Open Attempting To Hide From Everyone

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory dashed from the great hall. He left a trail of blood as he did so, and half blinded by a lack of glasses and tears. Gregory didn't want to go to the dorm just yet, fearing a little that he'd end up spotted by the head of house who'd want to know what happened, or that someone would freak out. He didn't want to be surrounded by dormmates or friends who maybe potentially cared. He didn't want to go to the library or the student lounge because those places were close to hufflepuff, he didn't want to go to the lavatory because then he was getting close to Gryffindor. In the end, he went to the one place, he felt safe, knew that Cassius wouldn't enter and that was close enough by.

The arts room. The people who had invited him to that club were nice. They were hufflepuffs, but he couldn't imagine them being mean to him. They would let him hide. He rushed into the room, finding it blessedly empty, and found a corner in amongst art supplies to sit in. He was used his school jumper to stem the blood now that he was sat, but it hurt to put pressure on his nose. His head hurt too, and he hoped that the tears and lack of glasses were the only things preventing him from seeing. Gregory sobbed softly, he hadn't done anything this time, someone had framed him, knowing exactly how to annoy Cassius. His glasses were smashed, and he didn't know how he'd the bruise or his nose. Gregory buried his face in the bloodied jumper. Magic was cool, this world was cool, but god. He wanted to go home.

Gregory wanted to just go home.
Ewan was still feeling more than a little out of place at Hogwarts. Everything seemed so fake that every time he tried to sit down and write about his experience to his grandmother, he was convinced that they would think he was joking and just playing a trick on them. The only thing that had seemed even vaguely natural was that he'd made one friend in his class that he got on well with, had similar interests to, and was fun to be around. It would be safe to tell his family about Angel if nothing else, and maybe if he just left the part about magic, out.

After deciding that drawing around the school in chalk wasn't quite satisfying enough for the Gryffindor, he'd set out in search of the conglomerate arts room, hoping it would be filled with more creative opportunity than the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom; a room he discovered included no art in it whatsoever. As he located one of the rooms, he thrust open the door in the hopes of meeting with various paint pots and pencils. On the one hand, he did, however the room wasn't actually empty of people. Ewan gave a little chuckle at the sight of the boy sitting in the corner of the room, not realizing at first that he seemed upset. "Hey you've got the whole room to yourself! Lucky." Ewan stepped inside the room and glanced around the room, "this room looks like it's the most... muggle.. muggled? Muggleish.." Ewan didn't know the word for it, heck he didn't even know he was a wizard until a few weeks ago.
Gregory was in tears, unable to control his crying, sobbing with shaking shoulders. Overwhelmed with the sadness over what had happened. He wanted to go home, to not bother with learning any of the cool magic. He would snap his wand and walk away because at least as a muggle he didn't have to worry about how much people seemed to hate him. Gregory didn't look up from his face buried into his jumper, just too in the midst of all his emotions to notice or even hear that someone else was in the room.
Naomi and her cousin were Buddhists, half of the year they can't celebrate Buddhist holidays with their family. But both of them get around with it by celebrating it in the castle grounds like the gardens. Today they're celebrating Madhu Purnima, a Honey Full Moon Festival. They offer honey or fruit at shrines or monasteries but today they only have a statue that needs to be drawn in a white cardboard. It didn't said that they're not allowed to bring a real statue but it'll just be heavy for their luggage.

Naomi ran inside the Conglomerated Arts Club to fetch the cardboard and some acrylic paint and brushes. Everything they needed for the offering was gathered, specially the honey that they got from the Wild Patch Club. As she entered the room, she immediately noticed somebody were already inside. "Heeeyyy, don't mind me, I'm just getting some stuff." Naomi said as she continued to gather what she needed. Until when she rounded a corner that she stopped and saw another person. Naomi looked at the first person she saw, "Is he okay?" She asked whilst turning her attention to the person on the floor.
Ewan didn't really know why that other boy was sat on the floor by himself, but as he started crying more fiercely he realized that maybe something was wrong. "You know, you'll probably have more fun if you find someone to hang out with," the young Gryffindor mentioned, thinking that if the boy was having a bad time then maybe he shouldn't be on his own. He glanced to the door as he heard another person approaching. Maybe that was his friend now! He grinned to the older girl immediately, although the smile began to fade when it occurred to him that she too had just come in for some art supplies. He watched her for a moment, intrigued and fascinated that he wasn't the only one that seemed to be yearning for something a bit more creative, "Oh," stopping in his thoughts, he turned his head back to the boy on the floor. "Probably not." he shrugged, taking a few steps closer towards him. After a moment, Ewan finally decided to try and find out more from the student who was burying himself in his jumper. "What are you doing down there?"

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