Closed A Little Visit

Lucy Montague

Inquisitive | Friendly | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
After history of magic class, Lucy made her way to the conglomerated arts room. She couldn't believe she'd never been there before. She must have gotten distracted by the outdoors - that was one of her favourite things, after all. She was excited to visit and excited to talk more with the boy she'd met. The year was half gone and she still felt like she could do with some more friends. He seemed really nice, and they'd gotten along so far so she was optimistic. When she entered the room, she was amazed. It was full of so many things - instruments, easels, all sorts of supplies. It was magical - it truly was. She rushed over to the piano, despite not knowing really how to play, and plodded a few notes, making a short tune up on the spot. She knew enough music theory to manage that much at least. Smiling, she looked up at Deus. "This place is amazing!" she declared. "Are you in the arts club?" She felt momentarily embarrassed that she'd joined yet never actually come to the room itself. But it didn't matter. She was making up for lost time now.
Amodeus loved making new friends! Especially if he met them in fun ways, like talking in class. He skipped down to the arts room with Lucy in tow. He was quick to move over to his ocarina, picking it up and copying the tune she played. He was still a little clumsy with it, but he made a shaky attempt that was close enough to what he wanted. He laughed at her question, turning to her. "Nah," He responded easily. "I got lost on my way to the fair and missed it." He countered. "Are you?"
Lucy smiled, impressed at his ability to copy her little tune. She didn't even know the instrument he'd picked up, but it looked cool. "Oh, no! That sucks. I reckon they should put up signs around the place, especially for first years. It's fun to get lost but if it means missing out..." Lucy made a sad face. "Oh, but yeah, I'm in the conglomerat...conglo...the arts club," she finished, finding the word hard. "So it's kind of funny I've never been here actually. I play violin in the dorm room mostly, I hope it doesn't bother anyone. Hey, that was pretty cool that you copied me with that, uh, little wind instrument. I've never seen one before. What is it?" Lucy asked inquisitively.
Amodeus listened to her, an easy smile on her face. "We could meet up here and play?" He offered to her. When she asked about his instrument, he lit up all over again. "It's an ocarina!" He told her. His was a simple wooden one. "It's really easy, here," He played the tune again, a little slower, showing her how he did it. When he was done, he offered it out to her in both hands, smiling happily. "Try it!"
Lucy smiled back, a bright grin on her face. "Yeah, that sounds fun!" Lucy agreed whole-heartedly. There were parts of practice that were tedious and boring but she could imagine them becoming less so with her newfound friend. "We could do duets and things! Or improvise?" she offered, though she wasn't as confident at doing that. Her training background really was classical in nature; improvisation wasn't something taught much. But she felt like she could give it a go. Lucy gently took the ocarina from Deus' hands and looked at it curiously for a moment. She put it to her lips and tried to copy what Deus had done - it came out a little shrill at first, making her cringe slightly, but then she started to make a better sound with it. She struggled to copy exactly what Deus had done, but more or less got the gist of it. "Wow, that's fun," she said afterwards, though a little breathless from trying too hard with her breathing. "Do you play any other instruments?" she asked curiously.
Deus lit up as she agreed, and nodded eagerly to her suggestions. He loved it. He loved making new friends, and Lucy was just so much fun!! He couldn't help but giggle, sitting cross legged and folding his hands under the front of his legs, smiling so hard it made his face hurt a little bit. He giggled as she played. "It's so fun," He agreed. He shook his head at her question though. "No, just this one!" he offered easily. "I like this one a lot," He told her, brushing his hair back from his face.
Deus' smile was infectious, and Lucy found herself smiling right back with almost the same intensity. She nodded hearing it was the one instrument he played - she only really played violin, so she understood sticking with one instrument. Anything she knew about piano she had had to learn for music theory class. She thought the ocarina was cool, and suited Deus pretty well, though she couldn't exactly put her finger on why. "Oh, I bet they have violins around here somewhere. We can try play together now!" Lucy exclaimed, starting to search the room for storage space where instruments might be found.
Amodeus lit up and jumped onto his feet, rushing around and searching. "I love it!" He giggled, looking in every nook and cranny, until finally he found an old violin. "Oooh, is this it?" He asked, picking up the instrument and turning, going onto one knee and offering it up to her with both hands like an offering. "One violin," He tried to speak sincerely, his head hung and his eyes closed, but he was smiling so hard his face hurt.
Lucy couldn't help but grin too. She really liked Deus, he was fun to be around. Lucy tried to make her face serious but only half-succeeded as she said: "Thank you, kind knight." She took the violin delicately from him. It looked old, a little worn, but she wouldn't know what state it was really in until she played it. Experimentally she plucked a few of the strings. They weren't particularly in tune, so she kept plucking them, adjusting the tuner as she tried to hear it out. She really should have been using a tuning fork or something, but she felt like she had a decent enough grasp on hearing notes that she trusted her inner judgement. "There!" she declared after a few minutes. "Now I just need a bow." She peered over at where Deus had found the violin, trying to spot it.
Amodeus giggled, absolutely loving this new game. "My liege," He gave her a dramatic bow, one hand to his heart and holding out the other arm above him and to the side. When she questioned about a bow, he looked over, spotting it on the floor a little tucked away. He grabbed it quickly and offered it up in the same manner. "Forgive me for not having it ready, your highness," He offered in a dramatic act- he was having a great time, pretending to be a real knight in her service.
"I will forgive you this once, fair knight," Lucy said, receiving the bow from Deus and trying not to giggle. She was having too much fun playing pretend. She lifted her bow, and played an open string, checking her tuning was sound. She smiled when she heard it was good. Lucy then paused in thought. "Should I play something and they you try and join in?" she asked curiously. "Or do you have a song in mind we can do?" Lucy was happy with either, she just wanted to know they were on the same page. That was important, after all.
Amodeus smiled, and hopped up, sitting down on top of a nearby table and sat, bending his legs and crossing his feet under his knees. "You play! I'll try to hop in," He countered, picking up his ocarina. "It's more fun that way!" He declared, ready for their new game.
"Okay!" Lucy said, thinking that was definitely the easier option for her. She considered what to play for a moment, then placed her bow on her string and got her fingers in position. She started to play something not too fast, not too slow, a simpler piece she'd learned a few years ago that her muscle memory knew well. It had pauses in it where an orchestra might join in, which she thought would be a great place for Deus to either echo or elaborate on what she was playing.
Amodeus waited for Lucy to start, swaying along to her music and listening, his mind whirling. He started playing along, a similar melody but still different, and their music seemed to almost dancing together in his mind, taking dips and twirls and honestly he was just loving every moment of it.
Lucy was enjoying herself. It was a lot of fun to have someone play with her - she'd forgotten just how much. Their music danced together, complementing one another. It was blissful, and Lucy kept playing, keeping up her concentration on both her instrument, and what Deus was doing. It was a mind workout, but it was enjoyable. When she reached the end of the piece, she slowed down for a triple-stop chord. She wanted to clap, but her hands were full, so she slapped against her thigh instead. "That was brilliant!" she exclaimed. "So much fun. You're really good, I was impressed," she said honestly. It was the most fun she'd had in a long time, and she was pleased.
Amodeus giggled as the music ended, jumping up and doing a dumb little dance. "I think we're having a great time!" He countered, trying to catch her up and twirl her. "We should do that more often! You were soooo amazing, you play so well!" He laughed, before falling onto the floor, laying out with his arms and legs spread.

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