfriend in amongst the other gryffindors but spotted at least one of his dormmates. "Nikko!" he greeted as he headed over to him with a wide grin. He wasn't overly friendly with his dormmates but when given an opportunity he did try.
@Nikko Blackwood
"I'm realy good and you? Are you okey? You seemed voried our sad today" Jarica asked Knox becouse she see something strange to him and she wanted know if he was okey. She hoped that she help him make feel a lit f better if she was true. "It was realy good and we are just friends nothig more. And yours?" She asked with warm smile. Jarica saw here Lumio and she vawed him.

@Lumio Skey
@Knox Ivers
Anna wasn't sure if she even wanted to show up there, she hadn't really done that before. She did love people but not in that big quantity, they were already too much. However, it was already too late to go back so she just fell into the one of the couches and hugged the pillow, trying to fall asleep and to stay unnoticed.
Jules was excited for the House Meeting, she loved seeing so much people in the same place, it was like she was in some concert and they were going to party. But it would be way better if it was without professor, no way they could have so much fun as without her. However, she took the pillow, throw it on the floor, plopped into it and took her History of Magic book and without thinking twice started to try and draw the beards, moustaches and everything else on them. She also had a little paper next to her to cover it up if she was approached by someone older.
Emmaline had been once again studying in the library and had missed her last meal. She knew it was not the best decision, but the young Gryffindor had lost track of time. She had been doing this more and more, going into her own little world with all her books and assignments. It was difficult to find a moment to think about anything else. Yet she did remember that there was a Gryffindor House Meeting today. She had noticed it on the bulletin board this morning. It was not the most ideal timing. Emmaline knew she had a few more essays to complete before she fell behind, but this at least gave her a chance to see some of her roommates. Of course she saw them frequently in classes and in the dormitory, but Emmaline had found she had not had an actual conversation or outing with them for awhile. This meeting might just be a little sneak peek of what socialization was supposed to be like.

Emmaline entered the common room, her backpack full of more books than it should be able to carry. She noticed the Common Room was rather full already, but she did not see any of her friends as of yet. Shrugging her shoulders, barely due to the wait of the straps of her backpack, Emmaline picked an empty seat that was open for more people to join her. She swung the backpack onto her lap with a thud. For a moment she waited to take out an essay and start working on it, but she decided against it. She did not want to find herself too focused on an assignment, when she knew she had to focus on the meeting at hand.
Nikko waved to Lumio as he greeted him. "Hey." he said with a small smile. He didn't hang out with his dormmates very much. He liked most of them ok but he had always thought Lumio seemed nice. "How's it going? Do you know what the meeting is going to be about?" he asked and nodded towards Professor Kingsley. @Lumio Skey

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