Closed A Little Birdie Told Me

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Being a little lost in her own world Senna had paid little attention to her friends last year. She knew she had. Josh was easier to keep up with since she would run into him in the common room plenty of times but Emmanuel was a lot more difficult. She had heard some news just before the break though. News she was keen on fact-checking him, keen to ask him about it and support him if he needed. But that's just making it sound way more intentional than her looking for Emmanuel actually was. She was mainly just curious and more than ready to catch up with her friend. "Emmanuel!" Sen called out as she walked into the student lounge, noticing her friend already there after she had asked him to meet up. She dropped down on the sofa next to him with her legs crossed and her arm against the armrest so she could look at her friend. "How're you doing? How was your break? Also..Imight'veheardsomethingaboutyougoingondateswhatsupwiththat?" She grinned, lowering her voice a little but still rambling when she arrived at her third question.
Emmanuel had settled on the sofa of the student lounge to be able to read a little before the start of his classes. His father had just published the book he was reading and he wanted to have read it before he got too busy with his OWLs. He was enjoying it, it was a tad more complex than the last ones but he didn't mind that. He was waiting to spend time with Senna, since it had been a while, and he was keen to see how she was doing. Emmanuel wasn't reading long when she sat down in the spot next to him. he closed the book over and smiled. "Senna," he greeted as warmly as she had greeted him. "I am good, it was nice, might want to repeat that last question," Emmanuel said with a little laugh.
Senna nodded when Emmanuel answered her questions, glad her friend had been doing well. She grinned when he didn't quite catch her last question. Or maybe he acted like he didn't, but that wouldn't be much like him. "Well.." She started, again lowering her voice a little in case she had a) heard wrong or b) he might not want everyone to know about it if she had heard right. "I might've heard some talk in the hallways about you going on like, a group date? Or was it a one on one date? I'm not sure but it was something to do with some sort of date." Sen said, smiling as she softly poked his arm with every word she said next. "So what's that about, huh?"
Emmanuel smiled easily at her friend and laughed lightly at what she before giving a little nod. "Well, it's a little of both," he said. "Although I don't think the first one was a date, just people hanging out," Emmanuel did just think it was friends hanging out, that had reminded him that he liked Penny, and maybe it just made sense to spend more time together. "Penny and I went on a was nice, fun," he said with a happy tone. It had been fun, she was nice. "She's pretty,"
Senna listened attentivel as Emmanuel tried to answer her question. She wanted to know everything and since Emmanuel was her friend she felt very little need to not let her curiousity take over. She was slightly disappointed when he mentioned the group thing had been more of a hang out, a grin slowly spreading across her face when he then said he did go on a date with Penny. "That's good," She nodded, glad he had fun. It would be a shame to go on a date and leave with a disappointing feeling. "She is very pretty." Sen chuckled. "Glad you're having a nice time."
Emmanuel gave a little nod. "Yeah," he said. "It's fun to go on a date," he said. He liked Penny, she was nice and it felt like it was the right thing to do, to ask her out. She liked him and it just made sense when that happened. "At the end, I asked her to be my girlfriend," he said, dropping that piece of information in pretty casually. Keeping an eye on her to see what reaction Senna might have to that news. He hadn't really told anyone about it yet.
Senna chuckled when Emmanuel said it was fun to go on a date. She wouldn't know, but she bet it was. It was nothing more than spending time with someone you liked after all. She was glad her friend had fun though, happy to see him living his life. "You did not!" Sen exclaimed, mouth dropping open when he mentioned he had asked Penny to be his girlfriend. "No, you didn't. You did? That's so cute!" She smiled in excitement for her friend.
Emmanuel laughed at her reaction to it. It was sweet in a way, he thought it was the sort of right after a date to ask her out. That was what people did. So he had and he liked it. "I did," he replied with a little nod, feeling the excitement that Senna was feeling for him. "What about you? Any rumours or dates I should know about?" he thought he might be able to help his friend if they were crushing on someone or had gone on a date.
Senna had to admit she was slightly disappointed she hadn't heard anything about this before but she also realized that just meant she needed to try harder to keep up with her friends. Which was especially difficult when they were in different houses and she was always somehow keeping herself busy with lots of different things. "Me? Hmm, no. Nothing like that going on." She replied with a small shrug after thinking about it for a second.
Emmanuel gave a little smile, a little surprised that she really had nothing going on. He knew that they were still young, but she just was a nice person, and friendly, and wasn't that enough. "We're still young, no need to jump in," he said, trying to avoid her feeling bad about not, he wasn't sure if she would or not, but wanted to be sure. "How was your break anyway?" he shifted the conversation slightly.
Senna wasn't too worried about not going on dates of having really anything going on in that department whatsoever. She was sure she'd eventually run into someone she liked sooner or later. Plus, she had other things to worry bout right now. "It was uh.. fine. Good. Yeah, good." She replied to Emmanuel's question, cringing at her own attempt to be casual about it. She had no doubt her friend wouldn't buy that. She didn't even buy it. But maybe he would surprise her.
Emmanuel immediately saw through her attempt to answer the question. He got the impression she did too, though she'd been the one to say it. "Do you want to try again?" he asked, nudging her with his elbow in a friendly manner. "You don't have to, but we are friends, I promise you that I'll keep anything a secret that needs to be," he was mostly trying to assure her that he could be a good friend, that he could be there for her if she wanted him to be.
Senna let out a dry chuckle when Emmanuel asked if she wanted to dry again. "Sorry." She apologized. She knew he was her friend, knew he would do everything he told her to. She just wanted to ruin the happy conversation they'd been having. "It wasn't that good." Sen admitted honestly with a small shrug. "I feel like I'm losing all of my Muggle friends and then my parents tell me my mom's pregnant and now I can't help but imagine how much more they might prefer their new baby because it probably won't be away at a boarding school all the time growing up." She rambled on. "And I mean I love magic but it's making things so complicated."
Emmanuel shrugged. "We're friends, no apology necessary," he told her, since he didn't need her to apologise. If she had really wanted to not tell him, he would've been fine with it. Emmanuel kept his gaze on her as she spoke, and listened to her issue. It wasn't one he knew anything about, since unlike her, he didn't have that muggle link or that worry. "I doubt they'll prefer any one child over another," he assured her easily. Since above all other things, that was important. "I am sorry you feel like you are losing friends, and that things are being made complicated because of magic," he couldn't think of a solution or something that would help her. "You are an amazing friend, it is their loss if they can't handle you being away,"
Senna nodded at Emmanuel's response, although she wasn't sure she could agree with everything he said. It all seemed so much more complicated in her mind but perhaps that was because she was in the middle of it. He had an outsider view. One that could maybe help her see things in a slightly different perspective. "I don't know, isn't a baby much more fun than a teenager that's away from home most of the year?" She responded with a shrug. She was sure her parents wouldn't ever stop loving her, but it seemed so much easier for them to just throw all of their love and attention onto the baby once it was born. "Thanks." Sen smiled when Emmanuel called her a good friend. Even if she knew that wasn't true. Her muggle friends kept trying and she was the one that kept pushing them further and further away. She was grateful for his support though and didn't want to keep going on about an issue that perhaps he might never fully understand.
Emmanuel shrugged a little, "Babies cry, all of the time," he said, trying to reassure her that while a baby was cute and that, it wasn't nearly that fun. A teenager was grown up and able to take care of oneself. Though she was at school, so it did probably complicate things a little. "In any case, I'm here, if you want to chat, or vent, or cry," he told her, giving her a little nudge with his elbow. "I am always happy to be there for you." Emmanuel knew that it was sometimes difficult to be there for people when there was so much else going on, but he also knew, no matter what he would try to be there for his friends.
Senna snorted when Emmanuel mentioned babies crying all the time. He wasn't wrong and she could only imagine the sleepless nights her parents would have to endure if this baby was as fussy as she had apparently been when she was young. If it did, maybe it would turn out to be just as chill as she was. Which would be a win for everyone. "I know." She nodded confidently when he told her he would always be there for her. "Thanks." Sen added with a small smile before not so subtly changing the subject back to his girlfriend. "Also you better promise to update me more on what's going on with you now that you've got a girlfriend." She grinned.
Emmanuel didn't miss the change of subject and he wished they could linger on it a bit longer, so he could press how good of a friend he thought Senna was, but Emmanuel let it go. If she didn't want to talk about it, then he wasn't going to badger on about it. "Of course I will," he said in response, though even now he wasn't sure there was much to tell, or would be much to tell. "It honestly hasn't really changed much of how we used to be," he admitted about him and Penny. "It's an extra step and label, but we've not changed,"

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