rose giving y46

  1. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose on Cupid's Wings

    Yellow Rose for @Dahlia Doherty It had taken a little while to figure out who exactly she was looking for but once Briony had connected the dots between her next delivery and the girl who was going around the school dressed like some sort of cupid things became a lot easier. Admittedly, Briony...
  2. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving Scouting for Roses

    Yellow Rose for @Isadora Novak While Briony vaguely knew Isadora Novak as one of the older students in scouts is wasn't helping her track down the older girl at all. She'd been ready to give up and try again downstairs when she spotted the Gryffindor further up the corridor "Isadora! Isadora...
  3. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving A Greatly Grateful Rose

    Yellow Rose For @Fraser Fergusson Briony had tried to ask Emery for help with some of her deliveries this morning, sure that since he spent so much time oogling the Gryffindor Quidditch captain he'd have to know at least some of the other team members. Shockingly, he hadn't been very helpful...
  4. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving Roses for Ravenclaws

    Yellow Rose for @Hugo Stark-West Briony had never been in the HM club room before and she couldn't deny she was using her next delivery as an excuse to poke her head in and look around. The whole room did smell faintly of ink and there were a lot of bits of paper and books about but otherwise...
  5. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving By Any Other Name

    Yellow Rose for @Rosalind Montgomery It was kind of sad to head back to the Wild Patch today and see it without the riot of roses that had been growing there the past few weeks but Briony tried to remind herself they'd be harvested for a good cause. And that she had a mission of her own for...
  6. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose in Return

    Yellow Rose for @Professor Landon Carter Briony had been so busy bothering Emery about his rose she'd nearly forgotten she had a deliver for Professor Carter as well, hurriedly catching up to the professor before he could get too far away. "Professor, wait up!" She said, quickly shoving the...
  7. Briony Mettlestone

    🌹 Rose Giving A Simple Start

    Yellow Rose for @Airen Gates When Briony had signed up to deliver roses she had imagined something a lot more romantic than the reality she was currently facing, standing outside the Hufflepuff common room with a gaggle of other students and rose deliverers. For a start, she hadn't even gotten...
  8. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving A Romantic Holland-day

    Yellow Rose for @Lucy Holland If anyone had asked Milo what he was doing out on the lawn, he would have said he was looking for deliveries though deep down he hadn't actually thought he'd spot anyone out here and just wanted a break. Which was why seeing Lucy Holland emerge from the edge of...
  9. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving A Sennamental Rose

    Yellow Rose for @Senna Overby Milo hadn't actually been expecting to find Senna up in the towers but he'd looked just about everywhere else and with her also apparently delivering roses it seemed as likely as anywhere else to look. "Oi! Senna!" He said, catching his breath as he skirted away...
  10. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving A Golden Rose for Goldewyn

    Yellow Rose for @Enoch Goldewyn Out of all the kids in their year, Milo supposed he could do worse than having to deliver to Enoch. The guy was kind of quiet and weird but at least he also played Quidditch so he couldn't be all bad, Milo supposed. Add to that it was a lot easier to find him...
  11. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Seeking Romance

    Pink Rose for @Raawhiti Te Rangi As much has Milo had his misgivings about doing rose deliveries, he was tempted to say this one delivery was going to make up for all of it. Raawhiti had been spending a lot of time down on the pitch in the lead up to their next game so it was easy enough to...
  12. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving A Less Than Polite Delivery

    Yellow Rose for @Kyousuke Kurosawa Milo had at least thought letting his sister sign him up to deliver roses would let him get some good dirt on some of the school gossip going around today but so far he was starting to suspect Marnie had just assigned him a bunch of random kids from the art's...
  13. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving A Litto Rose for an Ito

    Yellow Rose for @Elise Ito Milo had barely even started his deliveries today and was already this close to giving up and just standing the Great Hall and yelling. How the heck was anyone supposed to find the other deliverers without just walking in a circle? If it didn't mean having to face...
  14. Milo Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Ahead of the Rest

    Yellow Rose for @Aine Thompson Milo didn't know how exactly Marnie had managed to out maneuver him into delivering roses yet here he was, on Valentine's day with a bucket of them and a frown. He'd been waiting outside of the Charms room before class, eyes stuck on what appeared to be a singing...
  15. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone to Play Pretend

    Pink Rose for @Friday Weeks Marnie had enough trouble keeping track of all the Weeks girls on a regular day, only really confident she could pick out Monday from the lineup (though maybe that was cheating considering he was the only boy), but with the school under the chaos of roses it was...
  16. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For a Heartbreaker

    Red Rose for @Emmanuel Okoye As one of the organizers, Marnie knew it was fully in her power to delegate her next to rose someone else. Literally anyone else. But once she'd seen it on her list, she couldn't ignore the curiosity of who could possibly be sending Emmanuel a red rose. Sure, he'd...
  17. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Deserves Better

    Yellow Rose for @Yuelia Rossingol The ground was still a little marshy from when it'd been raining the other day but Marnie was still happy to be outside for a break from the castle, doing a loop of the grounds to see if she could catch any of her deliveries (or any lost deliverers) before...
  18. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Would Prefer Black

    Yellow Rose for @Osiris Vale Marnie had never quite gotten the stereotype that Slytherin's were scary, some of her favourite people were Slytherins, but she had admit from what she'd heard about her next delivery, she was at least a little wary as she asked her way around the house table until...
  19. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Owed an Apology

    Pink rose for @Kyon Lockwood The student lounge was one of the better catch-all spots for delivering roses between meal times and Marnie was happy to stop by as she did a long loop from the Hufflepuff Common Room to her next class. She felt like she'd been around half the school already and...
  20. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving And the Final One for You

    Yellow rose for @Dorian Fitzwilliam Anisha was exhausted, but thankfully she only had one more rose to deliver. Dorian was the one she had saved for last, he'd be easy to find. She headed over to the library, moved over to his usual table and slumped into a seat next to him. "Delivery for a...