Open A Pretty Garden To Explore

Dominic Owens-Lee

adopted | american | life's cool
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Dominic was very excited to be at Hogwarts and start his journey in the castle. It was a lot bigger than he had ever expected and he was hoping he would soon be able to find his way around without a problem. With some time to spare before class, Dominic made his way out onto the grounds, wondering what he could find. He kept walking until he noticed a rather pretty garden that seemed opened to the public. There were all sorts of flowers there that seemed extremely well looked after and he wondered what was so significant about it. Without knowing if he could, Dominic picked one of the dandelions and then tucked it behind his ear. A souvenir was definitely a good idea and something he could bring back with him to his dormitory. He wondered if Marley knew about this place and opted to tell her about it soon.
Artemis Vasilakis was starting to wander over to the Hogwarts Gardens a fair amount. She loved the gardens and how it had so many plants that she could paint, so she was out there once again, with a satchel full of supplies - even though there were not many in there because she painted small canvases anyway. She was about to find a spot to paint a pretty flower for her sisters, she noticed that there was another Hufflepuff out here as well, and even put a dandelion behind his ear. She cocked her head to the side, and rather than warn him that she was there, she simply announced, a little loudly, "You know, I can braid some of these flowers together to make a crown and it would look better than a single flower. It might feel lonely all by itself." Artie smiled warmly, and wanted to see if she could do that for him. She might make one for herself too. Then she could take a picture and send it to her siblings to show how happy she was!
As Dominic heard a voice, he jumped a little, turning around to see a fellow first year speaking to him. He was afraid it was a professor for a moment. He definitely hadn't been at the school long enough to start getting himself into trouble, so he was thankful that it was just another student his age. She offered to braid some flowers together for him. "Oh that would be so cool!" he exclaimed, excited at the opportunity. "How do you braid them together? Can you teach me?" He figured if he was going to learn anything at Hogwarts it was how to work with the plants, and making pretty things out of them definitely sounded interesting.
Artemis giggled when she managed to scare her classmate just a little bit. She smiled even more when he said that it would be cool if she could teach him how to braid them. The Hufflepuff beamed, "Yeah! Let me show you!" Artie sat down on the ground and started to pick several flowers. "I was taught by an elder sister. You tie these knots like this, and after so long... tada!" Artie held up a small crown and held it to her peer. "I am Artemis Vasilakis by the way!" She started to braid herself another one for herself, and put it on her head. She smiled brightly with it, since she was glad that she managed to make one with pink and white petals for her.

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