Open A Rose For You

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
(open after @Caro Taylor )

Ducking her head into the Hogwarts Monthly room, Poppy looked around for Caro. She hadn't talked to the older Slytherin girl much but they had worked on the newspaper together and was happy to be delivering a rose to her. Poppy was truly enjoying this hectic day of runny around the castle passing out flowers. Seeing the looks of surprise and excitement, were priceless! She eventually spotted Caro in the corner, looking over photos. "Are those for the next issue?" She asked, momentarily forgetting why she was there in the first place. "Oh and I have a rose delivery for you!" she said excitedly.
Caro was beyond relieved this would be her last Valentines in this place. Looking at the monstrous piles of roses some of her classmates somehow accrued while Caro held on to her paltry one or two roses always felt like insult to injury, and the sooner this was over, the better. She had decided to once again hide out in the Monthly rooms for the majority of the day. She had photos to develop, and maybe people would leave her alone in here. So far the day had been peaceful, and Caro was looking over the pictures she had taken in the holidays when the door opened. She looked up, relieved to see it was just one of the new kids on the paper and looked back at her work, shaking her head without looking up at Poppy's question. "Nah, just pictures from the holidays." Caro winced at the girl's next comment and she turned her now steely gaze on the first year, eyes boring through Poppy in frustration. "Give it to me then." She said coldly, holding her hand out.
Poppy was distracted, looking at the photos on the table. "They look nice." she was saying as the older girl bluntly responded. She straightened at the tone and handed her the rose as she started digging around her bag for the note that went with it. Poppy rummaged around and finally felt something and pulled it out. It was a note but not the right one. She laughed awkwardly. "Whoops, that's not right." and started digging around again. Poppy knew she should have kept her bag more organized, and she started to feel her face start to flush in embarrassment. She held up the bag to get a better look. There it was! "And here is your note!" she said triumphantly when she got her hands on it and handed it over with a bright smile.

Thanks for being a part of Accio! It would not be the same without you!

Caro sighed, frustrated as she watched Poppy fumble around with what should have been an easy task. Of course. She tapped her foot slightly as she waited, accepting the note once Poppy finally found it. "Thanks." Caro said bluntly, opening the note and taking a quick glance. Of course... form message from Vader. Whatever. Caro crumpled it up and stuffed it in her pocket, dropping the rose itself on the table beside where she was working and returning her attention to the photos.
Poppy watched as Caro crumpled the note and dropped the rose on the table. She was confused and hovered by the table. Most people were happy with their roses or at least smiled at the note. As much as Caro intimidated her, she couldn't help but ask. " not like the rose? Who was it from?" Poppy asked shyly.
Caro had expected to be left alone, but of course she wouldn't get so lucky. She sighed at Poppy's questions, torn between being impressed at the girl's journalistic instincts and irritated by the questions. "It was fine, it just wasn't anyone special. Just a thank you." She said icily, not looking up from her work. Maybe if she ignored Poppy hard enough, the girl would leave.

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