Astraea Vale

Astraea Vale

Climbing Ivy
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pine Wand with Doxy Wing Core


Full Name:
Astraea Carine Vale


Name Meaning:
Astraea is a feminine name of Greek and Latin origin meaning “star-maiden” or “starry-night.” It is a Latinized version of the Greek name Astraia which is derived from the Greek word aster, meaning “star.” (From thebump.)

Astraea gets her middle name from her mother, Carine which is a Late Latin name derived from cara meaning "dear, beloved".

Means "valley" in Portuguese, ultimately from Latin vallis. Topographic name for someone who lived in a valley, Middle English vale (Old French val, from Latin vallis). The surname is now also common in Ireland, where it has been Gaelicized as de Bhál (from behindthename).

Nickname(s) or alias:
Astraea's mother calls her her 'Little Climbing Ivy' (may she grow well and strangle).
Astraea's parents are the only ones that are allowed to call her anything other than her given name.

Astraea was born and identifies with female.

Astraea was born on the 31st of August, 2048.

Sexual Orientation:
Astraea is currently not interested romantically, or sexually in any person.

Mexican/Puerto Rican

Place of birth:

Puerto Rico

Currently lives:
New Zealand

Wealth status:
Astraea's parents are rather wealthy.

From Carine's biography
Astraea resides with her parents, uncle and two siblings in an old farm house in rural New Zealand. The house is historical and has a lot of character and is rumored to be haunted. The house does appear to be in some level of disrepair on the outside but is well decorated and taken care of by magic on the inside. It has a significant amount of land around and a vast garden which her mother uses to grow flowers and potions ingredients.

Languages Spoken:
Astraea is fluent in English and it is the predominant language that she uses. Astraea knows a few Spanish phrases and is interested in learning more about her heritage.

Relationship status:
Astraea is single.

Jenna Ortega

Astraea is slightly below average height for her age.

Hair Colour:
Astraea's hair is jet black.

Hair Style:
Astraea will most commonly be seen with her hair in braids, one down each side. Aside from the sentimentality of her mother doing her hair most mornings, Astraea finds having her hair in braids the easiest way to move around, where her hair does not get into her face.

Eye Color:
Astraea's eyes are dark brown, in an almond shape.

Astraea does not have any piercings.

Astraea currently only has her ears pierced.

Preferred Style of Clothing:
While Astraea doesn't have an intense interest in fashion, her mother's style has certainly influenced her. Astraea is drawn to darker colours and styles and will often be wearing magical styled clothing. If she were to wear muggle clothing, it would often be a black dress, preferably a high cut neck, or collared. Although she has asked her mother to paint her nails a blood red before, black nails are her go-to.

Astraea barely wears any jewelry, though her ears are pierced. She will occasionally wear stud earrings when requested for a 'formal' dinner.

Astraea doesn't not smoke.

Astraea does not drink.

Astraea does not have any allergies.

At first glance, Astraea can be seen to be a socially awkward person. The truth is that she isn't awkward, she generally just doesn't like, or understand people. She prefers her own company however she is endlessly loyal to those she does love. Astraea is confident in who she is, and does not care if people dislike her - it has been said that Astraea finds joy in discovering someone's hate for her. Astraea doesn't have a filter, and will say exactly what she thinks, when she thinks it. She is stubborn, though she sees this as commitment. Once she finds a love for something, she will often obsess over it. Nothing can come between her and her beliefs, and she will always stand up for what she believes in. Astraea knows what she wants, and will often not let anything get in her way.

Personality Type:
Architect; INTJ-A
Introverted individuals tend to prefer fewer, yet deep and meaningful, social interactions and often feel drawn to calmer environments. Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality, often dismissing emotions in favor of logic. They tend to see effectiveness as more important than social harmony. Assertive individuals are self-assured, even-tempered, and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and tend to be self-confident when striving to achieve goals. Rational and quick-witted, Architects pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. In their quest to find better ways of doing things, they aren’t afraid to break the rules or risk disapproval – in fact, they rather enjoy it. They bring a single-minded drive to their work, applying the full force of their insight, logic, and willpower. And heaven help anyone who tries to slow them down by enforcing pointless rules or offering poorly thought-out criticism (From 16personalities).

Astraea has great interest in magic and will discover a love for darker arts as she grows older.
Astraea has also found great love in astronomy.
Astraea has a fondness for knowledge, and as long as the subject interests her, Astraea loves to read, and study as much as she can about the subject.
Astraea quite enjoys walking - just walking and thinking.

Astraea hates the idea of a 'typical teenage' party; a bunch of people crowded around each other, being silly and doing stupid things sounds like torture - and not the good kind.
Along those lines, the idea of spending hours in forced communication with someone, or any social event does not sound like an ideal evening to Astraea.
Astraea finds people with overly positive personalities, sickly.

Fears and Phobias:
Although Astraea would never admit a fear or phobia, Astraea is terrified of losing her loved ones. They are few and far between, and though she shows it in unusual ways, Astraea truly does love the people she allows in her life.

Astraea becomes utterly devoted to the task at hand, which she strives to complete with perfection. She is ambitious, goal orientated and driven
She is very loyal to her loved ones, and though she is driven to make their lives a misery, no one else is allowed to. Only she can persecute her family.
Astraea is incredibly confident in herself and her abilities.

Astraea's confidence also comes as a weakness, as it is to a point of arrogance. She absolutely believes that she is correct and infallible, and anyone that tries to tell her otherwise is seen as inferior to her. Obviously this causes tension in relationships but it can also cause Astraea to miss important information or input. Following this, Astraea will hardly ever apologize for any mistake she comes to realize she has made.
Astraea can be dismissive of other people's thoughts and emotions and is overly critical of people.

Pet Peeves:
"Live, laugh, love" etc sayings.
Loud laughter.
People who encroach on her personal space.

You always try hard. You value hard work and when you're confronted with a problem or a difficult task, you don't give up until you succeed. Failure never stops you in your tracks. You are extremely persistent and you encourage others to work hard, too. (from quizony)

People who are arrogant tend to have an elevated sense of self-worth, leading them to believe they are better than other people. They tend to see themselves as superior to others.

Astraea is motivated by her thirst of knowledge and her need to know. She doesn't like not knowing something, and she becomes obsessed with the topic until she figures it out.

Goals and Ambitions:
Astraea is determined to learn as much as she can about magic - all sorts of magic. While fame and glory isn't something
Astraea strives for, if she were to be remembered after her death, it would be for her knowledge and wisdom.

Favorite Colour:

Least Favourite Colour:

Favourite Season:
Autumn and Winter

Taste in Music:
Astraea is a big fan of classical - mostly piano compositions.

Astraea is very good at retaining information and being able to eloquently write and speak.
She has the skill of being able to keep her resting face as unemotional as possible.

Love Style:
Practicality rules for this type. Logic is used to determine compatibility and future prospects. High importance is placed on whether a potential mate will be suited to meeting their needs whether social or financial.


Mother and Relationship:
Astraea's mother is Carine Vale. She has a strong and close connection with her mother, and almost everything she has learnt has been from her.

Father and Relationship:

Astraea's father is Yves Vale. Astraea is also close to her father and would do anything for him.

Siblings and Other Family Members:
Osiris Vale; Brother, 2 years younger.
Ulric Vale; Brother, 7 years younger.
Faster Vale; Uncle (Father's brother).



Astraea has a black cat named Echo.

First Kiss:

First Crush:

First Love:

Past Relationships:



As far as personality traits go, the Erumpent patronus also represents determination, and a strong will. Generally speaking, it also has been insinuated that the Erumpent is relatively calm until provoked, where it will ram its horn into any threat.

Patronus Memory:
Not only on receiving her pet cat Echo, but upon discovering it didn't like anyone else's company but hers (and her mothers).

Resourceful, intelligent, independent


It would be herself, forced to have conform, forced into wearing color, having to work a mundane job.

Blood Status:
Astraea has mixed blood

Wand and Description:
Knotted 14" Sturdy Pine Wand with Doxy Wing Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Pine wands are often found in the hands of the 'loner', they do not protest creative and new uses of magic and this is perhaps why they seem to be the wands most successfully used with non-verbal magic.
Core: Doxy wing cores produce unstable wands. They are excellent for hexes and jinxes, and for those who plan on practicing dark arts.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Hogwarts House and Feelings:
Astraea was unsure and unbothered by which House she would be placed in, though based on the descriptions of the Houses, she had thoughts about being placed in Ravenclaw. Somewhat surprised by being placed in Slytherin, Astraea understood the Hat's reasoning that while it saw her thirst for knowledge, her ambition pushed it over to the snake side. Astraea is quite comfortable being placed in the Dungeons and the aesthetic of the Common Room.

Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and isn’t afraid to improve skills through diligent and consistent practice.

Astraea would be absolutely heart broken if something were to happen to her family.
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What is your real name, birth name, and the name you use most often?
"My name is Astraea Carine Vale. The name I use is Astraea."

Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where you get it?
"My mother calls my her 'Little Climbing Ivy'. Her and my father are the only ones allowed to call me by anything other than my proper name."

What do you look like? Be as descriptive as possible.
"If you looked at the picture, you would get the idea. But my hair is black, straight and long. I usually wear it in braids. I also usually wear eye liner. My eyes are brown."

How do you dress most of the time?
"If it's black, I will wear it. I like most of my body to be covered."

How do you "Dress up"?
"I might wear nicer shoes."

How do you "Dress down"?
"I might not wear shoes."

What do you wear when you go to sleep?
"My nightshirt."

Do you wear any jewellery?

In your opinion, what is your best feature?
"My eyes. If only looks could kill."

What's your real birth date? What age are you at the time of this interview?
"Thirty-First of August. I am eleven."

Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde etc?
"We live in a rural, old farm house. My mother takes care of it, it is well decorated and has a nice sized lawn."

What is your most prized mundane possession?
"My cat Echo from my parents."

What one word best describes you?
What was your family like?
"My parents are grossly in love. My brothers are annoying. People have called us 'outcasts', for the different things we love. We enjoy the darker side of life, and are proud that this makes us unique. Although I will always try to murder my brothers, we will also always be there for each other."

What is your first memory?
"Watching a bat attempt to and successfully catch a moth, then eat it."

What was your favourite toy?
"The fake guillotine mother bought for us."

What was your favourite game?
"Throwing rocks at Osiris."

Who was your best friend when you were growing up?

What is your fondest childhood memory?
"It wasn't too long ago that I received a cat. She doesn't like anyone but myself and my mother. I knew it was love when she scratched Ulric's face."

What is your worst childhood memory?
"When Ulric was born."

What hobbies do you have?
"I am quite fond of reading, but the thing that makes me the most content is watching the stars."

Who is your worst enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along.
"My brothers. They're stupid, dull and the world would be better without them."

What annoys you more than anything else?
"Optimistic personalities."

What would be the perfect gift for you?
"I'd rather you didn't."

What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
"The Galaxy."

What time of day is your favourite?
"Midnight. The world is quiet and the stars are out. Everything else is dark."

What kind of weather is your favourite?
"Rain and thunder."

What is your favourite food? What is your least favourite food?
"I quite enjoy both Shiokara and Fugu. Marshmallows are disgusting."

What is your favourite drink?
"Iced Drinks."

What's your favourite animal?
"I don't mind the company of a cat."

Do you have any pets? Do you want any? What kind?
"I have a cat named Echo."

What do you find most relaxing?
"Watching the stars, or reading a book. Or watching Osiris try to swim with a rock filled bag on his back."

What habit that others have annoys you most?
"The ability to talk so incredibly loud. Or over talking."

What kind of things embarrass you? Why?
"Not knowing something I should know."

What don't you like about yourself?
"Being in a student filled school, I suppose having the ability to tolerate people would be something I'd wish for."

How would you like to look?
"I'm fine as I am."

Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi or something else?
"I haven't put any thought into this, but if someone was able to keep my interest, I would not mind their gender."

Describe the perfect partner for you.
"Someone who is interesting and intelligent. They don't care about opinions of others."

Do you ever want to get married and have children?
"It is not my greatest ambition in life."

Have you ever been in an argument before? Over what, with who, and who won?
"Plenty. I always strive to win."

Have you ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won?
"Plenty. With my brothers."

What do you feel most strongly about?
"Astronomy, and the ability to be whoever I want to be."

Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that?
"I usually know what's best, and will often go with what I think."

Is it okay for you to cry? When was the last time you cried?
"No. Crying is for the feeble and infirm."

Interview questions were created by Rich Taylor, and can be found right here, originally posted by Laura Cushing. Any edits are made by Pheeb, for the purpose of fitting into Hogwarts New Zealand's world.

Astraea grew up with her parents and brothers in New Zealand. Although she was born in Puerto Rico, she was adopted into the Vale family as an infant, and sees Carine and Yves as her proper parents. Astraea has never had any interest in finding or searching out for her 'birth parents'; she fits in quite well with the Vale family. As the first born, Astraea grew a strong connection to her parents, and was quite discontented at the arrival of her brothers; she was around two when Osiris was born and seven when Ulric was born.
The siblings have an odd way of showing their love for each other, especially Osiris and Astraea. The only time Osiris and Astraea are on a team is when they gang up against Ulric. There are a lot of pranks, physical and mental fights between them. Astraea often prefers the mental fights, as she sees herself much more intelligent.
Astraea grew to love the things her mother loved, and found herself drawn to the dark objects and aesthetic of the household. She never knew that her family was considered the oddballs until it was spoken, but she found it didn't bother her at all, rather she reveled in the fact that there were people that didn't like her.
Astraea spent most of her childhood exploring by herself, and learning. She loved learning, and knowing more things than other people. She enjoyed listening in on conversations adults were having - she loved it even more when she joined in on the conversations and surprised the adults. Most of the time, Astraea enjoyed her own company and the only other company she would often hold would be with her family. One of her favorite pastimes is learning from her mother; she thinks of her as the best teacher in the world.

Pockets Full of Posies - Carine Vale; Astraea and her mother discuss what school she wants to attend.
Cold Winter Breeze - Georgia Aster; Astraea is quite surprised by the meeting of another intelligent person.
For the first time - Horror Zhefarovich; Astraea meets a rather intriguing person on the train.


Sharing an Room - June Davenport, Tempest Vero; The First Year Slytherin Girls meet each other.
Paint It, Black - Horror Zhefarovich; The two enjoy each other's company, again.
Trick or Treat? - Darlessa Karlsen; Darlessa offers Astraea some Halloween candy.
Flying Lesson One - Multiple; Astraea refuses to participate in Flying Class.
I open the door to Heaven and Hell - Horror Zhefarovich; Horror and Astraea attend the Yule Ball, dressed in casual clothes as protest.
Pink Petals in the Dark - Anisha Khatri; Astraea receives a rose
A Cold Valentine - Horror Zhefarovich; Astraea and Horror discuss the roses they received.

First Year Pictures
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