Y45 Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Beauxbatons,Ilvermorny The man could see his breath as he walked across the pitch, the game chest and assorted brooms from the shed hovering in front of him. Reeve was excited for the game and happy he'd not only layered up but also had the foresight to cast a few charms to help himself keep warm. Because it was cold. The man's fingers ached from the chill, and he wondered how the players would be impacted. They were decades younger so perhaps they'd have a much easier go of a day like this one. As the stands filled, it was easy to forget the complaints in his mind as the exciting buzz took over.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only. Captains: Please double check the QCP before posting your lineups here.
Tullia was ready for the game. She was on the pitch with the rest of the beauxbaton team ready to get started.
Pearl was hopeful for this game, it would be great if they won. She could rub it into other people's faces happily. And if they lost well, it just wouldn't have been her fault, that was everyone else's doing. They had the home crowd which was both good and bad. "Let's just do our best and let no one down," she said.

Nabi MunSeeker
Pearl ParraKeeper
Melrose MillerChaser
Zoey HawkinsChaser
Hadrian MurphyChaser
Ocean KeeleyBeater
Larissa BarosBeater
Jenny TsengAlternate seeker
Jenny knew she wouldn't be starting in this game, and boy did she not mind that. Happily she was on the pitch and knowing that unless the other seeker was put out, she could just sit and enjoy it. "Good luck," she whispered to Larissa while the captains were speaking.
Vincent Poe was used to the cold if he were honest, but now they were at Ilvermorny school for this game. He smiled at his team and said, "This is it! We've practiced for it, so let's give them everything we have!" Vincent did not know how to do a great speech, but he figured that this might be enough for it. He hoped anyway. He also hoped that he could find the snitch before he would be knocked out from all the bludger hits.
Vincent PoeCaptain/Seeker
Malik St. JamesCaptain/Beater
Tullia WhitlockBeater
Light ZhefarovichChaser
Alicia RichelieuChaser
Claire BlanchetChaser
Bellamy ParishKeeper
Niniane ArchambeauAlternative Seeker
Larissa Baros was as bundled as one player could get today, on the field. She still had movement ready in her arms as she was a beater. This was the first time she ever played an official game, so she was rather excited to be on the team, and facing Beauxbatons as well. She looked forward to helping her team win. She stood next to Jenny as she wished her good luck. Larissa beamed at Jenny and nodded, "I hope you get to play too." Larissa's voice was in a whisper, since she didn't want to necessarily wish ill on their seeker, but she did want Jenny to play.
Light Zhefarovich wondered that if he could not behave in Beauxbatons, if he would have to go to Ilvermorny. It was possible, since he had been through 4 schools already, including home-schooling. But he doubted that anyone from Hogwarts Scotland and Durmstrang were here now, so he just listened to their captains speak, and got ready to play.
Ocean was excited to be playing her first game, twirling her bat happily as she joined her teammates.
Reeve greeted the captains with a nod and then reviewed the cards they'd handed over. The man could see that all was in order and he was quick to store the cards in his pocket. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Beauxbatons, you'll guard the North hoops and Ilvermorny, you will guard the South. Let's get ready to fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers and snitch. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher, the quaffle tucked under his arm. With a large puff of air, the man tossed the quaffle as high as he could. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes - please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
7. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Ocean hopped onto her broom and scanned the sky for the bludgers.
Hadrian felt almost sick with nerves, but he jumped on his broom and managed to get to the quaffle first. He headed towards the hoops, hoping to pass to Zoey.
Ocean spotted a bludger and flew towards it.
Melrose was still trying to shake the chill off, avoiding looking too closely at the French team as he tried to listen to Pearl and Zoey. Before he could really get his wits, the game had already started but thankfully Hadrian took the quaffle first. Melrose just did his best to keep up, even if he flinched anytime another player flew too close.
Zoey was glad to have the home field advantage and hoped it'd bring them luck. She took to the air and flew right beside Hadrian who she was glad got the quaffle before Beauxbatons could grab it.
Hadrian saw an opening, and knew he just had to be confident in himself. With a better shot than he'd pulled off at all in training, the quaffle soared through the right hoop. He looked bewildered for a second, before relaxing into a smile, pleased with himself.
Bellamy was stressed but he didn't have much time to dwell on it as the game started and he took to the air. Ilvermorny grabbed the quaffle first and he braced himself. But apparently he wasn't very warmed up and was too slow to block the shot. He caught the quaffle and tossed it back into the game.
Nabi knew it all came down to her, she shot into the air and looked around.
Ocean swung at the bludger but barely managed to hit it with the tip of her bat.
Malik was confident they could win this game, they had all put in the practice. He was in a good mood as he hopped on his broom and shot off, looking around for a bludger he could hit. First job was taking out the seeker. That might give them more of a chance.
Vincent mounted his broom and soared to look for the snitch.
Light hissed when Ilvermorny grabbed the quaffle, but followed after just in case the chaser drop the ball.
Larissa managed to find a bludger, and immediately smacked the bludger, aiming for the seeker, but it swerved and hit @Alicia Richelieu instead. She winced, but she hit someone at least.
Vincent winced as one of the beaters on the other team hit one of his chasers.
He cursed when Ilvermorny scored, but he took the quaffle and went back in the other direction.
Larissa continued on her flight for another bludger.

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