📜Emoticon Story Competition 📜

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
19th Birthday Emoticon Story Competition!

Welcome to the emoticon story competition! We are challenging you to write a story with as many emoticons and as few words as you can!

An Example: said:
Once upon a time there was a :donna: . This :donna: was an incredibly :woot: . Other :mad: :donna: 's got :doh: whenever :woot: :donna: :woot: ed. :woot: :donna: finally realized that the :mad: :donna: 's hated who he was, because he was so :woot: . :donna: was very, very :cry: . :donna: decided to go for a walk, and on his walk he met :pat: and :kaitlyn: . These two seemed very unique, and loved :donna: for being :woot: and :creep: . :donna: went back to his village and went all :emzies: on their behinds. Then :donna: left and lived :woot: ever after with :pat: and :kaitlyn:

The End.

This year's story theme is surprise party!

The Rules.
  • Site Rules apply!
  • Your story must relate to the theme and include tthe following emojis: :party::DE: and an animal Emoticon of your choosing.
  • You have two weeks (until May 14th) to enter!

The Prize!

Apart from bragging rights, the user with the most highly voted story will also receive a very special 'Emoticon Story Winner' user colour and symbol by their chosen character's name!

Have fun! I can't wait to read your stories!

~Cyndi :cyndi
Last edited:
Last call for entries!
It was :)'s birthday but :) was :( because :hug: were :zip: all day. :) :wub: 🐴riding for :party: but :DE: said 🐴 was :yawn:. :hug:were :pop:and did not wish :) a :D :party:. :) went home to :cry: where :hug: were :woot::frantics: for :party:.The 🐴 was there too and :DE: who planned the whole surprise :party:. :) felt :D spending her :party: with :DE: and:hug:, but :) :wub: 🐴 because all :) wanted was to go 🐴riding all along. The End.
As we only had one entry by the deadline, Verity is the winner. I'll award your prize later today. :)

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