🌹 Rose Giving Anyone In There?

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Soren was almost through his list of roses, and was down to two Ravenclaws. He was on his way up to the towers when he thought he heard something from the old lavatory. He hesitated, listening. Was that... music? He peeked in, looking around to see where the noise was coming from.
Weston had quickly realized that on Valentine's Day, the Great Hall was the place to be. A lot of the deliverers seemed to head there to find their recipients, making the place the perfect spot for people-watching. That's where Weston was headed now — or rather, it was where he would have been headed, if it weren't for the mysterious music playing on the fifth floor.

There was no way Weston could not investigate this eerie music that seemed to echo through the walls. He followed the noise, down one corridor and up another, until he found himself outside of an old bathroom. Weston had once tried playing his guitar in there, and it sounded like someone else was doing the same now. "Is someone in there?" he asked the boy who was peering in, blocking the doorway.
Soren almost jumped at the voice behind him, turning to look at the boy that had shown up. "Shh!" Soren quickly shushed him, peeking back into the bathroom. He shut the door a bit, turning again to look at the boy. "I was looking for some guy named Weston for my rose deliveries, but I think someone is in there," He whispered, pointing to the door he had almost shut. "Wanna check it out?" He asked in the same low voice, and without waiting, he snuck into the bathroom and tried to get a peek at what could possibly be happening inside.
Weston's eyes widened when the boy shushed him. "Wha- sorry," he said in an exaggerated whisper. Was there a ghost? Was that why they had to be quiet? Weston tried to get a better look, but the boy pulled the door back. "Wait, I'm Weston!" he exclaimed in his usual too bright tone before realizing that he was supposed to be whispering. "Sorry, yeah, let's go," Weston said, bringing his voice back down to a whisper as he followed the boy inside.
Soren lit up when the boy said he was Weston. He slowed, holding the rose and the note behind him for the other boy. "I'm Soren, call me Rin," he introduced, and once Weston had the rose, he started sneaking forward again.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Don't get eaten by an eel today.

Weston smiled and nodded. "Okay, Rin, got it. You can call me Wes." He took the rose and note eagerly, immediately unfolding the slip of paper. It was from Indi, and he grinned at her message. He too had mentioned the eel in his rose to her, and he was very glad that she had decided to work with him on their eel-documenting project. Suddenly remembering that there was a mystery at hand, Weston glanced up to see that Rin had continued to sneak forward. "See anything?" he whispered, craning his neck as he pocketed the rose and the note.

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